**************************************************************************************************** * PROGRAM OVERVIEW **************************************************************************************************** * * PROGRAM: baseline_compute.sas * Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 12/11/2020 * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PURPOSE: The computes aggregated baseline metrics and applies labels for each row of table * * Program inputs: * - Aggregated baseline table with the following variables: * - group1, group2 (optional) * - order * - metvar * - vartype * - switchstep (if reporttype = T6) * - exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp * - exp_std1-exp_std&num_dp * - exp_s2_1-exp_s2_&num_dp * - exp_w1_1-exp_w1_&num_dp * - exp_w2_1-exp_w2_&num_dp * - comp_mean1-comp_mean&num_dp (if group2 populated) * - comp_std1-comp_std&num_dp (if group2 populated) * - comp_s2_1-comp_s2_&num_dp (if group2 populated) * - comp_w1_1-comp_w1_&num_dp (if group2 populated) * - comp_w2_1-comp_w2_&num_dp (if group2 populated) * - ad1-ad_&num_dp and sd1-sd_&num_dp (if group 2 populated and covar balance computed) * - weight, table, subgroup, subgroupcat (if reporttype = T2L2 or T4L2) * * Program outputs: * - Dataset with additional aggregated columns * * PARAMETERS: * - datain: input dataset name * - dataout: output dataset name * - reporttype: Report type (type + level) * - numbaselinetablegrp: number of baseline table groups * - num_dp: number of data partners * - stratifybydp: Y/N to format DP specific metrics * - periodid: monitoring period # * * * Programming Notes: * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONTACT INFO: * Sentinel Coordinating Center * info@sentinelsystem.org * ***************************************************************************************************; %macro baseline_compute(datain=, dataout=, reporttype=, numbaselinetablegrp=, num_dp=, stratifybydp=, periodid=); %put =====> MACRO CALLED: baseline_compute; /* Create a labels dataset for subgroup header creation */ data init_labels; length label $&baselinelabellength sortorder1 sortorder2 3 sortorder3 sortorder4 8; grouper='Demographic Characteristics'; sortorder1=3; sortorder2=0; sortorder3=0; sortorder4=0; label='Age'; output; sortorder1=4; label='Sex'; output; sortorder1=5; label='Race'; output; sortorder1=6; label='Hispanic origin'; output; sortorder1=8; label='Year'; output; run; ***********************************************************************************************; * Loop through each requested baseline table in BASELINEFILE ***********************************************************************************************; %do b = 1 %to %eval(&numbaselinetablegrp.); data _null_; set baselinefile(where=(order=&b.)); if _n_ = 1 then do; call symputx('analysisgrp', analysisgrp); call symputx('runid', runid); if upcase(covarsort) not in ('A','O','C') then covarsort = 'C'; /*set C as default*/ call symputx('covarsort', upcase(covarsort)); call symputx('cohort', cohort); call symputx('unique_psestimate',unique_psestimate); /*computebalance defaults to Y for L2 tables*/ %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; call symputx('computebalance', 'Y'); %end; %else %do; call symputx('computebalance', upcase(computebalance)); %end; /*initialize to dummy value if missing*/ if missing(healthchar) then call symputx('healthchar', 'missing'); else call symputx('healthchar', upcase(healthchar)); if missing(medproduse) then call symputx('medproduse', 'missing'); else call symputx('medproduse', upcase(medproduse)); if missing(UtilizationIntensity) then call symputx('UtilizationIntensity', 'missing'); else call symputx('UtilizationIntensity', upcase(UtilizationIntensity)); if missing(labcharacteristics) then call symputx('labcharacteristics','missing'); else call symputx('labcharacteristics',upcase(labcharacteristics)); /*type 4 pregnancy specific parameters*/ %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L1") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; call symputx('pregnancychar', upcase(pregnancychar)); call symputx('outputinfantchar', strip(upcase(outputinfantchar))); call symputx('exposurechar', upcase(exposurechar)); call symputx('includenonpregnant', strip(upcase(includenonpregnant))); %end; %else %do; call symputx('outputinfantchar', 'N'); call symputx('includenonpregnant', 'N'); %end; /*initialize switch_count (used for type 6)*/ call symputx('switch_count',0); /* initialize switch_counter(# of switches) */ call symputx('switch_counter',0); /*if reporttype = T2L2, T4L2, or cohort = mi or includenonpreggroup = Y, or BASELINEGROUPNUM is specified then include COMP columns*/ if "&reporttype."="T2L2" | "&reporttype."="T4L2" | upcase(computebalance)= 'Y' | upcase(includenonpregnant) = 'Y' | cohort = "mi" | missing(baselinegroupnum)=0 then do; call symputx('includecomp', 'Y'); end; else do; call symputx('includecomp', 'N'); end; end; if _n_ = 2 then do; if missing(baselinegroupnum)=0 then do; call symputx('analysisgrp2',analysisgrp); end; end; run; %put creating baseline table for &analysisgrp; /*for L2 tables - need to reference PS/CS specific files to pull additional parameters*/ %let ratio = F; %let psfile = ; %let weightscheme = ; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; data _null_; set pscs_masterinputs(where=(analysisgrp = "&analysisgrp." and missing(subgroup))); call symputx('psfile', strip(file)); call symputx('psestimategrp', psestimategrp); %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") %then %do; call symputx('eoi', strip(eoi)); %end; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; call symputx('eoi', strip(groupname)); %end; if file = 'psmatchfile' then call symputx('ratio',upcase(ratio)); if file = 'stratificationfile' then call symputx("weightscheme",strip(upcase(strataweight))); run; %end; ***********************************************************************************************; * Execute %baseline_expand_parameters() ***********************************************************************************************; %baseline_expand_parameters(var =medproduse); %baseline_expand_parameters(var =healthchar); %baseline_expand_parameters(var =UtilizationIntensity); %baseline_expand_parameters(var =labcharacteristics); %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L1") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; %baseline_expand_parameters(var =pregnancychar); %baseline_expand_parameters(var =exposurechar); %end; %let covarlistlength = %length(&healthchar. &medproduse. &labcharacteristics. &UtilizationIntensity); ************************************************************* * Processing - need to: - determine cohortgrp associated with EOI cohort - extract cohort specific demographic values - extract cohortdef ************************************************************; %let cohortgrp = ; /*L1*/ %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T5/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; %let cohortgrp = &analysisgrp.; %end; %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T2L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; %if %str("&cohort") = %str("") %then %do; %let cohortgrp = &analysisgrp; %end; %if %str("&cohort") = %str("multevent") %then %do; data _null_; set infolder.&&&runid._multeventfile(where=(analysisgrp in ("&analysisgrp" %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; "&analysisgrp2" %end;))); if analysisgrp = "&analysisgrp" then call symputx('cohortgrp', strip(primary)); %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; else if analysisgrp = "&analysisgrp2" then call symputx('cohortgrp2', strip(primary)); %end; run; %end; %if %str("&cohort") = %str("overlap") %then %do; data _null_; set infolder.&&&runid._overlapfile(where=(analysisgrp in ("&analysisgrp" %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; "&analysisgrp2" %end;))); if analysisgrp = "&analysisgrp" then call symputx('cohortgrp', strip(primary)); %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; else if analysisgrp = "&analysisgrp2" then call symputx('cohortgrp2', strip(primary)); %end; run; %end; %if %str("&cohort") = %str("concomitance") %then %do; data _null_; set infolder.&&&runid._concfile(where=(analysisgrp in ("&analysisgrp" %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; "&analysisgrp2" %end;))); if analysisgrp = "&analysisgrp" then call symputx('cohortgrp', strip(primary)); %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; else if analysisgrp = "&analysisgrp2" then call symputx('cohortgrp2', strip(primary)); %end; run; %end; %end; %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T4L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; %if %str("&cohort") = %str("preg") | %str("&cohort") = %str("nopreg") %then %do; %let cohortgrp = &analysisgrp; %end; %if %str("&cohort") = %str("mi") %then %do; data _null_; set infolder.&&&runid._micohortfile(where=(milgrp="&analysisgrp")); call symputx('cohortgrp', strip(groupname)); run; %end; %end; /*L2*/ %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T2L2|T4L2/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; *T2: EOI group = cohortgrp - assigned to EOI above; *T4: EOI group = groupname - assigned to EOI above; %let cohortgrp = &eoi; %end; /*T6*/ %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T6/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; data _null_; set infolder.&&&runid._treatmentpathways (where=((analysisgrp="&analysisgrp." and switchevalstep = 0))); call symputx('cohortgrp', strip(group)); run; %end; /* Check if cohortgrp contains non live and/or mixed birth outcomes */ %if %index(&reporttype.,T4) %then %do; %let nonliveoutcomes=N; %let nonliveoutcomeslist=; proc sql noprint; select distinct preg_outcome into :nonliveoutcomeslist separated by " " from master_pregnancymeta where runid="&runid." and preg_outcomecat in ("NONLIVE" "MIX"); quit; %create_comma_charlist(inlist=&nonliveoutcomeslist, outlist=nonliveoutcomeslist1); data _null_; set master_cohortcodes(where=(runid="&runid." and group="&cohortgrp" and codecat="PO")); i=1; do while(scan(code, i, " ") ne ""); code2=upcase(scan(code, i, " ")); if code2 in (&nonliveoutcomeslist1.) then call symputx('nonliveoutcomes', "Y"); i=i+1; end; run; %end; /*Extract agegroup, sex, race, and hispanic requirements*/ data _tempcohort; set master_cohortfile(where=(runid="&runid." and cohortgrp="&cohortgrp")); if missing(agestrat) then call symputx("agestrat", "00-01 02-04 05-09 10-14 15-18 19-21 22-44 45-64 65-74 75+"); else call symputx("agestrat", upcase(agestrat)); if missing(sex) then do; call symputx("sex", '"F" "M" "O"'); end; else do; call symputx("sex", cat('"',tranwrd(upcase(strip(sex))," ",'" "'),'"')); end; if missing(race) then do; call symputx("race", '"0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "M"'); end; else do; call symputx("race", cat('"',tranwrd(upcase(strip(race))," ",'" "'),'"')); end; if missing(hispanic) then do; call symputx("hispanic", '"Y" "N" "U"'); end; else do; call symputx("hispanic", cat('"',tranwrd(upcase(strip(hispanic))," ",'" "'),'"')); end; run; %create_comma_charlist(inlist=&agestrat, outlist=agestrat1); /*Extract cohortdef - for L2 queries always 01, for T5 always 04*/ %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T1") %then %do; proc sql noprint; select distinct(t1cohortdef) into: cohortdef separated by ' ' from infolder.&&&runid._type1file(where=(group in ("&cohortgrp." %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; "&analysisgrp2." %end;))); quit; %end; %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T2L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; %if %str("&cohort") = %str("concomitance") %then %do; proc sql noprint; select distinct(conccohortdef) into: cohortdef separated by ' ' from infolder.