* PROGRAM: qrp_report.sas
* CREATED (mm/dd/yyyy): 06/14/2021
* LAST MODIFIED: 08/18/2022
* PURPOSE: Aggregate QRP outputs from data partners and produce an Excel/PDF report
* Sentinel Coordinating Center
* info@sentinelsystem.org
* Version Date Initials Comment (reference external documentation when available)
* ------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
* See QRP Report Documentation Modification History for release notes
/* Section 1: User inputs */
/* Location of QRP request inputfiles folder */
/* Location of data folder */
/* Location of QRP report package */
/* Enter the name of the CREATEREPORTFILE file*/
******* END OF USER INPUT ******
******* (Consult with SOC or Sentinel team leader if you feel edits are required) ******
/* NOTE: This is standard SOC environment setup code -- Do Not Edit */
options nosymbolgen nomlogic;
options ls=100 nocenter ;
options mprint mprintnest ;
options errorcheck=strict errors=0;
options dkricond=error dkrocond=error mergenoby=warn;
options dsoptions=nonote2err noquotelenmax ;
options validvarname = v7;
/* Section 2 - SOC macros for cleaning paths and libname assignments */
/* If reportroot is missing, assign default path */
%if %symexist(reportroot) = 0 or %length(&reportroot) = 0 %then %do;
%let rc = %sysfunc(filename(fr,.));
%let reportroot = %sysfunc(pathname(&fr.));
/* Find all \ slashes and turn them into / for both Windows/Unix compatibility */
%let reportroot = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&reportroot,\,/));
/* Remove sasprograms subdirectory to get root path */
%let reportroot = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&reportroot,sasprograms,/));
%let rc= %sysfunc(filename(fr));