**************************************************************************************************** * PROGRAM OVERVIEW **************************************************************************************************** * * PROGRAM: baseline_aggregate.sas * Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 10/20/2020 * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PURPOSE: The macro imports and concatenates both Level 1 and Level 2 baseline tables * * Program inputs: * - Level 1 tables in the format: [runid]_baseline_[cohort]_[periodid].sas7bdat * - Level 2 tables in the format: [runid]_adjusted_baseline_[periodid].sas7bdat * * Program outputs: * - Dataset where each row represents a baseline metric and each column represents a DP value. * Groups in the GROUPTABLE are stacked * * PARAMETERS: * - dpsiteid: name of DP to import. Will be used as libname - dpnumber: number to assign to each DP after transpose * - level: 1 or 2 * - grouptable: name of the dataset that contains groups, runIDs, and infomation pertaining to the * baseline table name to include in the report. * - outdata: name of the aggregated dataset * - periodid: monitoring period # * * * Programming Notes: * - This macro is designed to be called within a loop that loops through each data partner * * - For level 1 requests, the baseline table file name will be dynamically derived using * &dpsiteid as the libname and the file name as: [runid]_baseline_[cohort]_&periodid * * - GROUPTABLE must contain the following variables: GROUP, RUNID, COHORT, and MERGEVAR * For level 2 requests, only GROUP and RUNID need to be populated. GROUP will represent the ANALYSISGRP. * For level 1 requests, COHORT is optional and will be used to correctly name the associated baseline * table ([runid]_baseline_[cohort]_[periodid].sas7bdat), MERGEVAR is required and is the name of * the key variable in the baseline table (group or analysisgrp) * * - It is assumed the user intends to import and aggregate all groups in the GROUPTABLE input file. * The user should restrict this file to only groups with a baseline table prior to executing * this macro. * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONTACT INFO: * Sentinel Coordinating Center * info@sentinelsystem.org * ***************************************************************************************************; %macro baseline_aggregate(dpsiteid = , maskedid = , dpnumber = , level = , grouptable = , outdata = , periodid = ); %put =====> MACRO CALLED: baseline_aggregate; /*********************************************************************************************/ /* Level 1 baseline tables /*********************************************************************************************/ %if %eval(&level.=1) %then %do; /*Use GROUPTABLE to create list of baseline tables and create dataset in statement*/ data _temp_baseline_tablenames; set &GROUPTABLE.; format baselinetablename $40.; if missing(cohort) then do; baselinetablename = lowcase(cats("&dpsiteid..",runid, "_baseline_&periodid")); end; else do; baselinetablename = lowcase(cats("&dpsiteid..",runid, "_baseline_", cohort, "_&periodid")); end; run; proc sql noprint; select distinct baselinetablename into: baselinetables separated by ' ' from _temp_baseline_tablenames; select count(distinct baselinetablename) into: num_unique_baseline_tables from _temp_baseline_tablenames; quit; %put Extracting baseline tables: &baselinetables.; /*Loop through each baseline table, import, stack groups*/ %do b = 1 %to %eval(&num_unique_baseline_tables.); %let infile = %scan(&baselinetables., &b., ' '); /*Ensure table exists: if it does not exist, write error to the log and abort*/ %if %sysfunc(exist(&infile.))