title=%quote(&reporttitle. Codes Among Pregnant&nonpreglabel.Cohort&s. in the &database. for &maskedid. from &startdateformatted. to &enddateformatted., without Adjusting for Same-Day Dispensings),
* PROGRAM: output_report.sas
* Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 02/24/2021
* PURPOSE: This macro drives the calling of each macro to produce a report
* - destination: ODS destination. Valid values: excel or pdf
* - footfontsize = font size for footnotes, typically set as 1 pt smaller than fontsize
* - bordersize = line thickness for top/bottom report lines
* Sentinel Coordinating Center
* info@sentinelsystem.org
%macro output_report(destination = , font=, fontsize=, footfontsize=, bordersize=);
%put =====> MACRO CALLED: output_report;
* Set up and initialize report template
%report_template(outputtype = &destination., fontsize = &fontsize., font = &font.);
%if &destination. = excel %then %do;
ods excel file="&output.qrp_report.xlsx" NOGTITLE style = qrp_report_excel
embedded_footnotes= "yes"
%if &destination. = pdf %then %do;
/* Prevent path from being written to log */
ods pdf file="&output.qrp_report&reportid..pdf" NOGTITLE dpi=300 pdftoc=1 style = qrp_report_pdf;