&&&runid._concfile (where=(analysisgrp in ("&analysisgrp." %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; "&analysisgrp2." %end;))); quit; %end; %else %do; proc sql noprint; select distinct(t2cohortdef) into: cohortdef separated by ' ' from infolder.&&&runid._type2file (where=(group in ("&cohortgrp." %if &includecomp. = Y %then %do; %if %str("&cohort") = %str("") %then %do; "&analysisgrp2." %end; %else %do; "&cohortgrp2." %end; %end;))); quit; %end; %end; %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T4L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; data _null_; set infolder.&&&runid._type4file(where=(group="&cohortgrp.")); call symputx("cohortdef", strip(t4cohortdef)); run; %end; %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T2L2|T4L2/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; %let cohortdef = 01; %end; %else %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T5") %then %do; %let cohortdef = 04; %end; %else %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") %then %do; data _null_; set infolder.&&&runid._treatmentpathways (where=(analysisgrp="&analysisgrp.")); call symputx('cohortdef', strip(switchcohortdef)); run; %end; /* Restrict pregnancy outcome list to outcomes specified in pregnancychar parameter */ %let preg_outcome_list=; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L1") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; proc sql noprint; select catt("PREG_OUTCOME_",upcase(preg_outcome)) into :preg_outcome_list separated by "|" from master_pregnancymeta where runid="&runid." and catt("PREG_OUTCOME_",upcase(preg_outcome)) in (&pregnancychar.) order by descr; quit; %end; /* Initialize variables related to risk scores */ %let riskscoreslist=; %let riskscoreslist_quoted=; %let riskscoreslabels=; %let riskscorecats=; %let riskscores_with_cats=; %isdata(dataset=riskscorefile); %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do; proc sql noprint; select upcase(riskscore) into :riskscoreslist separated by " " from riskscorefile where runid="&runid." and upcase(riskscore) in (&healthchar. &medproduse. &UtilizationIntensity.) order by label; select label into :riskscoreslabels separated by "|" from riskscorefile where runid="&runid." and upcase(riskscore) in (&healthchar. &medproduse. &UtilizationIntensity.) order by label; select riskscorecat into :riskscorecats separated by "|" from riskscorefile where runid="&runid." and upcase(riskscore) in (&healthchar. &medproduse. &UtilizationIntensity.) order by label; select upcase(riskscore) into :riskscores_with_cats separated by " " from riskscorefile where runid="&runid." and upcase(riskscore) in (&healthchar. &medproduse. &UtilizationIntensity.) and strip(riskscorecat) ne "missing" order by label; quit; %create_comma_charlist(inlist=&riskscoreslist, outlist=riskscoreslist_quoted); %create_comma_charlist(inlist=&riskscores_with_cats, outlist=riskscores_with_cats); %end; /* Add cohortdef and variables that requires a footnote to baselinefile */ data baselinefile; length &riskscorelibrary. gestationalage nonliveoutcomes nonlivefn $1 cohortdef $5; set baselinefile; if order=&b. then do; /* Initialize standard risk scores variable indicators */ %do rskscore=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&riskscorelibrary., ' ')); %let riskscore=%scan(&riskscorelibrary., &rskscore., %str( )); &riskscore. = "N"; %end; %if %length(&riskscoreslist.) > 0 %then %do; %do rskscore=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&riskscoreslist., ' ')); %let riskscore=%scan(&riskscoreslist., &rskscore., %str( )); if index(upcase(healthchar),"&riskscore.") > 0 or index(upcase(medproduse),"&riskscore.") or index(upcase(utilizationintensity),"&riskscore.") then &riskscore. = "Y"; else &riskscore. = "N"; %end; %end; if index(upcase(pregnancychar),'GA_BIRTH') > 0 or index(upcase(exposurechar),'GA_FIRST') > 0 then gestationalage = "Y"; else gestationalage = "N"; %if %index(&reporttype.,T4) %then %do; nonliveoutcomes="&nonliveoutcomes"; if index(upcase(pregnancychar),'PREPOSTIND_NA') > 0 and nonliveoutcomes eq "Y" then nonlivefn="Y"; else nonlivefn="N"; %end; %else %do; nonliveoutcomes="N"; nonlivefn="N"; %end; cohortdef = "&cohortdef."; end; run; *********************************************************************************************** * Put total number of patients and episodes in macro variables and compute overall totals **********************************************************************************************; * Initialize macro variables to make them available within the scope of this macro; %let total_unadjusted_exp_episodes=0; %let total_Switchstep_0_exp_episodes=0; %let total_unadjusted_comp_episodes=0; %let n_switchstep_0_episodes_exp=0; %let n_unadjusted_episodes_exp=0; %let total_unadjusted_exp_patients=0; %let total_unadjusted_comp_patients=0; %let total_unadjusted_exp_patients=0; %let total_unadjusted_comp_patients=0; %let total_adjusted_exp_episodes=0; %let total_adjusted_exp_patients=0; %let total_adjusted_comp_episodes=0; %let total_adjusted_comp_patients=0; %let total_Switchstep_0_exp_patients=0; %do a = 1 %to &num_dp.; %let n_switchstep_0_episodes_exp&a=0; %let n_unadjusted_episodes_exp&a=0; %let n_unadjusted_episodes_comp&a=0; %let n_unadjusted_patients_exp&a=0; %let n_unadjusted_patients_comp&a=0; %let n_adjusted_episodes_exp&a=0; %let n_adjusted_episodes_comp&a=0; %end; %macro baselinecomputetotals(subgroup=, subgroupcat=); data _null_; set &datain.(where=(metvar in ('PATIENT', 'N_EPISODES') and table ne 'Adjusted' and order=&b. %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") %then %do; and switchstep = 0 %end; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; and subgroup="&subgroup." and subgroupcat="&subgroupcat." %end;)); total_exp_episodes = 0; total_exp_patients = 0; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; total_comp_episodes = 0; total_comp_patients = 0; %end; /*Number of Episodes*/ if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; total_exp_episodes = sum(of exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_unadjusted_exp_episodes", total_exp_episodes); %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") %then %do; call symputx("total_Switchstep_0_exp_episodes", total_exp_episodes); %end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; total_comp_episodes = sum(of comp_mean1-comp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_unadjusted_comp_episodes", total_comp_episodes); %end; %do a = 1 %to &num_dp.; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") %then %do; call symputx("n_switchstep_0_episodes_exp&a", exp_mean&a); %end; %else %do; call symputx("n_unadjusted_episodes_exp&a", exp_mean&a); %end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; call symputx("n_unadjusted_episodes_comp&a", comp_mean&a); %end; %end; end; /*Number of Patients*/ else if metvar = 'PATIENT' then do; total_exp_patients = sum(of exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_unadjusted_exp_patients", total_exp_patients); %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") %then %do; call symputx("total_Switchstep_0_exp_patients", total_exp_patients); %end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; total_comp_patients = sum(of comp_mean1-comp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_unadjusted_comp_patients", total_comp_patients); %end; %do a = 1 %to &num_dp.; call symputx("n_unadjusted_patients_exp&a", exp_mean&a); %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; call symputx("n_unadjusted_patients_comp&a", comp_mean&a); %end; %end; end; /*For L2 queries = number of patients is not computed since cohortdef = 01 (equal to number of episodes)*/ if "&reporttype."="T2L2" | "&reporttype."="T4L2" then call symputx("total_unadjusted_exp_patients", total_exp_episodes); %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if "&reporttype."="T2L2" | "&reporttype."="T4L2" then call symputx("total_unadjusted_comp_patients", total_comp_episodes); %end; run; %put total number of unadjusted group1 episodes for order=&b.: &total_unadjusted_exp_episodes.; %put total number of unadjusted group1 patients for order=&b.: &total_unadjusted_exp_patients.; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; %put total number of unadjusted group2 episodes for order=&b.: &total_unadjusted_comp_episodes.; %put total number of unadjusted group2 patients for order=&b.: &total_unadjusted_comp_patients.; %end; %mend baselinecomputetotals; %baselinecomputetotals(); ***********************************************************************************************; * Macro computes pooled metrics ***********************************************************************************************; %macro baselinecomputemetrics(table=, weight=, dataout=, labelout=, suffix=); * Recompute totals for subgroup. Overall already computed above; %if (%str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2")) and %str("&subgroup") ne %str("") %then %do; %baselinecomputetotals(subgroup=%str(&subgroup.), subgroupcat=%str(&subgroupcat.)); %end; /*Put total number of episodes into a macro variable for Adjusted tables - note: L2 only*/ %if "&table." = "Adjusted" %then %do; data _null_; set &datain.(where=(upcase(metvar)= %if &weight. = Unweighted %then %do; 'N_EPISODES' %end; %else %do; 'TOTAL_WEIGHTED' %end; and table = "&table." and weight = "&weight" and order=&b. %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; and subgroup="&subgroup." and subgroupcat="&subgroupcat." %end;)); %do a = 1 %to &num_dp.; call symputx("n_adjusted_episodes_exp&a", exp_mean&a); call symputx("n_adjusted_episodes_comp&a", comp_mean&a); %end; /*recompute total episodes for loop*/ total_exp_episodes = sum(of exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_adjusted_exp_episodes", total_exp_episodes); call symputx("total_adjusted_exp_patients", total_exp_episodes); /*Defensive for sex/race/hispanic computation*/ total_comp_episodes = sum(of comp_mean1-comp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_adjusted_comp_episodes", total_comp_episodes); call symputx("total_adjusted_comp_patients", total_comp_episodes); /*Defensive for sex/race/hispanic computation*/ run; %put total number of adjusted group1 episodes for order=&b.: &total_adjusted_exp_episodes.; %put total number of adjusted group1 patients for order=&b.: &total_adjusted_exp_patients.; %put total number of adjusted group2 episodes for order=&b.: &total_adjusted_comp_episodes.; %put total number of adjusted group2 patients for order=&b.: &total_adjusted_comp_patients.; %end; /*For T6 tables, put total number of episodes and patients in macro variable for current switch step and total number of episodes for prior switch*/ %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") and &switch_count > 0 %then %do; data _null_; set &datain.(where=(upcase(metvar) in ('PATIENT', 'N_EPISODES') and order=&b. and switchstep = &switch_count)); /*Number of Episodes*/ if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; %do a = 1 %to &num_dp.; call symputx("n_&table._episodes_exp&a", exp_mean&a); %end; /*recompute total episodes for loop*/ total_exp_episodes = sum(of exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_&table._exp_episodes", total_exp_episodes); end; /*Number of Patients*/ else if metvar = 'PATIENT' then do; %do a = 1 %to &num_dp.; call symputx("n_&table._patients_exp&a", exp_mean&a); %end; /*recompute total patients for loop*/ total_exp_patients = sum(of exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_&table._exp_patients", total_exp_patients); end; run; data _null_; set &datain.