=0 %then %do; %put ERROR: &infile. does not exist. Program will abort; %abort; %end; /*Merge table with GROUPSTABLE and only keep Groups/Analysisgrps in the input file*/ data _temp_baseline_tablenames&b.; set _temp_baseline_tablenames(where=(baselinetablename="&infile.")); call symputx('mergevar', mergevar); run; /*If lab covariates specified, create comma separated list to ensure they exist in data */ %let checkbaselinelabvars=; %if %length(&labcharacteristics) > 0 %then %do; proc contents data = &infile noprint out=_labvarsname(keep=name); run; %create_comma_charlist(inlist=%qsysfunc(compress(&labcharacteristics,%str(%"))), outlist=labcharscomma); /* Check to see if specified lab covariates exist */ proc sql noprint; select name into :checkbaselinelabvars from _labvarsname where upper(name) in (&labcharscomma); quit; %end; proc sql noprint; create table _temp_baseline_tablenum&b. as select x.* , y.runid , y.order , y.cohort %if %length(&labcharacteristics) > 0 and %length(&checkbaselinelabvars) > 0 %then %do; %do labvars = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&labcharacteristics)); %let labvar = %scan(&labcharacteristics,&labvars); , n_episodes - &labvar as &labvar._notestrecord label="No test record" %end; %end; %if "&mergevar" ne "analysisgrp" %then %do; , y.analysisgrp %end; , y.group as group1 from &infile. as x, _temp_baseline_tablenames&b. as y where x.&mergevar. = y.group; quit; %end; /*Stack baseline tables*/ data _temp_baseline_stacked; set _temp_baseline_tablenum:; run; /*if stratifying by data partner and collapse_vars = race, recode values 1-10 to Unknown*/ %if "&stratifybydp." = "Y" and "&collapse_vars." = "race" %then %do; /*confirm race vars exist on dataset*/ proc contents noprint data = _temp_baseline_stacked out = content_out; run; proc sql noprint; select count(name) into :race_cats from content_out where lowcase(name) like 'race_%'; quit; proc datasets nowarn noprint lib=work; delete content_out; quit; %if %eval(&race_cats>0) %then %do; /*type 6 - if any switch is collapsed, collapse all switches*/ proc sort data=_temp_baseline_stacked; by order %if &reporttype.=T6 %then %do; descending switchstep %end;; run; %let collapse_comparator = N; data _temp_baseline_stacked(drop=recode_:); missing R; set _temp_baseline_stacked; by order; /* Remove 0 from list and count */ %let race_cats_nozero = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&race_cats,0,%str())); %let race_cats_count = %sysfunc(countw(&race_cats_nozero)); /*Recode*/ if first.order then do; %do c_r = 1 %to &race_cats_count; %let race_value = %scan(&race_cats_nozero,&c_r); recode_&race_value. = 'N'; /*to track if another anchor switch or cohort collapsed*/ if 1 <= race_&race_value <= 10 then do; race_0 = sum(race_0, race_&race_value.); /*set recoded value to special missing value to track in code and final table*/ race_&race_value. = .R; recode_&race_value. = 'Y'; end; retain recode_&race_value.; %end; end; else do; %do c_r = 1 %to &race_cats_count; %let race_value = %scan(&race_cats_nozero,&c_r); if 1 <= race_&race_value <= 10 | recode_&race_value. = 'Y' then do; race_0 = sum(race_0, race_&race_value.); /*set recoded value to special missing value to track in code and final table*/ race_&race_value. = .R; recode_&race_value. = 'Y'; retain recode_&race_value.; end; %end; /*mark if comparator cohort*/ %if &reporttype. ne T6 %then %do; call symputx('collapse_comparator', 'Y'); %end; end; run; %if &collapse_comparator = Y %then %do; /*if there is a comparator cohort, need to recode other group if a row has been collapsed in 1 group. This is not needed for Type 6 because the at each switch, the # of patients will inherantly decrease, whereas for comparator cohorts this is not the case */ proc sort data=_temp_baseline_stacked out=_temp_baseline_stacked; by order descending &mergevar.; run; data _temp_baseline_stacked(drop=recode_:); set _temp_baseline_stacked; by order; /*Determine if other cohort was recoded*/ if first.order then do; %do c_r = 1 %to &race_cats_count; %let race_value = %scan(&race_cats_nozero,&c_r); recode_&race_value. = 'N'; if race_&race_value =.R then do; recode_&race_value. = 'Y'; end; retain recode_&race_value.; %end; end; else do; %do c_r = 1 %to &race_cats_count; %let race_value = %scan(&race_cats_nozero,&c_r); if