*                                           PROGRAM OVERVIEW
* PROGRAM: create_report.sas  
* Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 11/30/2020
* PURPOSE: This macro drives the creation of QRP reports
*  Program inputs:                                                                                   
*  Program outputs:                                                                                                                                       
*  PARAMETERS:                                                                       
*  Programming Notes:                                                                                
*  Sentinel Coordinating Center
*  info@sentinelsystem.org

%macro create_report();

* Initialize global macro variables and read in input files                                  

    %put =====> MACRO CALLED: create_report;

    /* If leave behind report runs then use reportid for log suffix */
    %if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do;
    /* Start log */
       proc printto log="&output.qrp_report_log&reportid..log" new;

	%else %do;
    /* Need to retain work datasets from qrp for leave behind report.
       Repdata is set to work directory when leave behind report is run,
	   and data for qrp report is in the msocdata folder	*/
	   proc datasets nowarn nolist lib=work kill; quit;
	   proc datasets nowarn nolist lib=repdata kill; quit;
	   proc datasets nowarn nolist lib=msocdata kill; quit; 

        /*read in JSON file and determine if there are any CSV files*/
        %convert_inputfiles(lib=&INFOLDER, JSON_LIB=&infolder.macros/integration);
        %convert_inputfiles(lib=&REPORTROOT.inputfiles/, JSON_LIB=&input.macros/integration);

       proc printto log="&output.qrp_report_log.log" new;
    /*Initialize global macro variables*/

    /*read in input files and process input file parameters*/

	/*check if only appendixfile should be processed*/
	%if &produceappendixfileonly. = Y %then %goto format_labels;

* Create concatenated libname for each DP and output DP metadata                                                      

    %createlibref(dplist = &random_dplist.,
                  dpinfofile = dpinfofile, 
                  dataroot = &dataroot.,
                  signaturefile =%scan(&runidlist,1)_signature);

* Using requestID, create new folder for Sentinel Views output                                                

    %if &OUTPUTVIEWSDATA. = Y %then %do;
        /*Determine folder name - 5 token request ID.
            If dpid or versionID tokens differ then:
                DPID: use NSDP
                versionID: use the latest version (i.e. if combining v01, v02, then use v02. if combining b01 and v01, use v01)
            If any of the 1st 3 tokens differ, write a warning in the log (i.e. can't aggregate across workplans)*/

        %if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do;
            %let viewsID = &ReqID;
        %else %do;

			proc summary data = output.dpinfo missing;
				class projid wptype wpid dpid dpversion;
				ways 1 ;
				output out=unique;

			proc sql noprint;
			select projid, wptype, wpid, dpid, dpversion
				into :viewsprojid separated by ' ',
					:viewswptype separated by ' ',
					:viewswpid separated by ' ',
					:viewsdpid separated by ' ',
					:viewsdpversion separated by ' ' 
				from unique
				order by dpversion;
			%let viewsprojid=%cmpres(&viewsprojid);
			%let viewswptype=%cmpres(&viewswptype);	
			%let viewswpid=%cmpres(&viewswpid);
			%let viewsdpid=%cmpres(&viewsdpid);
			%let viewsdpversion=%cmpres(&viewsdpversion);
            %if %sysfunc(countw(&viewsprojid., ' '))>1 | %sysfunc(countw(&viewswptype., ' '))>1 | %sysfunc(countw(&viewswpid., ' '))>1 %then %do;
                %put WARNING: (Sentinel) Tokens PROJID, WPTYPE, or WPID have incompatible values. Sentinel Views datasets will reside in a folder that may not match workplan;
                %let viewsprojid_wptype_wpid = %scan(&viewsprojid., 1)_%scan(&viewswptype., 1)_%scan(&viewswpid., 1);
            %else %do;
                %let viewsprojid_wptype_wpid = &viewsprojid._&viewswptype._&viewswpid;

            %if %sysfunc(countw(&viewsdpid., ' '))>1 %then %do;
                %let viewsdpid = nsdp;

            %if %sysfunc(countw(&viewsdpversion., ' '))>1 %then %do;
                %let viewsdpversion = %scan(&viewsdpversion., %sysfunc(countw(&viewsdpversion., ' ')));
			%let viewsID = %sysfunc(compress(&viewsprojid_wptype_wpid._&viewsdpid._&viewsdpversion.));

            /*clean up*/
            proc datasets nowarn nolist lib=work;
                delete unique;
        /*create folder - if a leave behind report, divert log to avoid writing paths to MSOC log*/
        %if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do;
 			proc printto log=log;

        options DLCREATEDIR ;
        libname views "&output.&viewsID.&reportid.";
        options NODLCREATEDIR;

        %if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do;
 			proc printto log="&output.qrp_report_log&reportid..log";


    /*Drop requestID tokens from dpinfo file*/
    data output.dpinfo;
        set output.dpinfo(drop=projid wptype wpid dpid);
    *   Assign study start and end dates                                               

    %if ^%index(&reporttype,TREE) %then %do;


    *   Create report formats and labels                                           


		%if &produceappendixfileonly. = Y %then %goto createtoc;

    * Baseline tables                                                      



* Aggregate MSOC output tables from each DP                                                      


    %if ^%index(&reporttype,TREE) %then %do;