(where=(upcase(metvar)='N_EPISODES' and order=&b. and switchstep = %eval(&switch_count-1))); %do a = 1 %to &num_dp.; %let s_b = %eval(&switch_count-1); call symputx("n_Switchstep_&s_b._episodes_exp&a", exp_mean&a); %end; /*recompute total episodes for loop*/ total_exp_episodes = sum(of exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.); call symputx("total_Switchstep_&s_b._exp_episodes", total_exp_episodes); call symputx("total_Switchstep_&s_b._exp_patients", total_exp_episodes); /*Defensive for sex/race/hispanic computation*/ run; %put total number of switch &switch_count. episodes for order=&b.: &&total_switchstep_&switch_count._exp_episodes.; %put total number of switch &switch_count. patients for order=&b.: &&total_switchstep_&switch_count._exp_patients.; %end; /*if requested, collapse race categories when stratifybydp = N*/ %if "&stratifybydp." = "N" and "&collapse_vars." = "race" %then %do; data race_data; set &datain.(keep=table weight order metvar exp_mean: %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean: %end; where=(table="&table" and weight = "&weight" and order=&b. and metvar in ('RACE_1', 'RACE_2', 'RACE_3', 'RACE_4', 'RACE_5', 'RACE_M') %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; and subgroup="&subgroup." and subgroupcat="&subgroupcat." %end;)); /*compute aggregate sum*/ exp_mean0=max(0,sum(of exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.)); %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0=max(0,sum(of comp_mean1-comp_mean&num_dp.)); %end; run; /*Assign macro variable that will hold the count to add to and subtract from totals*/ %do c_r = 1 %to &racecount; %let race_value = %scan(&racelist,&c_r); %let race&race_value._exp = 0; %let race&race_value._comp = 0; %end; data _null_; set race_data(keep=metvar exp_mean0 %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0 %end;); %do c_r = 1 %to &racecount; %let race_value = %scan(&racelist,&c_r); if metvar = "RACE_&race_value." then do; if 1 <= exp_mean0 <= 10 %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; | 1 <= comp_mean0 <= 10 %end; /*collapse if other anchor date is collapsed*/ %if &reporttype.=T6 %then %do; | "&&t6base_collapse&race_value." ="Y" %end; then do; call symputx("race&race_value._exp", exp_mean0); %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; call symputx("race&race_value._comp", comp_mean0); %end; %if &reporttype.=T6 %then %do; call symputx("t6base_collapse&race_value.", "Y"); %end; end; end; %end; run; proc datasets nowarn noprint lib=work; delete race_data; quit; %end; /*collapse_vars = race and stratifybydp = N*/ /* If lab characteristics are requested, compute denominators for results/units to assign missing indicator */ %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; data _lbdenom(rename=metvar=denomvar %do i = 1 %to &num_dp; rename=exp_mean&i.=exp_lbdenom&i. %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; rename=comp_mean&i.=comp_lbdenom&i. %end; %end;); set &datain.(where=(table="&table" and weight = "&weight" and order=&b. %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; and subgroup="&subgroup." and subgroupcat="&subgroupcat." %end;)); if index(metvar, "COVAR") > 0 and not (prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) or prxmatch('/LBUNIT/',metvar) or prxmatch('/NOTESTRECORD/',metvar)) then output; if (prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) or prxmatch('/LBUNIT/',metvar)) and vartype="dichotomous" then do;; metvar=tranwrd(metvar,"LBUNIT","LBRES"); output; end; keep analysisgrp table weight metvar %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; %do i = 1 %to &num_dp; exp_mean&i. %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean&i.%end; %end;; run; proc sort data=_lbdenom; by analysisgrp table weight denomvar %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end;; run; data &dataout.&suffix.; set &datain.(where=(table="&table" and weight = "&weight" and order=&b. %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; and subgroup="&subgroup." and subgroupcat="&subgroupcat." %end;)); if prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) or prxmatch('/LBUNIT/',metvar) then do; if vartype="continuous" then denomvar="N_" || strip(metvar); else denomvar=substr(metvar, 3, index(metvar, "LBRES") + index(metvar,"LBUNIT")-3); end; else denomvar=""; run; proc sort data=&dataout.&suffix.; by analysisgrp table weight denomvar %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end;; run; data &dataout.&suffix.; merge &dataout.&suffix.(in=a) _lbdenom; by analysisgrp table weight denomvar %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end;; if a; drop denomvar; run; proc datasets nowarn noprint lib=work; delete _lbdenom; quit; %end; %else %do; data &dataout.&suffix.; set &datain.(where=(table="&table" and weight = "&weight" and order=&b. %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; and subgroup="&subgroup." and subgroupcat="&subgroupcat." %end;)); run; %end; /* Lab result/unit denominators */ data &dataout.&suffix.; missing R; length metvar $32; set &dataout.&suffix.; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; format subgroup subgroupcat $11.; subgroup="&subgroup."; subgroupcat="&subgroupcat."; %end; /*set up total count variables and arrays*/ total_exp_episodes = &&total_&table._exp_episodes.; /*Sum of episodes in group1*/ total_exp_patients = &&total_&table._exp_patients.; /*Sum of patients in group1*/ agg_exp_w = 0; /*Sum of weights*/ agg_exp_w2 = 0; array num_exp(&num_dp.) exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.; array std_exp(&num_dp.) exp_std1-exp_std&num_dp.; array exp_s2(&num_dp.) exp_s2_1-exp_s2_&num_dp.; array exp_w(&num_dp.) exp_w1_1-exp_w1_&num_dp.; array exp_w2(&num_dp.) exp_w2_1-exp_w2_&num_dp.; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; total_comp_episodes = &&total_&table._comp_episodes.; /*Sum of episodes in group2*/ total_comp_patients = &&total_&table._comp_patients.; /*Sum of patients in group2*/ agg_comp_w = 0; agg_comp_w2 = 0; array num_comp(&num_dp.) comp_mean1-comp_mean&num_dp.; array std_comp(&num_dp.) comp_std1-comp_std&num_dp.; array comp_s2(&num_dp.) comp_s2_1-comp_s2_&num_dp.; array comp_w(&num_dp.) comp_w1_1-comp_w1_&num_dp.; array comp_w2(&num_dp.) comp_w2_1-comp_w2_&num_dp.; %end; %if "&weight" = "Weighted" %then %do; agg_v_exp = 0; /*Needed to compute SD for variable adjusted analysis*/ agg_v_comp = 0; agg_sw_exp = 0; /*Needed to compute SD for variable adjusted analysis*/ agg_sw_comp = 0; array vk_exp(&num_dp.) vk_exp_1-vk_exp_&num_dp.; array vk_comp(&num_dp.) vk_comp_1-vk_comp_&num_dp.; %end; /*Aggregate weights*/ agg_exp_w = sum(of exp_w1_1-exp_w1_&num_dp.); /*Sum of weights - exposed group*/ agg_exp_w2 = sum(of exp_w2_1-exp_w2_&num_dp.); /*Sum of squared weights - exposed group*/ %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; agg_comp_w = sum(of comp_w1_1-comp_w1_&num_dp.); /*Sum of weights - comparison group*/ agg_comp_w2 = sum(of comp_w2_1-comp_w2_&num_dp.); /*Sum of squared weights - comparison group*/ %end; /*Computations for weighted SD*/ %if "&weight" = "Weighted" %then %do; do i = 1 to &num_dp.; if (exp_w(i)) > 0 then vk_exp(i) = ( (exp_w(i)**2) - exp_w2(i)) / exp_w(i); if (comp_w(i)) > 0 then vk_comp(i) = ( (comp_w(i)**2) - comp_w2(i)) / comp_w(i); if vk_exp(i)>0 then agg_v_exp = agg_v_exp + vk_exp(i); /*denominator of Sw2 for SD calculation*/ if vk_comp(i)>0 then agg_v_comp = agg_v_comp + vk_comp(i); /*denominator of Sw2 for SD calculation*/ end; %end; /*Aggregate lab covariate denominators*/ %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; agg_exp_lbdenom = sum(of exp_lbdenom1-exp_lbdenom&num_dp.); %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; agg_comp_lbdenom = sum(of comp_lbdenom1-comp_lbdenom&num_dp.); %end; %end; /* Character variables - format exposed and comparison groups when DP stratification is requested */ %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; %do i = 1 %to &num_dp; if lowcase(vartype) = 'dichotomous' then do; /*if 0 patients in a category, set to 0*/ if exp_mean&i. = . and exp_mean&i. ne .R then exp_mean&i. = 0; if exp_std&i. = . then exp_std&i. = 0; /*format as character*/ exp_mean&i._char = compress(put(exp_mean&i,comma12.)); exp_std&i._char = compress(put(exp_std&i,percent10.1)); if metvar = 'PATIENT' then do; /*patient row always N/A for L1 queries, for L2, % is computed except if 0 patients*/ %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T4L1|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do; exp_std&i._char = 'N/A'; %end; if exp_mean&i = 0 then exp_std&i._char = 'N/A'; end; else if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; if exp_mean&i = 0 then do; %if %index(&reporttype,T6) and "&table" ^= "Switchstep_0" %then %do; exp_std&i._char = '0.0%'; %end; %else %do; exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; %end; end; end; else do; /* For lab categories, categorical labs get set to 0/NaN, numeric labs get set to 0.0/NaN */ /* Controls lab specific formatting for dichotomous rows */ %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; if &&&n_&table._episodes_exp&i > 0 and exp_mean&i in (0,.) and exp_lbdenom&i in (0,.) then do; if prxmatch("/(LBRES)/",metvar) then do; exp_mean&i._char = '0'; exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; end; %end; /*set to . if no patients in cohort*/ if exp_mean&i in (0,.) and &&&n_&table._episodes_exp&i = 0 then do; exp_mean&i._char = '.'; exp_std&i._char = '.'; end; end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; /*if 0 patients in a category, set to 0*/ if comp_mean&i. = . and comp_mean&i. ne .R then comp_mean&i. = 0; if comp_std&i. = . then comp_std&i. = 0; comp_mean&i._char = compress(put(comp_mean&i,comma12.)); comp_std&i._char = compress(put(comp_std&i,percent10.1)); if metvar = 'PATIENT' then do; %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T4L1|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do; comp_std&i._char = 'N/A'; %end; if comp_mean&i = 0 then comp_std&i._char = 'N/A'; end; else if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; if comp_mean&i = 0 then do; %if %index(&reporttype,T6) and "&table" ^= "Switchstep_0" %then %do; comp_std&i._char = '0.0%'; %end; %else %do; comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; %end; end; end; else do; /* For lab categories, categorical labs get set to 0/NaN, numeric labs get set to 0.0/NaN */ /* Controls lab specific formatting for dichotomous rows */ %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; if &&&n_&table._episodes_comp&i > 0 and comp_mean&i in (0,.) and comp_lbdenom&i in (0,.) then do; if prxmatch("/(LBRES)/",metvar) then do; comp_mean&i._char = '0'; comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; end; %end; /*set to . if no patients in cohort*/ if comp_mean&i in (0,.) and &&&n_&table._episodes_comp&i = 0 then do; comp_mean&i._char = '.'; comp_std&i._char = '.'; end; end; %end; end; else do; /*continuous metrics*/ exp_mean&i._char = compress(put(exp_mean&i,comma12.1)); exp_std&i._char = compress(put(exp_std&i,comma12.1)); if exp_mean&i = 0 and exp_std&i = 0 and &&&n_&table._episodes_exp&i = 0 then do; exp_mean&i._char = '.'; exp_std&i._char = '.'; end; if exp_mean&i > 0 and exp_std&i = . then exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; %if ^%sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T4L1|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do; if exp_std&i = 0 and &&&n_&table._episodes_exp&i > 0 then exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; /* Controls lab specific formatting for lab specific rows */ %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; if &&&n_&table._episodes_exp&i > 0 and prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) and ((exp_mean&i = 0 and exp_std&i = 0) or (missing(exp_mean&i) and missing(exp_std&i))) then do; if exp_lbdenom&i. <= 0 then do; exp_mean&i._char = 'NaN'; exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; else