line "^{super 2}End Date represents the earliest of: (1) query end date, or (2) most recent year-month of data for which all of a Data Partner's data tables (enrollment, dispensing, etc.) have at least 80% of the record count relative to the prior month.";
* Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 02/24/2021
* PURPOSE: This macro produces all report appendices
* - Appendix A (List of DPs) is always produced
* - For ReportType = L2T2 and T4L2, an aggregated VARINFO appendix is produced if any analysis
* - For ReportType = L2T2, a weight distribution appendix is produced if any analysis uses
* IPTW or PS stratum weighting
* - For ReportType = L1T2 or L1T2 an appendix listing HHS or CB region is produced if either
* stratification is requested in the report
* - For ReportType = T6, an appendix listing the computed start marketing date foe each cohort
* at each data parter is produced
* - If an APPENDIXFILE is specified, code list appendices are generated
* Sentinel Coordinating Center
%macro appendix_output();
%put =====> MACRO CALLED: appendix_output;
/* Geographic Location Appendices */
%macro appendixGEOG(_data=, _rptlabel=, _tab=);
%if %index(&_rptlabel.,HHS) %then %do; %let geog = HHS; %end;
%else %do; %let geog = Census Bureau; %end;
ods proclabel = "&_tab.";
%let apptitle = %bquote(&_tab.. &_rptlabel.);
proc report data = &_data nofs nowd spanrows missing headskip
style(header)=[rules=none vjust=b bordertopcolor=black borderbottomcolor=black] split='*'
style(report)=[rules=none frame=box cellpadding =1.75pt];
columns (region staterri);
define region / display "&geog. Region" style(column)=[width=1.5in just=L] style(header)=[background = lightgrey];
define staterri/ display "States and Territories" style(column)=[just=L] style(header)=[background = lightgrey];
compute before _page_ / style=[background=white font_weight=bold just=L foreground=black vjust=b bordertopcolor=black
borderbottomcolor=black tagattr="wrap:yes" nobreakspace=off];