* PROGRAM: t1t2conc_output.sas
* Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 09/21/2021
* PURPOSE: This macro drives the creation of T1/T2 and Concomitant Tables proc report output
* - final_[t1cida/t2cida/t2conc]
* - final_dps_[t1cida/t2cida/t2conc]
* - repdata.table&tablenum.&tableletter
* - dataset = Input dataset (aggregated t1cida/t2cida/t2conc dataset)
* - varlist = List of character columns to be printed
* - stratavar = Stratification variable
* - varwidth = Width of variable
* - varsmallcells = Determine small cell count highlighting
* Sentinel Coordinating Center
* info@sentinelsystem.org
%macro t1t2conc_output(dataset=,varlist=,stratavar=,varwidths=,varsmallcells=,title=);
where table="&reporttable" and not missing(footnote)
set lookup.lookup_footnotes(where=(type = "t1t2conc" and order in ( 0
%if %index(&stratavar.,race) %then %do;
%if %str("&outfootnotes.") = %str("1") %then %do;
%if %str("&outfootnotes.") = %str("2") %then %do;
%if %str("&outfootnotes.") = %str("3") %then %do;