if exp_lbdenom&i. > 0 then do; exp_mean&i._char = '0.0'; exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; end; %end; %end; %else %do; if exp_mean&i = 0 and missing(exp_std&i) and prxmatch('/LBRES/', metvar) then exp_std&i._char='NaN'; if (exp_mean&i = 0 and exp_std&i = 0) or (missing(exp_mean&i) and missing(exp_std&i)) then do; if &&&n_&table._episodes_exp&i > 0 and ^prxmatch('/LBRES/', metvar) then do; exp_mean&i._char = '0.0'; exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; /* Controls lab specific formatting for lab specific rows */ else if &&&n_&table._episodes_exp&i > 0 and prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) then do; if exp_w1_&i. <= 0 then do; exp_mean&i._char = 'NaN'; exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; else if exp_w1_&i > 0 then do; exp_mean&i._char = '0.0'; exp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; end; else do; exp_mean&i._char = '.'; exp_std&i._char = '.'; end; end; %end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean&i._char = compress(put(comp_mean&i,comma12.1)); comp_std&i._char = compress(put(comp_std&i,comma12.1)); if comp_mean&i = 0 and comp_std&i = 0 and &&&n_&table._episodes_comp&i = 0 then do; comp_mean&i._char = '.'; comp_std&i._char = '.'; end; if comp_mean&i > 0 and comp_std&i = . then comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; %if ^%sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T4L1|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do; if comp_std&i = 0 and &&&n_&table._episodes_comp&i > 0 then comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; /* Controls lab specific formatting for lab specific rows */ if &&&n_&table._episodes_comp&i > 0 and prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) and ((comp_mean&i = 0 and comp_std&i = 0) or (missing(comp_mean&i) and missing(comp_std&i))) then do; if comp_lbdenom&i. <= 0 then do; comp_mean&i._char = 'NaN'; comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; else if comp_lbdenom&i. > 0 then do; comp_mean&i._char = '0.0'; comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; end; %end; %end; %else %do; if comp_mean&i = 0 and missing(comp_std&i) and prxmatch('/LBRES/', metvar) then comp_std&i._char='NaN'; if (comp_mean&i = 0 and comp_std&i = 0) or (missing(comp_mean&i) and missing(comp_std&i)) then do; if &&&n_&table._episodes_comp&i > 0 then do; comp_mean&i._char = '0.0'; comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; /* Controls lab specific formatting for continuous rows */ else if &&&n_&table._episodes_comp&i > 0 and prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) then do; if comp_w1_&i. <= 0 then do; comp_mean&i._char = 'NaN'; comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; else if comp_w1_&i. > 0 then do; comp_mean&i._char = '0.0'; comp_std&i._char = 'NaN'; end; end; else do; comp_mean&i._char = '.'; comp_std&i._char = '.'; end; end; %end; %end; end; %end; %end; /*Aggregate dichotomous variables*/ if lowcase(vartype) = 'dichotomous' then do; exp_mean0=max(0,sum(of exp_mean1-exp_mean&num_dp.)); /*Aggregated numerator in the exposed group*/ %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0=max(0,sum(of comp_mean1-comp_mean&num_dp.));/*Aggregated numerator in the comparison group*/ %end; /*collapse race*/ %if &collapse_vars = race %then %do; if metvar in ('RACE_0', 'RACE_1', 'RACE_2', 'RACE_3', 'RACE_4', 'RACE_5', 'RACE_M') then do; %if &stratifybydp.=N %then %do; %do c_r = 1 %to &racecount; %let race_value = %scan(&racelist,&c_r); %if %eval(&&race&race_value._exp >0) | %eval(&&race&race_value._comp >0) %then %do; if metvar = "RACE_&race_value." then do; exp_mean0 = .R; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0 = .R; %end; end; %end; %end; if metvar = "RACE_0" then do; exp_mean0 = sum(exp_mean0 %do c_r = 1 %to &racecount; %let race_value = %scan(&racelist,&c_r); ,&&race&race_value._exp %end;); %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0 = sum(comp_mean0 %do c_r = 1 %to &racecount; %let race_value = %scan(&racelist,&c_r); ,&&race&race_value._comp %end;); %end; end; %end; /*if every DP collapses a race category, mark in aggregate table*/ %else %if stratifybydp.=Y %then %do; if %do r = 1 %to &num_dp.; exp_mean&r.= .R %if &r. ne &num_dp. %then %do; and %end; %end; then do; exp_mean0 = .R; end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if %do r = 1 %to &num_dp.; comp_mean&r.= .R %if &r. ne &num_dp. %then %do; and %end; %end; then do; comp_mean0 = .R; end; %end; %end; end; %end; exp_mean0_char=compress(put(exp_mean0,comma12.)); /* Character copy of exposed group */ %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0_char=compress(put(comp_mean0,comma12.)); /* Character copy of reference group */ %end; %if "&weight" = "Weighted" %then %do; do i = 1 to &num_dp.; if metvar not in ('N_EPISODES', 'PATIENT') then do; if num_exp(i) > 0 then agg_sw_exp = agg_sw_exp + (exp_s2(i)*vk_exp(i)) ; /*Numerator of Sw2 for SD calculation*/ if num_comp(i) > 0 then agg_sw_comp = agg_sw_comp + (comp_s2(i)*vk_comp(i)); end; end; %end; /*initialize to 0*/ exp_std0 = 0; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_std0 = 0; %end; ** Calculate aggregated percent: - Denominator for sex, race, and Hispanic is total number of patients - Denominator for laboratory characteristics is number of episodes - For numeric labs: Out of # of episodes - For categorical labs: Out of the # of episodes with test records - Denominator for other metrics is total number of episodes - Total Episodes/Patients: for unadjusted tables: - L1: do not fill in %, - L2: 100% for unadjusted, compute % out of unadjusted total for adjusted tables - T6 switching: 100% for switch step 0, compute % of out prior switch total for switch step 1 and switch step 2; if prxmatch('/RACE*|HISPANIC*|SEX*/',metvar) > 0 then do; if ^missing(exp_mean0) and (total_exp_patients gt 0) then exp_std0 = divide(exp_mean0,total_exp_patients); exp_std0_char=compress(put(exp_std0,percent10.1)); if exp_mean0 > 0 and total_exp_patients = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(exp_mean0) or exp_mean0 = 0 then do; if total_exp_patients <= 0 then do; exp_mean0_char = '.'; exp_std0_char = '.'; end; end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(comp_mean0) and (total_comp_patients gt 0) then comp_std0 = divide(comp_mean0,total_comp_patients); comp_std0_char=compress(put(comp_std0,percent10.1)); if comp_mean0 > 0 and total_comp_patients = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(comp_mean0) or comp_mean0 = 0 then do; if total_comp_patients <= 0 then do; comp_mean0_char = '.'; comp_std0_char = '.'; end; end; %end; end; else if metvar in ('N_EPISODES', 'PATIENT') then do; exp_std0 = .; comp_std0 = .; %if ("&table" = "Unadjusted" & %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2")) | ("&table" ="Switchstep_0") %then %do; exp_std0 = 1; if metvar = 'PATIENT' then exp_std0_char = 'N/A'; if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; exp_std0_char=compress(put(exp_std0,percent10.1)); if exp_mean0 = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_std0 = 1; if metvar = 'PATIENT' then comp_std0_char = 'N/A'; if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; comp_std0_char=compress(put(comp_std0,percent10.1)); if comp_mean0 = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; end; %end; %end; %else %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") and &switch_count > 0 %then %do; %let switch_b = %eval(&switch_count.-1); if metvar = 'PATIENT' then exp_std0_char = 'N/A'; if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; if ^missing(exp_mean0) and (total_exp_episodes gt 0) then do; exp_std0 = divide(exp_mean0,&&total_Switchstep_&switch_b._exp_episodes); exp_std0_char = compress(put(exp_std0,percent10.1)); end; if exp_mean0 > 0 and &&total_Switchstep_&switch_b._exp_episodes = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; %if "&table" = "Switchstep_0" %then %do; if &&total_Switchstep_&switch_b._exp_episodes = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; %end; %else %if "&table" = "Switchstep_1" %then %do; if &&total_Switchstep_&switch_b._exp_episodes = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; else if &&total_Switchstep_&switch_b._exp_episodes > 0 and exp_mean0 = 0 then exp_std0_char = '0.0%'; %end; %else %if "&table" = "Switchstep_2" %then %do; if &&total_Switchstep_&switch_b._exp_episodes = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; else if &&total_Switchstep_&switch_b._exp_episodes > 0 and exp_mean0 = 0 then exp_std0_char = '0.0%'; %end; %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; %do nu_d = 1 %to &num_dp.; if ^missing(exp_mean&nu_d.) and (total_exp_episodes gt 0) then do; exp_std&nu_d. = divide(exp_mean&nu_d.,&&&n_Switchstep_&switch_b._episodes_exp&nu_d.); exp_std&nu_d._char = compress(put(exp_std&nu_d.,percent10.1)); end; %if "&table" = "Switchstep_0" %then %do; if &&&n_Switchstep_&switch_b._episodes_exp&nu_d. = 0 then exp_std&nu_d._char = 'NaN'; %end; %else %if "&table" = "Switchstep_1" %then %do; if &&&n_Switchstep_&switch_b._episodes_exp&nu_d. = 0 then exp_std&nu_d._char = 'NaN'; else if &&&n_Switchstep_&switch_b._episodes_exp&nu_d. > 0 and exp_mean&nu_d = 0 then exp_std&nu_d._char = '0.0%'; %end; %else %if "&table" = "Switchstep_2" %then %do; if &&total_Switchstep_&switch_b._exp_episodes = 0 then exp_std&nu_d._char = 'NaN'; else if &&&n_Switchstep_&switch_b._episodes_exp&nu_d. > 0 and exp_mean&nu_d = 0 then exp_std&nu_d._char = '0.0%'; %end; %end; %end; end; %end; %else %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; if ^missing(exp_mean0) and (total_exp_episodes gt 0) then do; exp_std0 = divide(exp_mean0,&total_unadjusted_exp_episodes.); exp_std0_char = compress(put(exp_std0,percent10.1)); end; if exp_mean0 > 0 and &total_unadjusted_exp_episodes. = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(exp_mean0) or exp_mean0 = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(exp_std0) or exp_mean0 = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(comp_mean0) and (total_comp_episodes gt 0) then comp_std0 = divide(comp_mean0,&total_unadjusted_comp_episodes.); comp_std0_char = compress(put(comp_std0,percent10.1)); if comp_mean0 > 0 and &total_unadjusted_comp_episodes. = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(comp_mean0) or comp_mean0 = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(comp_std0) or comp_std0 = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; %end; %end; %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T4L1|T5/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do; if ^missing(exp_mean0) and (total_exp_episodes >= 0) then do; exp_std0 = divide(exp_mean0,&total_unadjusted_exp_episodes.); if metvar = 'PATIENT' and total_exp_episodes >= 0 then exp_std0_char = 'N/A'; if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; exp_std0_char = compress(put(exp_std0,percent10.1)); if missing(exp_std0) then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; end; end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(comp_mean0) and (total_comp_episodes >= 0) then do; comp_std0 = divide(comp_mean0,&total_unadjusted_comp_episodes.); if metvar = 'PATIENT' and total_comp_episodes >= 0 then comp_std0_char = 'N/A'; if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then do; comp_std0_char = compress(put(comp_std0,percent10.1)); if missing(comp_std0) then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; end; end; %end; %end; end; /* Calculate lab covariate percentages */ %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; else if prxmatch("/(LBUNIT|LBRES)/",metvar) then do; if ^missing(exp_mean0) and (total_exp_episodes gt 0) then exp_std0 = divide(exp_mean0,agg_exp_w); if missing(exp_mean0) then exp_std0 = .; exp_std0_char = compress(put(exp_std0,percent10.1)); if