caption=%quote(&aggregated.Adjusted Characteristics of &grouplabel. (Propensity Score Matched&dpcomma., &ratiolabel.&caliperlabel.), in the &database. from &startdateformatted. to &&enddate&periodid.formatted.&subgrouptitle.));
* Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 02/09/2021
* PURPOSE: This macro createas a dataset with 1 row per table and figure that is used as the
* report table of contents
* -tableofcontents: dataset containing table of contents
* Sentinel Coordinating Center
%macro create_tableofcontents();
%put =====> MACRO CALLED: create_tableofcontents;
/* Utility macro to add row to tableofcontents file */
%macro addtotoc(tabnum=, caption=, appendixtype=);
set tableofcontents end=eof;
appendixtype = "&appendixtype.";
/* Initialize empty table and table number */
length tabnum $25 caption $500 appendixtype $30;
call missing(tabnum, caption, appendixtype);
/* Build table of contents */