recode_&race_value. = 'Y' then do; race_0 = sum(race_0, race_&race_value.); /*set recoded value to special missing value to track in code and final table*/ race_&race_value. = .R; end; %end; end; run; %end; %end; /*race exists on dataset*/ %end; /*collapse race categories*/ /*Transpose and rename variable holding metrics to DP&DPNUMBER*/ proc sort data=_temp_baseline_stacked; by analysisgrp group1 runid order cohort &switch_s; run; /*Determine the total number of episodes on the stacked dataset. A value of 0 indicates a default baseline table*/ proc sql noprint; select sum(n_episodes) into: total_episodes from _temp_baseline_stacked; quit; proc transpose data=_temp_baseline_stacked out=_temp_baseline_transposed; by analysisgrp group1 runid order cohort &switch_s; run; proc datasets library=WORK nowarn nolist; modify _temp_baseline_transposed; rename col1=dp&dpnumber.; rename _name_ = metvar; quit; proc sort data=_temp_baseline_transposed; by analysisgrp group1 runid order cohort metvar &switch_s; run; /* Change case of metvar from n_episodes to N_episodes for baseline datasets that have 0 total N_episodes */ %if &total_episodes. = 0 %then %do; data _temp_baseline_transposed; set _temp_baseline_transposed; length _label_ $&baselinelabellength; if metvar = 'n_episodes' then metvar = 'N_episodes'; /* Initialize _label_ variable when there are no patients in the cohort */ _label_=''; run; %end; /*if DPNUMBER =1 or &outdata does not exist, then output &outdata, else merge into existing outdata*/ %if %eval(&dpnumber.=1) | %sysfunc(exist(&outdata.))=0 %then %do; data &outdata.; set _temp_baseline_transposed; run; data _baseline_agg_&periodid.; set _temp_baseline_stacked; length dpidsiteid $6; dpidsiteid = "&maskedid."; run; %end; %else %do; data &outdata.; length metvar $32; merge &outdata. _temp_baseline_transposed(in=a); by analysisgrp group1 runid order cohort metvar &switch_s; run; data _baseline_agg_&periodid.; set _baseline_agg_&periodid. _temp_baseline_stacked (in=b); if b then dpidsiteid = "&maskedid."; run; %end; %end; /*level 1 baseline tables*/ /*********************************************************************************************/ /* Level 2 baseline tables /*********************************************************************************************/ %if %eval(&level.=2) %then %do; /*Loop through each runID, import, stack analysisgrps*/ proc sql noprint; select distinct runid into: unique_baseline_runids separated by ' ' from &GROUPTABLE.; select count(distinct runid) into: num_unique_baseline_runids from &GROUPTABLE.; quit; %do b = 1 %to %eval(&num_unique_baseline_runids.); %let runid = %scan(&unique_baseline_runids., &b., ' '); /*Ensure table exists: if it does not exist, write error to the log and abort*/ %if %sysfunc(exist(&dpsiteid..&runid._adjusted_baseline_&periodid.))=0 %then %do; %put ERROR: &runid._adjusted_baseline_&periodid. for &dpsiteid. does not exist. Program will abort; %abort; %end; /*Merge table with GROUPSTABLE and only keep Analysisgrps in the input file*/ proc sql noprint; create table _temp_baseline_tablenum&b. as select x.* , y.runid , y.order , &periodid as monitoringperiod length=3 from &dpsiteid..&runid._adjusted_baseline_&periodid. as x, &GROUPTABLE.(where=(runid="&runid.")) as y where x.analysisgrp = y.group; quit; /* Get lab covariate labels from L1 baseline table variables */ %if %length(&labcharacteristics) > 0 %then %do; data _temp_baseline_labcovars_&b.; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; set &dpsiteid..&runid._baseline_mi_&periodid.(obs=1); %end; %else %do; set &dpsiteid..&runid._baseline_&periodid.