missing(exp_mean0) or exp_mean0=0 then do; if prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) and agg_exp_lbdenom <= 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if prxmatch('/LBUNIT/',metvar) and agg_exp_w <= 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if total_exp_patients <= 0 then do; exp_mean0_char = '.'; exp_std0_char = '.'; end; end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(comp_mean0) and (total_comp_episodes gt 0) then comp_std0 = divide(comp_mean0,agg_comp_w); if missing(comp_mean0) then comp_std0 = .; comp_std0_char = compress(put(comp_std0,percent10.1)); if missing(comp_mean0) or comp_mean0=0 then do; if prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) and agg_comp_lbdenom <= 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if prxmatch('/LBUNIT/',metvar) and agg_comp_w <= 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if total_comp_patients <= 0 then do; comp_mean0_char='.'; comp_std0_char = '.'; end; end; %end; end; %end; else do; if ^missing(exp_mean0) and (total_exp_episodes gt 0) then exp_std0 = divide(exp_mean0,agg_exp_w); if missing(exp_mean0) then exp_std0 = .; exp_std0_char = compress(put(exp_std0,percent10.1)); if exp_mean0 > 0 and total_exp_episodes = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(exp_mean0) or exp_mean0=0 then do; if total_exp_patients <= 0 then do; exp_mean0_char = '.'; exp_std0_char = '.'; end; end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(comp_mean0) and (total_comp_episodes gt 0) then comp_std0 = divide(comp_mean0,agg_comp_w); if missing(comp_mean0) then comp_std0 = .; comp_std0_char = compress(put(comp_std0,percent10.1)); if comp_mean0 > 0 and total_comp_episodes = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(comp_mean0) or comp_mean0=0 then do; if total_comp_patients <= 0 then do; comp_mean0_char='.'; comp_std0_char = '.'; end; end; %end; end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" & "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; if metvar not in ('N_EPISODES', 'PATIENT') then do; /*AD/SD not computed for total rows*/ ad0 = 100*divide(exp_mean0,agg_exp_w) - 100*divide(comp_mean0,agg_comp_w); ad0_char=compress(put(ad0,8.3)); /*standardized difference*/ a = divide(exp_mean0,agg_exp_w); b = divide(comp_mean0,agg_comp_w); %if "&weight" = "Weighted" %then %do; /*Weighted Adjusted*/ stw = divide(agg_sw_exp,agg_v_exp); scw = divide(agg_sw_comp,agg_v_comp); c = sqrt(divide(stw+scw, 2)); %end; %else %do; /*Unweighted*/ c = sqrt(divide(a*(1-a) + b*(1-b), 2)); %end; /*SD*/ if (total_exp_episodes > 0) AND (total_comp_episodes > 0) AND (c>0) then sd0 = divide((a-b),c); else sd0 = .; sd0_char=compress(put(sd0,8.3)); if exp_mean0 = 0 or comp_mean0 = 0 or exp_mean0 = . or comp_mean0 = . then do; ad0_char = 'NaN'; sd0_char = 'NaN'; end; if total_exp_episodes > 0 and total_comp_episodes > 0 and missing(sd0) then sd0_char = 'NaN'; if total_exp_episodes = 0 and total_comp_episodes = 0 and (ad0 = 0 or missing(ad0)) then do; sd0_char = '.'; ad0_char = '.'; end; end; else do; ad0=.; sd0=.; ad0_char='N/A'; sd0_char='N/A'; end; %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; %do i =1 %to &num_dp.; if missing(ad&i.)=0 then ad&i. = ad&i.*100; %end; %end; %end; /*round exp_mean0 and exp_std0 - will be a decimal for weighted tables*/ if exp_mean0 ne .R then exp_mean0 = round(exp_mean0, 1); %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if comp_mean0 ne .R then comp_mean0 = round(comp_mean0, 1); %end; %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; %do i =1 %to &num_dp.; if exp_mean&i. ne .R then exp_mean&i. = round(exp_mean&i., 1); if comp_mean&i. ne .R then comp_mean&i. = round(comp_mean&i., 1); %end; %end; end; /*Aggregate continuous variables*/ if lowcase(vartype) = 'continuous' then do; count = 0; exp_mean_num = 0; exp_std_sum = 0; /*Weighted sum for std calculation in the exposed group*/ %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean_num = 0; comp_std_sum = 0;/*Weighted sum for std calculation in the comparison group*/ %end; do i = 1 to &num_dp.; if ^missing(num_exp(i)) and ^missing(exp_w(i)) then exp_mean_num = exp_mean_num + (num_exp(i)*exp_w(i)); %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(num_comp(i)) and ^missing(comp_w(i)) then comp_mean_num = comp_mean_num + (num_comp(i)*comp_w(i)); %end; %if "&weight" = "Weighted" %then %do; if num_exp(i) and exp_s2(i)>= 0 then agg_sw_exp = agg_sw_exp + ( (exp_s2(i))*(vk_exp(i))); /*Numerator of Sw2 for SD calculation*/ if num_comp(i) and comp_s2(i)>= 0 then agg_sw_comp = agg_sw_comp + ( (comp_s2(i))*(vk_comp(i))); %end; %else %do; ** Get weighted Std Dev for pooled Standard Deviation calculation ** ; if ^missing(std_exp(i)) then exp_std_sum = exp_std_sum + (std_exp(i)**2)*(exp_w(i) - 1); ** Count number of data partners with a value - for pooled std dev calculation ** ; if ^missing(std_exp(i)) then count = count + 1 ; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(std_comp(i)) then comp_std_sum = comp_std_sum + (std_comp(i)**2)*(comp_w(i) - 1); %end; %end; end; if ^missing(exp_mean_num) AND (agg_exp_w gt 0) then exp_mean0 = divide(exp_mean_num,agg_exp_w) ; exp_mean0_char = compress(put(exp_mean0,comma12.1)); if exp_mean_num > 0 and agg_exp_w = 0 then exp_mean0_char = 'NaN'; %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; if prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) and total_exp_episodes > 0 and agg_exp_lbdenom = 0 then exp_mean0_char = 'NaN'; %end; if missing(exp_mean_num) then exp_mean0_char = '.'; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(comp_mean_num) AND (agg_comp_w gt 0) then comp_mean0 = divide(comp_mean_num,agg_comp_w) ; comp_mean0_char = compress(put(comp_mean0,comma12.1)); if comp_mean_num > 0 and agg_comp_w = 0 then comp_mean0_char = 'NaN'; %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; if prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) and total_comp_episodes > 0 and agg_comp_lbdenom = 0 then comp_mean0_char = 'NaN'; %end; if missing(comp_mean_num) then comp_mean0_char = '.'; %end; %if "&weight" = "Weighted" %then %do; if ^missing(agg_sw_exp) AND (agg_v_exp gt 0) then exp_std0 = sqrt(divide(agg_sw_exp,agg_v_exp)) ; exp_std0_char = compress(put(exp_std0,comma12.1)); if exp_mean0 = 0 and exp_std0 = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if agg_sw_exp > 0 and agg_v_exp = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(agg_sw_exp) then exp_std0_char = '.'; if ^missing(agg_sw_comp) AND (agg_v_comp gt 0) then comp_std0 = sqrt(divide(agg_sw_comp,agg_v_comp)) ; comp_std0_char = compress(put(comp_std0,comma12.1)); if comp_mean0 = 0 and comp_std0 = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if agg_sw_comp > 0 and agg_v_comp = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(agg_sw_comp) then comp_std0_char = '.'; %end; %else %do; if ^missing(exp_std_sum) AND (agg_exp_w gt 0) then exp_std0 = sqrt(divide(exp_std_sum,(agg_exp_w - count))) ; exp_std0_char = compress(put(exp_std0,comma12.1)); if exp_mean0 = 0 and exp_std0 = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if exp_mean0 > 0 and exp_std0 = . then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if exp_mean0 > 0 and exp_std0 = 0 and agg_exp_w = 1 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if exp_std_sum > 0 and total_exp_episodes - count = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(exp_std_sum) then exp_std0_char = '.'; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if ^missing(comp_std_sum) AND (agg_comp_w gt 0) then comp_std0 = sqrt(divide(comp_std_sum,(agg_comp_w - count))); comp_std0_char = compress(put(comp_std0,comma12.1)); if comp_mean0 = 0 and comp_std0 = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if comp_mean0 > 0 and comp_std0 = . then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if comp_mean0 > 0 and comp_std0 = 0 and agg_comp_w = 1 then comp_std0_char='NaN'; if comp_std_sum > 0 and total_comp_episodes - count = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; if missing(comp_std_sum) then comp_std0_char = '.'; %end; %end; %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; if prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) and total_exp_episodes > 0 and agg_exp_lbdenom = 0 then exp_std0_char = 'NaN'; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; if prxmatch('/LBRES/',metvar) and total_comp_episodes > 0 and agg_comp_lbdenom = 0 then comp_std0_char = 'NaN'; %end; %end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" & "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad0 = exp_mean0 - comp_mean0; ad0_char = compress(put(ad0,8.3)); %if "&weight" = "Weighted" %then %do; /*Weighted SD*/ /*standardized difference*/ a = exp_mean0 - comp_mean0; stw = divide(agg_sw_exp,agg_v_exp); scw = divide(agg_sw_comp,agg_v_comp); c = sqrt(divide((stw + scw),2)); if (^missing(a)) AND (c>0) then sd0 = divide(a,c); else sd0 = .; sd0_char = compress(put(sd0,8.3)); if total_exp_episodes > 0 and total_comp_episodes > 0 and missing(sd0) then sd0_char = 'NaN'; if total_exp_episodes = 0 and total_comp_episodes = 0 and (ad0 = 0 or missing(ad0)) then do; sd0_char = '.'; ad0_char = '.'; end; %end; %else %do; /*unweighted SD*/ if (exp_std0 > 0) AND (comp_std0 > 0) then sd0 = divide((exp_mean0 - comp_mean0), (sqrt(divide((exp_std0*exp_std0 + comp_std0*comp_std0),2)))); else sd0 = .; sd0_char=compress(put(sd0,8.3)); if exp_mean0 = 0 or comp_mean0 = 0 or exp_mean0 = . or comp_mean0 = . then do; ad0_char = 'NaN'; sd0_char = 'NaN'; end; if total_exp_episodes > 0 and total_comp_episodes > 0 and missing(sd0) then sd0_char = 'NaN'; if total_exp_episodes = 0 and total_comp_episodes = 0 and (ad0 = 0 or missing(ad0)) then do; sd0_char = '.'; ad0_char = '.'; end; %end; %end; drop exp_mean_num exp_std_sum %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean_num comp_std_sum %end; ; end; /*reformat DP specific vars*/ %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" & "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; %do i = 1 %to &num_dp.; ad&i._char = strip(compress(put(ad&i., 8.3))); sd&i._char = strip(compress(put(sd&i., 8.3))); if metvar in ('N_EPISODES', 'TOTAL_WEIGHTED', 'PATIENT') then do; ad&i._char = 'N/A'; sd&i._char = 'N/A'; if metvar = 'TOTAL_WEIGHTED' then do; comp_std&i._char = 'N/A'; exp_std&i._char = 'N/A'; end; end; else do; if exp_mean&i. = 0 or comp_mean&i = 0 or exp_mean&i. = . or comp_mean&i = . then do; ad&i._char = 'NaN'; sd&i._char = 'NaN'; end; if exp_mean&i. > 0 and comp_mean&i > 0 and missing(sd&i.) then sd&i._char = 'NaN'; if &&&n_&table._episodes_exp&i = 0 and &&&n_&table._episodes_comp&i = 0 and ad&i = 0 then do; ad&i._char = '.'; sd&i._char = '.'; end; end; %end; %end; /*update race and hispanic rows*/ /*set to '.' race/hispanic if information if not returned at a DP - if at least 1 DP returns race or hispanic, no need to reassign to '.' */ if prxmatch('/RACE*|HISPANIC*/',metvar) > 0 and metvar not in ('RACE_0', 'HISPANIC_U') then do; if %do r = 1 %to &num_dp.; "&&returnrace&r." = "N" %if &r. ne &num_dp. %then %do; and %end; %end; then do; exp_mean0_char = '.'; exp_std0_char = '.'; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0_char = '.'; comp_std0_char = '.'; %end; %if "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad0_char = '.'; sd0_char = '.'; %end; end; /*reassign for each DP*/ %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; %do i =1 %to &num_dp.; %if &&returnrace&i. = N %then %do; exp_mean&i._char = '.'; exp_std&i._char = '.'; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean&i._char = '.'; comp_std&i._char = '.'; %end; %if "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad&i._char = '.'; sd&i._char = '.'; %end; %end; %end; %end; end; keep metvar %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; _label_ %end; analysisgrp