*   Calculate L1 summary tables                                             
    %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;

    /*ReportType T1 and T2L1*/
    %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T5/i,&reporttype.)) & %eval(&tdatasetlistnum. > 0) %then %do;
	   %do td = 1 %to &tdatasetlistnum.; 
	      %let reporttable = %scan(&tdatasetlist, &td.);
          /* Report Type T1 summary tables and Report Type T2L1 tables (T1cida or T2cida) */
          %if &reporttable. = t1cida | &reporttable. = t2cida %then %do;
            %t1t2conc_createdata(table = &reporttable., grpvar = group);
          /* Concomitant episodes tables */
          %if &reporttable. = t2conc %then %do;
            %t1t2conc_createdata(table = &reporttable., grpvar = analysisgrp);

          /*Censor tables - Types 1, 2, and 5*/
          %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/t1censor|t2censor|t2followuptime|t5censor/i,&reporttable.)) > 0 %then %do;
            %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
            proc sql noprint;
                select distinct quote(strip(table)) into: censortablelist separated by ' '
                from tablefile(where=(dataset="&reporttable."));
            %censortable_createdata_t1t2t5(tables=&censortablelist., censordataset = &reporttable.);

	/*ReportType T4*/
	%if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T4L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do;
	     /* Create data for T4Preg and T4NoPreg datasets */
		 %if %sysfunc(findw(&datasetlist,t4preg)) | %sysfunc(findw(&datasetlist,t4nopreg)) %then %do;
	       %t4tables_createdata(dataset = preg, output_suffix = _t4moi, episode_var=episodes);
	     /* Create data for T4Preggestwk and T4NoPreggestwk datasets */
		 %if %sysfunc(findw(&datasetlist,t4preggestwk)) | %sysfunc(findw(&datasetlist,t4nopreggestwk)) %then %do;
	       %t4tables_createdata(dataset = preggestwk, output_suffix = _t4gestwk, episode_var = pregepisodes);
    /*ReportType T5*/
	%if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T5") %then %do;

    /*ReportType T6*/
	%if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") %then %do;

    %end; /*tablefile exists*/

*   Compute L1 figures                                            

    %if %str("&figurelist.") ne %str("") & %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do;
*   Compute effect estimates, forest plot, and PS Histograms dataset for Reporttype = T2L2 and T4L2                                              
    /*loop l2 processing by periodid*/
    %do periodid = %eval(&look_start.) %to %eval(&look_end.);		
		%if %index(&reporttype,L2) and %index(&figurelist,F1) %then %do;
        %if %index(&reporttype,L2) and %index(&figurelist,F2) and %sysfunc(exist(input.&treeaggfile.)) eq 0 %then %do;

* Attrition tables                                                      

    %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T2L2|T4L1|T4L2|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do;
        %do periodid = %eval(&look_start) %to %eval(&look_end);

*   Compute code distribution tables                                                     
	%if &output_code_distribution. eq Y %then %do;		
*   Compile table of contents                                            


*   Create appendices                                           


*   Output report                                                
    %if "&report_destination." = "BOTH" | "&report_destination." = "EXCEL"  %then %do;
        /*windows: report font = Calibri, font size = 10, footnote fontsize = 9*/
        %if %str("&sysscp.") = %str("WIN") %then %do;
        %output_report(destination = excel,font=calibri, fontsize=10pt, footfontsize=9pt, bordersize=6pt);
        /*non-windows: report font = arial, font size = 9, footnote fontsize = 8*/
        %else %do;
        %output_report(destination = excel,font=arial, fontsize=9pt, footfontsize=8pt, bordersize=6pt);

    %if "&report_destination." = "BOTH" | "&report_destination." = "PDF"  %then %do;
        /*all systems: report font = arial, font size = 8, footnote fontsize = 7*/
        %output_report(destination = pdf,font=arial, fontsize=8pt, footfontsize=7pt, bordersize=2pt);
    %end; /*reporttype is not TREE*/

*   Create analytic datasets that can be used as inputs to TreeScan software                                             
    /*loop aggregate tree processing by periodid*/
    %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&treeaggfile.)) %then %do;
      %do periodid = %eval(&look_start.) %to %eval(&look_end.);

* Produce Views output                                             

    %if &outputviewsdata=Y %then %do;
	  %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1/i,&reporttype.)) %then %l1_sentinel_views_convertdata(&viewsID);
      %else %l2_sentinel_views_convertdata(queryid=&viewsID,jirakey=&jirakey,userid=&userid,studytitle=%bquote(&studytitle));

/* Run log checker                                                                               */
    %if &leavebehindreport = N %then %do;
	  proc printto log="&output.log_checker.log" new;

	   %ms_logchecker(logdir =&output., logdir_out=output, logname=qrp_report_log.log );

*   Clean directories                                                                                 

    proc datasets nowarn nolist lib=work kill; quit;

    /*remove filenames datasets if created*/
    %if &leavebehindreport = N %then %do;
    proc datasets nowarn nolist lib=input;
        delete filenames format_values;
    proc datasets nowarn nolist lib=infolder;
        delete filenames format_values;

    /* End log */
    proc printto;
    %put =====> END MACRO: create_report ;

%mend create_report;