* PROGRAM: report_template.sas
* Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 02/01/2021
* Last modified: 02/01/2021
* PURPOSE: This program is used to create a template for qrp report outputs
* -template named qrp_report_&outputtype.
* - outputtype: The file type the template will be used for (ex: Excel)
* - fontsize: The size of the font
* - font: The font family
* Sentinel Coordinating Center
* info@sentinelsystem.org
Macro to create template to use in reports
%macro report_template(outputtype = ,fontsize = , font =);
define style qrp_report_&outputtype.;
notes "QRP Report Style";
%if %str("&outputtype.") = %str("excel") %then %do;
borderbottomcolor = black