order vartype weight table exp_mean0 exp_std0 exp_mean0_char exp_std0_char %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; exp_mean: exp_std: %end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0 comp_std0 comp_mean0_char comp_std0_char %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean: comp_std: %if "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad: sd: %end; %end; %else %do; %if "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad0: sd0: %end; %end; %end; %if &reporttype=T2L2 %then %do; monitoringperiod %end; %if &reporttype=T2L2 or &reporttype=T4L2 %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; ; /*Removing unweighted total row for IPTW and PS stratum weighted table 1. Will use TOTAL_WEIGHTED row*/ %if (&psfile. = iptwfile | "&weightscheme." = "ATE" | "&weightscheme." = "ATT") and "&weight" = "Weighted" %then %do; if metvar = 'N_EPISODES' then delete; if MetVar = 'TOTAL_WEIGHTED' then do; exp_std0 = .; comp_std0 = .; comp_std0_char = 'N/A'; exp_std0_char = 'N/A'; ad0 = .; sd0 = .; if exp_mean0 > 0 or comp_mean0 > 0 then do; ad0_char = 'N/A'; sd0_char = 'N/A'; end; else do; ad0_char = '.'; sd0_char = '.'; end; end; %end; /* Remove TOTAL_WEIGHTED row for unweighted PS stratification */ %if ((&psfile. = stratificationfile and "&weightscheme." = "") | (&psfile. = psmatchfile and "&ratio" = "V" )) %then %do; if MetVar = 'TOTAL_WEIGHTED' then delete; %end; /*Removing FOLLOWUPTIME/EVENT rows*/ if index(MetVar,'FOLLOWUP') > 0 or index(MetVar,'EVENT') > 0 then delete; run; data &labelout&suffix.; set init_labels %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; covarname(in=b keep=cov_varname studyname %if %index(&reporttype,T4) > 0 %then %do; codepop %end; where=(upcase(cov_varname) in (&labcharacteristics))) %end;; length analysisgrp $40 table weight $30; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L2") or %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; format subgroup subgroupcat $11.; subgroup="&subgroup."; subgroupcat="&subgroupcat."; %end; %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; if b then do; grouper='Laboratory Characteristics'; sortorder1=14; %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("C") %then %do; sortorder2=input(compress(cov_varname,,'AF'),4.); %end; %else %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("O") %then %do; length covarorderlist $&covarlistlength.; covarorderlist = tranwrd(resolve('&labcharacteristics.'), '"', ""); sortorder2 = findw(covarorderlist, compress(upcase(cov_varname)), ' ','e'); %end; sortorder3=-1; sortorder4=-1; label=studyname; drop studyname; end; %end; order=&b; analysisgrp="&analysisgrp."; table="&table"; weight="&weight"; run; %mend baselinecomputemetrics; ***********************************************************************************************; * Compute aggregated tables ***********************************************************************************************; * Process L2 subgroups; %let numsubgroups=0; %let subgroup=; %let subgroupcat=; %let suffix=; %if &reporttype. = T2L2 or &reporttype. = T4L2 %then %do; proc sort nodupkey data=Pscs_masterinputs(where=(analysisgrp="&analysisgrp." and runid="&runid." and not missing(subgroup))) out=_subgroups(keep=runid analysisgrp subgroup subgroupcat); by runid analysisgrp subgroup subgroupcat; run; data _subgroups; set _subgroups; by runid analysisgrp subgroup subgroupcat; if _N_=1 then subgroupnum=0; if first.subgroup then do; subgroupnum = subgroupnum + 1; subgroupcatnum = 0; end; subgroupcatnum = subgroupcatnum + 1; retain subgroupnum subgroupcatnum; run; proc sql noprint; select count(*) into :numsubgroups from _subgroups; quit; %end; %do sub=0 %to &numsubgroups.; %if &sub. > 0 %then %do; data _null_; set _subgroups; if _N_=&sub.; call symputx("SubGroup",lowcase(strip(subgroup))); call symputx("SubgroupCat",upcase(strip(subgroupcat))); call symputx("suffix", "_" || strip(put(subgroupnum,best.)) || "_" || strip(put(subgroupcatnum,best.))); run; /*reset unique_psestimate for subgroups because subgroup data may vary with the same PSESTIMATEGRP due to using the post-trimmed/matchedinfull population*/ %let unique_psestimate = 1; %end; /*Types 1-5: unweighted*/ %if %str("&reporttype") ne %str("T6") and %eval(&unique_psestimate.) = 1 %then %do; %baselinecomputemetrics(table=Unadjusted, weight=Unweighted, dataout=baseline_aggregatetab1, labelout=baseline_labels0, suffix=&suffix.); %end; /*L2 tables*/ /*PS Match: Fixed ratio matching is unweighted, variable ratio matching is weighted*/ %if &psfile. = psmatchfile %then %do; %if "&ratio" = "F" %then %do; %baselinecomputemetrics(table=Adjusted, weight=Unweighted, dataout=baseline_aggregatetab2, labelout=baseline_labels2, suffix=&suffix.); %end; %if "&ratio" = "V" %then %do; %baselinecomputemetrics(table=Adjusted, weight=Weighted, dataout=baseline_aggregatetab3, labelout=baseline_labels3, suffix=&suffix.); %end; %end; /*PS Stratification: Unweighted for PS Stratum weighted analysis and Weighted table*/ %if &psfile. = stratificationfile %then %do; %if ("&weightscheme." = "ATE" | "&weightscheme." = "ATT") %then %do; %baselinecomputemetrics(table=Adjusted, weight=Unweighted, dataout=baseline_aggregatetab4, labelout=baseline_labels4, suffix=&suffix.); %end; %baselinecomputemetrics(table=Adjusted, weight=Weighted, dataout=baseline_aggregatetab5, labelout=baseline_labels5, suffix=&suffix.); %end; /*IPTW: Adjusted cohort - Unweighted and Weighted */ %if &psfile. = iptwfile %then %do; %if %eval(&unique_psestimate.) = 1 %then %do; %baselinecomputemetrics(table=Adjusted, weight=Unweighted, dataout=baseline_aggregatetab6, labelout=baseline_labels6, suffix=&suffix.); %end; %baselinecomputemetrics(table=Adjusted, weight=Weighted, dataout=baseline_aggregatetab7, labelout=baseline_labels7, suffix=&suffix.); %end; %end; /*Type 6 switching tables*/ %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") %then %do; proc sql noprint; select max(switchstep) into: switch_counter from &datain.(keep=switchstep metvar order) where metvar = 'N_EPISODES' and order =&b.; quit; /*initialize race collapsing vars*/ %if &collapse_vars = race & &stratifybydp = N %then %do; %do c_r = 1 %to &racecount; %let race_value = %scan(&racelist,&c_r); %let t6base_collapse&race_value. = N; %end; %end; /*call macro for switch 2, switch 1, and then index date in order to record if race category in subseqent switches are collapsed*/ %do switch_count = &switch_counter %to 0 %by -1; %baselinecomputemetrics(table=Switchstep_&switch_count., weight=Unweighted, dataout=baseline_aggregatetab&switch_count., labelout=baseline_labels&switch_count.); %end; %end; /*stack all tables*/ data baseline_aggregate_prelabel; set baseline_aggregatetab:; run; ***********************************************************************************************; * Derive labels for covariates ***********************************************************************************************; %isdata(dataset=covarname); %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do; %let includecovars = Y; /*if covarsort = A, then alphabetize by covarlabel*/ %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("A") %then %do; proc sort data=covarname sortseq=linguistic (numeric_collation=on); by studyname; run; %end; data covarname_baseline; length covarlabel $&baselinelabellength.; set covarname(where=(runid="&runid.")); %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("A") %then %do; by studyname; alphabeticalorder = _n_; %end; covarlabel = studyname; drop covarnum studyname; run; data baseline_aggregate_prelabel; length cov_varname $8; set baseline_aggregate_prelabel; /* Create covar merging variable */ if index(metvar,'COVAR') then cov_varname=prxchange('s/^[^_]*_//',-1,prxchange('s/(LBRES|LBUNIT|_NOTESTRECORD).*//i',-1,lowcase(metvar))); run; proc sort data=covarname_baseline; by cov_varname; run; proc sort data=baseline_aggregate_prelabel; by cov_varname; run; %end; ***********************************************************************************************; * Apply user defined inclusion parameters and assign 1) row labels and 2) row headers ***********************************************************************************************; /*utility macro to assign label, grouper, sortorder1, sortorder2, sortorder3 and sortorder4 */ %macro assignbaselinevars(label=, grouper=, sortorder1 = , sortorder2=, sortorder3=, sortorder4=); %if %length(&label)>0 %then %do; label= &label; %end; %if %length(&grouper)>0 %then %do; grouper= &grouper; %end; %if %length(&sortorder1)>0 %then %do; sortorder1=&sortorder1.; %end; %if %length(&sortorder2)>0 %then %do; sortorder2=&sortorder2.; %end; %if %length(&sortorder3)>0 %then %do; sortorder3=&sortorder3.; %end; %if %length(&sortorder4)>0 %then %do; sortorder4=&sortorder4.; %end; %mend; data baseline_aggregatelabels; length metvar $32 label $&baselinelabellength grouper $60 sortorder1 sortorder2 3 sortorder3 sortorder4 8; /* Initialize sortorder3 and sortorder4 */ sortorder3=.; sortorder4=.; %if "&includecovars" = "Y" %then %do; merge baseline_aggregate_prelabel (in=a) covarname_baseline; by cov_varname; if a; %end; %else %do; set baseline_aggregate_prelabel; length covarlabel $&baselinelabellength; %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L1") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; length codepop $2; call missing(codepop); %end; call missing(covarlabel); %end; /***************************/ /* Patient Characteristics */ /***************************/ %if %index(&reporttype,T4) %then %let grouperlabel = Mother; %else %let grouperlabel = Patient; if MetVar = 'PATIENT' %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; or (Metvar = 'N_EPISODES' and &cohortdef=01) %end; then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Unique patients", grouper="&grouperlabel Characteristics", sortorder1 = 1, sortorder2=1); end; %if %str("&cohort") ^= %str("mi") %then %do; else if MetVar = 'N_EPISODES' and prxmatch('m/02|03/i',"&cohortdef.") > 0 then do; /*Only keep N_EPISODES if cohortdef = 02, 03*/ %assignbaselinevars(label="Episodes", grouper="&grouperlabel Characteristics", sortorder1 = 1, sortorder2=2); end; %end; else if MetVar = 'TOTAL_WEIGHTED' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Weighted patients", grouper="&grouperlabel Characteristics", sortorder1 = 1, sortorder2=3); end; /**************************/ /* Infant Characteristics */ /**************************/ %if "&outputinfantchar" = "Y" %then %do; else if MetVar = 'BIRTH_ENROLL' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Enrollment time after birth (days)", grouper="Infant Characteristics", sortorder1 = 1, sortorder2=4); end; else if MetVar = 'ENROLL_DIFF' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Difference between date of birth and date of enrollment (days)", grouper="Infant Characteristics", sortorder1 = 1, sortorder2=5); end; %end; /*******************************/ /* Demographic Characteristics */ /*******************************/ /*age*/ else if index(upcase(MetVar),'AGE') > 0 then do; if MetVar = 'AGE' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Age (years)", grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 2, sortorder2=1); end; else do; /*Sortorder2 assigned after merging in agegroupnum values below*/ /*Convert AGEXX_XX to agestrat format*/ /*remove agegroups not requested in cohortfile*/ if countc(MetVar, '_') = 0 then agegroup = compress(substr(MetVar, 4)) ||'+'; else agegroup =compress(translate(substr(MetVar, 4),'-','_')); if upcase(agegroup) in (&agestrat1.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put(agegroup, $agegroupfmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 3, sortorder2=1); end; else delete; end; end; /*sex - only keep F if type 4 and remove rows not requested in cohortfile*/ else if MetVar in ('SEX_F') and 'F' in (&sex.