(obs=1); %end; run; %end; %end; /*Stack baseline tables*/ data _temp_baseline_stacked; set _temp_baseline_tablenum:; /*defensive: set metvar to uppercase*/ metvar=upcase(metvar); /*replace TOTAL with N_EPISODES and assign vartype to match L1 tables*/ if metvar = 'TOTAL' then do; metvar = 'N_EPISODES'; vartype = 'dichotomous'; if exp_mean=. then exp_mean = 0; if comp_mean=. then comp_mean = 0; end; run; /* If lab covariates specified, create comma separated list to ensure they exist in data */ %let checkbaselinelabvars=; %if %length(&labcharacteristics) > 0 %then %do; data _temp_baseline_labcovars; set _temp_baseline_labcovars_:; run; proc contents data = _temp_baseline_labcovars noprint out=_labvarsname(keep=name label); run; %create_comma_charlist(inlist=%qsysfunc(compress(&labcharacteristics,%str(%"))), outlist=labcharscomma); /* Check to see if specified lab covariates exist */ proc sql noprint; select name into :checkbaselinelabvars from _labvarsname where upper(name) in (&labcharscomma); quit; %end; %if %length(&labcharacteristics) > 0 and %length(&checkbaselinelabvars) > 0 %then %do; proc sort data=_temp_baseline_stacked; by metvar; run; * Get lab covariate labels; data _labvarsname; set _labvarsname; format metvar $30.; name=upcase(name); if index(name,"COVAR")>0; metvar=tranwrd(name, "MEAN_", ""); metvar=strip(tranwrd(metvar, "STD_", "")); drop name; run; proc sort nodupkey data=_labvarsname; by metvar; run; data _temp_baseline_stacked(rename=label=_label_); merge _temp_baseline_stacked(in=a) _labvarsname; by metvar; if a; if index(metvar, "_NOTESTRECORD")>0 then label="No test record"; run; %end; /*Add &DPNUMBER suffix to variables*/ proc datasets library=work noprint; modify _temp_baseline_stacked; rename exp_mean = exp_mean&dpnumber. exp_std = exp_std&dpnumber. comp_mean = comp_mean&dpnumber. comp_std = comp_std&dpnumber. exp_s2 = exp_s2_&dpnumber. comp_s2 = comp_s2_&dpnumber. ad = ad&dpnumber. sd = sd&dpnumber. exp_w = exp_w1_&dpnumber. exp_w2 = exp_w2_&dpnumber. comp_w = comp_w1_&dpnumber. comp_w2 = comp_w2_&dpnumber.; quit; proc sort data=_temp_baseline_stacked; by analysisgrp runid order table group1 group2 weight subgroup subgroupcat vartype metvar; run; /*if DPNUMBER =1 or &outdata does not exist, then output &outdata, else merge into existing outdata*/ %if %eval(&dpnumber.=1) | %sysfunc(exist(&outdata.))=0 %then %do; data &outdata. (drop=dpidsiteid) _baseline_agg_&periodid. (rename=(exp_mean&dpnumber.=exp_mean exp_std&dpnumber.=exp_std comp_mean&dpnumber.=comp_mean comp_std&dpnumber.=comp_std exp_s2_&dpnumber.=exp_s2 comp_s2_&dpnumber.=comp_s2 ad&dpnumber.=ad sd&dpnumber.=sd exp_w1_&dpnumber.=exp_w exp_w2_&dpnumber.=exp_w2 comp_w1_&dpnumber.=comp_w comp_w2_&dpnumber.=comp_w2)); set _temp_baseline_stacked; length dpidsiteid $6 monitoringperiod 3; dpidsiteid = "&maskedid."; monitoringperiod=&periodid; run; %end; %else %do; data &outdata.; merge &outdata.(in=a) _temp_baseline_stacked; by analysisgrp runid order table group1 group2 weight subgroup subgroupcat vartype metvar; run; data _baseline_agg_&periodid.; set _baseline_agg_&periodid. _temp_baseline_stacked (in=b rename=(exp_mean&dpnumber.=exp_mean exp_std&dpnumber.=exp_std comp_mean&dpnumber.=comp_mean comp_std&dpnumber.=comp_std exp_s2_&dpnumber.=exp_s2 comp_s2_&dpnumber.=comp_s2 ad&dpnumber.=ad sd&dpnumber.=sd exp_w1_&dpnumber.=exp_w exp_w2_&dpnumber.=exp_w2 comp_w1_&dpnumber.=comp_w comp_w2_&dpnumber.=comp_w2)); if b then do; dpidsiteid = "&maskedid."; monitoringperiod=&periodid; end; run; %end; proc sort data=_baseline_agg_&periodid.; by dpidsiteid analysisgrp runid order table group1 group2 weight subgroup subgroupcat vartype metvar; run; /*if lab covariates and views data are requested, need to create Covarlabunits only once since covariates are the same for all periods*/ %isdata(dataset=Covarlabunits); %if %eval(&nobs.=0) and %length(&labcharacteristics) > 0 and %length(&checkbaselinelabvars) > 0 and &outputviewsdata=Y %then %do; data Covarlabunits; set _labvarsname(where=(index(metvar, "LBUNIT")>0)); metvar=strip(tranwrd(metvar,"N_","")); metvar=substr(metvar, 1, index(metvar,"LBUNIT")-1); rename label=labunit; run; %end; %end; /*level 2 baseline tables*/ /*Clean up*/ proc datasets nowarn noprint lib=work; delete _temp_baseline_:; quit; %put =====> END MACRO: baseline_aggregate; %mend baseline_aggregate;