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('F', $sexfmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 4, sortorder2=input(put('F', sexsort.),1.)); end; else if MetVar in ('SEX_M') and 'M' in (&sex.) then do; %if %str("&reporttype") ne %str("T4L1") & %str("&reporttype") ne %str("T4L2") %then %do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('M', $sexfmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 4, sortorder2=input(put('M', sexsort.),1.)); %end; end; else if MetVar in ('SEX_O') and ( 'O' in (&sex.) or 'A' in (&sex.) or 'U' in (&sex.) ) then do; %if %str("&reporttype") ne %str("T4L1") & %str("&reporttype") ne %str("T4L2") %then %do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('O', $sexfmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 4, sortorder2=input(put('O', sexsort.),1.)); %end; end; /*race - remove rows not requested in cohortfile*/ else if MetVar in ('RACE_1') and '1' in (&race.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('1', $racefmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 5, sortorder2=input(put('1', racesort.),1.)); end; else if MetVar in ('RACE_2') and '2' in (&race.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('2', $racefmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 5, sortorder2=input(put('2', racesort.),1.)); end; else if MetVar in ('RACE_3') and '3' in (&race.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('3', $racefmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 5, sortorder2=input(put('3', racesort.),1.)); end; else if MetVar in ('RACE_M') and 'M' in (&race.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('M', $racefmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 5, sortorder2=input(put('M', racesort.),1.)); end; else if MetVar in ('RACE_4') and '4' in (&race.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('4', $racefmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 5, sortorder2=input(put('4', racesort.),1.)); end; else if MetVar in ('RACE_0') and '0' in (&race.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('0', $racefmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 5, sortorder2=input(put('0', racesort.),1.)); end; else if MetVar in ('RACE_5') and '5' in (&race.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('5', $racefmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 5, sortorder2=input(put('5', racesort.),1.)); end; /*hispanic - remove rows not requested in cohortfile*/ else if substr(MetVar, 1,10) = 'HISPANIC_Y' and 'Y' in (&hispanic.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('Y', $hispanicfmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 6, sortorder2=input(put('Y', hispanicsort.),1.)); end; else if substr(MetVar, 1,10) = 'HISPANIC_N' and 'N' in (&hispanic.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('N', $hispanicfmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 6, sortorder2=input(put('N', hispanicsort.),1.)); end; else if substr(MetVar, 1,10) = 'HISPANIC_U' and 'U' in (&hispanic.) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('U', $hispanicfmt.), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 6, sortorder2=input(put('U', hispanicsort.),1.)); end; /*year*/ else if index((MetVar),'YEAR') > 0 then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=compress(substr(MetVar,6)), grouper="Demographic Characteristics", sortorder1 = 8, sortorder2=input(compress(substr(MetVar,6)),4.)); end; /*******************************************************************/ /* Type 4 - Pregnancy Characteristics and Exposure Characteristics */ /*******************************************************************/ %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L1") | %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L2") %then %do; else if metvar in (&pregnancychar.) then do; if MetVar= 'PREPOSTIND_PRE' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('PRE', $prepostindfmt.), grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1 = 9, sortorder2=input(put('PRE', prepostindsort.),1.)); end; if MetVar= 'PREPOSTIND_EARL' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('EARL', $prepostindfmt.), grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1 = 9, sortorder2=input(put('EARL', prepostindsort.),1.)); end; if MetVar= 'PREPOSTIND_FULL' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('FULL', $prepostindfmt.), grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1 = 9, sortorder2=input(put('FULL', prepostindsort.),1.)); end; if MetVar= 'PREPOSTIND_LATE' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('LATE', $prepostindfmt.), grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1 = 9, sortorder2=input(put('LATE', prepostindsort.),1.)); end; if MetVar= 'PREPOSTIND_POST' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('POST', $prepostindfmt.), grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1 = 9, sortorder2=input(put('POST', prepostindsort.),1.)); end; if MetVar= 'PREPOSTIND_NONE' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('NONE', $prepostindfmt.), grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1 = 9, sortorder2=input(put('NONE', prepostindsort.),1.)); end; if MetVar= 'PREPOSTIND_NA' then do; %if &nonliveoutcomes. eq Y %then %do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put('NA', $prepostindfmt.), grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1 = 9, sortorder2=input(put('NA', prepostindsort.),1.)); %end; %else %do; /* Delete row if non live birth and/or mixed outcomes were not requested */ delete; %end; end; /* Pregnancy outcomes */ %if %length(&preg_outcome_list.) > 0 %then %do; %do outcome=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&preg_outcome_list., '|')); %let preg_outcome=%scan(&preg_outcome_list., &outcome., %str(|)); if metvar="&preg_outcome." then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put("&preg_outcome", $pregoutcomefmt.), grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1=9, sortorder2=8, sortorder3=put("&preg_outcome", $pregoutcomesort.)); end; %end; %end; if MetVar= 'GA_BIRTH' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Gestational age at pregnancy outcome (weeks)", grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics", sortorder1 = 9, sortorder2=9); end; end; else if metvar in (&exposurechar.) then do; if MetVar= 'GA_FIRST' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Gestational age of first exposure (weeks)", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=1); end; if MetVar= 'ADJUSTEDDISP_PRE' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of dispensings in pre-pregnancy period", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=2); end; if MetVar= 'ADJUSTEDDISP_T1' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of dispensings in first trimester", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=3); end; if MetVar= 'ADJUSTEDDISP_T2' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of dispensings in second trimester", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=4); end; if MetVar= 'ADJUSTEDDISP_T3' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of dispensings in third trimester", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=5); end; if MetVar= 'EXP_T1' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Exposed during first trimester", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=6); end; if MetVar= 'EXP_T2' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Exposed during second trimester", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=7); end; if MetVar= 'EXP_T3' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Exposed during third trimester", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=8); end; if MetVar= 'EXP_PRE' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Exposed during user-defined pre-pregnancy period", grouper="Exposure Characteristics", sortorder1 = 10, sortorder2=9); end; end; %end; /*********************************************************************************************/ /* Lab Characteristics */ /*********************************************************************************************/ %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; else if prxchange('s/^[^_]*_//',-1,prxchange('s/(LBRES|LBUNIT|_NOTESTRECORD).*//i',-1,metvar)) in (&labcharacteristics) then do; /* Character lab covariates with test record row */ if metvar in (&labcharacteristics) and metvar in (&charlabslist) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Test record", grouper="Laboratory Characteristics", sortorder1=14, sortorder2=, sortorder3=0, sortorder4=0); end; /* Character lab covariates for all rows without start|end unit */ if index(metvar,'LBRES') and vartype = 'dichotomous' and ^index(_label_,'|') then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=put(scan(metvar,-1,'_'), $charlabfmt.), grouper="Laboratory Characteristics", sortorder1=14, sortorder2=, sortorder3=input(put(scan(metvar,-1,'_'), charlabsort.),8.), sortorder4=input(put(scan(metvar,-1,'_'), charlabsort.),8.)); end; /* Character lab covariates for rows with start|end unit */ if index(metvar,'LBRES') and vartype = 'dichotomous' and index(_label_,'|') then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=_label_, grouper="Laboratory Characteristics", sortorder1=14, sortorder2=, sortorder3=input(scan(_label_,1,'|'),8.)+5, sortorder4=input(scan(scan(_label_,1,' '),-1,'|'),8.)+5); end; /* For Numeric labs - Test record row */ if prxmatch('/^N_/',metvar) and prxmatch('/LBUNIT/',metvar) then do; if strip(_label_) = 'UNKNOWN' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Test record with missing or unknown units", grouper="Laboratory Characteristics", sortorder1=14, sortorder2=, sortorder3=999, sortorder4=999); end; else do; %assignbaselinevars(label=cat("Test record in ",strip(_label_)), grouper="Laboratory Characteristics",sortorder1=14, sortorder2=, sortorder3=rank(strip(_label_)), sortorder4=rank(strip(_label_))+length(_label_)); end; end; /* Numeric labs for all rows with units */ if index(metvar,'LBRES') and vartype = 'continuous' then do; if ^index(metvar,'UNKNOWN') then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean, standard deviation", grouper="Laboratory Characteristics", sortorder1=14, sortorder2=, sortorder3=rank(strip(_label_)), sortorder4=rank(strip(_label_))+length(_label_)+1); end; else do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean, standard deviation", grouper="Laboratory Characteristics", sortorder1=14, sortorder2=, sortorder3=1000, sortorder4=1000); end; end; /* All lab covariates with no test record row */ if prxmatch('/NOTESTRECORD/',metvar) then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="No test record", grouper="Laboratory Characteristics", sortorder1=14, sortorder2=, sortorder3=99999999, sortorder4=99999999); end; if sortorder1=14 then do; *Assign sort order using covarsort parameter; %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("A") %then %do; %assignbaselinevars(label=, grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=alphabeticalorder, sortorder3=, sortorder4=); %end; %else %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("C") %then %do; %assignbaselinevars(label=, grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=input(compress(prxchange('s/^[^_]*_//',-1,prxchange('s/(LBRES|LBUNIT|_NOTESTRECORD).*//i',-1,metvar)),,'A'),4.), sortorder3=, sortorder4=); %end; %else %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("O") %then %do; length covarorderlist $&covarlistlength.; covarorderlist = tranwrd(resolve('&labcharacteristics.'), '"', ""); %assignbaselinevars(label=, grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=findw(covarorderlist, compress(prxchange('s/^[^_]*_//',-1,prxchange('s/(LBRES|LBUNIT|_NOTESTRECORD).*//i',-1,metvar))), ' ','e'), sortorder3=, sortorder4=); %end; end; /* Set non-pregnant cohort values to N/A where codepop=I (covariates only evaluated in infant)*/ %if %index(&reporttype,T4) > 0 and &includenonpregnant. eq Y %then %do; if codepop="I" then do; %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %let numloop=&num_dp; %else %let numloop=0; %do dploop = 0 %to &numloop.; comp_mean&dploop.=.; comp_std&dploop.=.; comp_mean&dploop._char="N/A"; comp_std&dploop._char="N/A"; %if "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad&dploop.=.; sd&dploop.=.; ad&dploop._char="N/A"; sd&dploop._char="N/A"; %end; %end; end; %end; end; %end; /*********************************************************************************************/ /* Medical Product Use, Health Characteristics, Health Service Utilization Intensity Metrics */ /*********************************************************************************************/ else if metvar in (&healthchar. &medproduse. &UtilizationIntensity.) %if %length(&riskscoreslist_quoted.) > 0 %then %do; or (substr(metvar,1,index(metvar,"_")-1) in (&healthchar. &medproduse. &UtilizationIntensity.) and substr(metvar,1,index(metvar,"_")-1) in (&riskscoreslist_quoted.)) %end; then do; /*Assign grouper and sortorder1*/ if metvar in (&healthchar.) %if %length(&riskscoreslist_quoted.) > 0 %then %do; or (substr(metvar,1,index(metvar,"_")-1) in (&healthchar.) and substr(metvar,1,index(metvar,"_")-1) in (&riskscoreslist_quoted.)) %end; then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=, grouper="Health Characteristics", sortorder1 = 12, sortorder2=); end; if metvar in (&medproduse.) %if %length(&riskscoreslist_quoted.) > 0 %then %do; or (substr(metvar,1,index(metvar,"_")-1) in (&medproduse.) and substr(metvar,1,index(metvar,"_")-1) in (&riskscoreslist_quoted.)) %end; then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=, grouper="Medical Product Use", sortorder1 = 13, sortorder2=); end; if metvar in (&UtilizationIntensity.) %if %length(&riskscoreslist_quoted.) > 0 %then %do; or (substr(metvar,1,index(metvar,"_")-1) in (&UtilizationIntensity.) and substr(metvar,1,index(metvar,"_")-1) in (&riskscoreslist_quoted.)) %end; then do; %assignbaselinevars(label=, grouper="Health Service Utilization Intensity Metrics", sortorder1 = 15, sortorder2=); end; /* Riskscores */ %if %length(&riskscoreslist.) > 0 %then %do; %do rskscore=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&riskscoreslist., ' ')); %let riskscore=%scan(&riskscoreslist., &rskscore., %str( )); if metvar="&riskscore." then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="%scan(&riskscoreslabels., &rskscore., %str(|))", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=-1, sortorder3=&rskscore., sortorder4=-1); end; %let riskscorecat = %scan(&riskscorecats., &rskscore., %str(|)); %if %str("&riskscorecat.") ne %str("missing") %then %do; %do rskscorecat=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&riskscorecat., ' ')); if metvar="&riskscore._CAT&rskscorecat." then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="%scan(&riskscorecat., &rskscorecat., %str( ))", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=-1, sortorder3=&rskscore., sortorder4=&rskscorecat.); end; %end; %end; %end; %end; if metvar = 'NUMAV' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of ambulatory encounters", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=2000); end; if metvar = 'NUMED' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of emergency room encounters", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=2001); end; if metvar = 'NUMIP' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of inpatient hospital encounters", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=2002); end; if metvar = 'NUMIS' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of non-acute institutional encounters", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=2003); end; if metvar = 'NUMOA' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of other ambulatory encounters", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=2004); end; if metvar = 'NUMRX' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of filled prescriptions", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=2005); end; if metvar = 'NUMGENERIC' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of generics dispensed", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=2006); end; if metvar = 'NUMCLASS' then do; %assignbaselinevars(label="Mean number of unique drug classes dispensed", grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=2007); end; if substr(metvar,1,5)='COVAR' then do; *Assign sort order using covarsort parameter; %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("A") %then %do; %assignbaselinevars(label=covarlabel, grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=alphabeticalorder); %end; %else %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("C") %then %do; %assignbaselinevars(label=covarlabel, grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=input(substr(metvar,6),4.)); %end; %else %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("O") %then %do; length covarorderlist $&covarlistlength.; covarorderlist = tranwrd(resolve('&healthchar. &medproduse. &UtilizationIntensity'), '"', ""); %assignbaselinevars(label=covarlabel, grouper=, sortorder1 =, sortorder2=findw(covarorderlist, compress(metvar), ' ','e')); %end; /* Set non-pregnant cohort values to N/A where codepop=I (covariates only evaluated in infant)*/ %if %index(&reporttype,T4) > 0 and &includenonpregnant. eq Y %then %do; if codepop="I" then do; %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %let numloop=&num_dp; %else %let numloop=0; %do dploop = 0 %to &numloop.; comp_mean&dploop.=.; comp_std&dploop.=.; comp_mean&dploop._char="N/A"; comp_std&dploop._char="N/A"; %if "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad&dploop.=.; sd&dploop.=.; ad&dploop._char="N/A"; sd&dploop._char="N/A"; %end; %end; end; %end; end; end; if missing(label) then delete; keep analysisgrp order table weight metvar vartype label agegroup sortorder1 sortorder2 sortorder3 sortorder4 grouper exp_mean0 exp_std0 exp_mean0_char exp_std0_char %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; exp_mean: exp_std: %end; %if "&includecomp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean0 comp_std0 comp_mean0_char comp_std0_char %if "&stratifybydp" = "Y" %then %do; comp_mean: comp_std: %if "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad: sd: %end; %end; %else %do; %if "&computebalance." = "Y" %then %do; ad0: sd0: %end; %end; %end; %if &reporttype=T2L2 %then %do; monitoringperiod %end; %if &reporttype=T2L2 or &reporttype=T4L2 %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; %if %index(&reporttype,T4) > 0 %then %do; codepop %end; ; run; %if %length(&preg_outcome_list.) > 0 | %length(&riskscores_with_cats.) > 0 %then %do; data baseline_aggregatelabels; set baseline_aggregatelabels /* If pregnancy outcomes are output then add subheader */ %if %length(&preg_outcome_list.) > 0 %then %do; baseline_aggregatelabels(keep=metvar label grouper analysisgrp order table weight sort: where=(metvar="PATIENT") in=b) %end; /* If risk score categories are output then add header for each score */ %if %length(&riskscores_with_cats.) > 0 %then %do; baseline_aggregatelabels(keep=metvar label grouper analysisgrp order table weight sort: where=(metvar in(&riskscores_with_cats.)) in=c) %end; ; %if %length(&preg_outcome_list.) > 0 %then %do; if b then do; grouper="Pregnancy Characteristics"; label="Pregnancy Outcome"; sortorder1=9; sortorder2=8; sortorder3=0; sortorder4=0; metvar=""; end; %end; %if %length(&riskscores_with_cats.) > 0 %then %do; if c then do; label=strip(label) || " categories"; metvar=""; sortorder4=0; end; %end; run; %end; /*Merge in agefmtsort to correctly update sortorder*/ proc sql noprint; create table baseline_aggregatefinal as select x.*, y.agegroupnum from baseline_aggregatelabels as x left join agefmtsort(where=(cohortgrp="&cohortgrp" and runid="&runid.")) as y on x.agegroup=y.agegroup; quit; data baseline_aggregatefinal; set baseline_aggregatefinal; if sortorder1 =3 then do; sortorder2 = agegroupnum; end; drop agegroup agegroupnum; run; /* Stack label datasets together */ data baseline_labels_stacked; set baseline_labels:; run; /* Merge in alphabetical sortorder into baseline labels dataset */ %if %str("&covarsort") = %str("A") and %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; proc sql noprint undo_policy=none; create table baseline_labels_stacked as select a.*, b.alphabeticalorder as sortorder2 length=3 from baseline_labels_stacked(drop=sortorder2) a left join covarname_baseline b on a.cov_varname = b.cov_varname; quit; %end; data baseline_aggregatefinal; set baseline_aggregatefinal baseline_labels_stacked(keep=label sortorder1 sortorder2 sortorder3 sortorder4 grouper analysisgrp table weight order %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") and %index(&reporttype,T4) > 0 %then %do; codepop %end;); run; %if %quote(&labcharacteristics) ^= %str("missing") %then %do; /* check lab covariates to see if they have the same sortorder values */ proc sort data = baseline_aggregatefinal nodupkey dupout=lab_dups(where=(prxmatch('/LBRES|LBUNIT/',metvar))); by analysisgrp table weight %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; sortorder1 sortorder2 sortorder3 sortorder4; run; /* if there are rows, then there are unit labels with the same first letter that are the same length */ %isdata(dataset=lab_dups); %if &nobs > 0 %then %do; /* Need to create sorting variable to correctly sort rows */ data lab_dups; set lab_dups; length sortinglabel $50; if prxmatch('/N_COVAR*/',metvar) then sortinglabel=prxchange('s/^[^_]*_[^_]*_//',-1,metvar); else sortinglabel=prxchange('s/^[^_]*_//',-1,metvar); run; proc sort data = lab_dups; by analysisgrp table weight %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; sortinglabel sortorder1 sortorder2 sortorder3 sortorder4; run; /* Increment the last sorting variable by observation number */ data lab_dups; set lab_dups; sortorder4=sortorder4+_n_; drop sortinglabel; run; proc sort data = lab_dups; by analysisgrp table weight %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; metvar sortorder1 sortorder2 sortorder3 sortorder4; run; proc sort data = baseline_aggregatefinal; by analysisgrp table weight %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; metvar sortorder1 sortorder2 sortorder3 sortorder4; run; /* put updated rows back in the main dataset */ data baseline_aggregatefinal; update baseline_aggregatefinal lab_dups; by analysisgrp table weight %if %index(&reporttype,L2) %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; metvar sortorder1 sortorder2 sortorder3 sortorder4; run; %end; %end; /*Final sort*/; proc sort data=baseline_aggregatefinal; by %if &reporttype. = T2L2 or &reporttype. = T4L2 %then %do; subgroup subgroupcat %end; table weight sortorder1 sortorder2 sortorder3 sortorder4; run; ***********************************************************************************************; * Stack and save final table ***********************************************************************************************; %if %eval(&b.=1) %then %do; data &dataout.; set baseline_aggregatefinal; run; %end; %else %do; data &dataout.; set &dataout. baseline_aggregatefinal; run; %end; /*Clean up*/ proc datasets nowarn noprint lib=work; delete baseline_aggregatetab: baseline_aggregatelabels baseline_aggregatefinal baseline_aggregate_prelabel baseline_labels: covarname_baseline _tempcohort; quit; %symdel agestrat1; %end; /*loop through each baseline group*/ %put =====> END MACRO: baseline_compute; %mend baseline_compute;