*                                           PROGRAM OVERVIEW
* PROGRAM: figure_axes.sas  
* Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 09/08/2021
* PURPOSE: The macro computes X and Y axis tick marks
*  Program inputs:                                                                                   
*   - N/A
*  Program outputs:                                                                                                                                       
*   - N/A
*   - data: figure data
*   - figure: figure #
*   - figuresub: figuresub from figurefile
*   - where: where clause to restrict figure data 
*   - xtickmarks: macro variable name for x tick mark list
*   - xvar = variable with xaxis metric
*   - ytickmarks: macro variable name for y tick mark list
*   - yvar= variable with yaxis metric
*  Programming Notes:                                                                                
*  Sentinel Coordinating Center
*  info@sentinelsystem.org

%macro figure_axes(data=, figure=, figuresub=, where=, xtickmarks=, xvar=, ytickmarks=, yvar=);
  %put =====> MACRO CALLED: figure_axes;

  	%let xmax = ;
	%let xtick = ;
	%let ymin = ;
	%let ymax = ;
	%let ytick = ;
    %let datamin= ;
    %let datamax = ;
    %let fxtickmarks = ;
    %let fytickmarks = ;

  /*select min and max value from input dataset for x axis*/
   %if %str(&xtickmarks) ne %str() %then %do;
   proc sql noprint;
       select min(&xvar.), max(&xvar.) into :datamin, :datamax
       from &data(where=(&where.));
   %if %str(&yvar.) ne %str() %then %do;
   proc sql noprint;
       select max(&yvar.) into :datamax
       from &data(where=(&where.));

  /*Extract axis parameters from figurefile*/
    data _null_;
        set figurefile(where=(figure="&figure." and figuresub="&figuresub"));

        /*set min/max defaults if missing*/
        %if %str(&xtickmarks) ne %str() %then %do;
        if missing(xmin) then xmin = &datamin.;
        if missing(xmax) then xmax = &datamax.;
        %if %str(&ytickmarks) ne %str() %then %do;
            if missing(ymin) then ymin = 0;
            %if %str(&yvar.) = %str() %then %do;
            if missing(ymax) then ymax = 1;
            %else %do;
            if missing(ymax) then ymax = round(&datamax.+4,10); /*to prevent cut off data*/

        /*set default tick if missing:
            - 6 total tick marks (min, max, and 4 interim)
            - for x axis - round to the nearest divisor of 1, 5, or 30
                           depending on length of axis               
            - for y axis - round to nearest divisor of 10 */

        %if %str(&xtickmarks) ne %str() %then %do;
        if missing(xtick) then do;
            xmaxminusmin = xmax-xmin;
            if xmaxminusmin <=10 then xtick = round(xmaxminusmin/5, 1);
            else if xmaxminusmin <=120 then xtick = round(xmaxminusmin/5, 5);
            else xtick = round(xmaxminusmin/5, 30);
            if xtick = 0 then xtick = 1;
        call symputx('xmin', xmin);
        call symputx('xmax', xmax);
        call symputx('xtick', xtick);
        call symputx('xloopcount', xloopcount);

        %if %str(&ytickmarks) ne %str() %then %do;
        if missing(ytick) then do;
            ymaxminusmin = ymax-ymin;
            if ymaxminusmin>1 then ytick = round(ymaxminusmin/5, 10); /*tick every 10*/
            /*two tick options for 0-1 axis*/
            else if ymaxminusmin >.04 then ytick = round(ymaxminusmin/5, .01); 
            else ytick = round(ymaxminusmin/5, .001);
            if (ytick = 0 or ytick= .) and ymax<=1 then ytick = .01; /*ymax <=1*/
            else if ytick = 0 or ytick= . then ytick = 5; /*ymax data driven, 0 possible if ymax <=25*/
        call symputx('ymin', ymin);
        call symputx('ymax', ymax);
        call symputx('ytick', ytick);
        call symputx('yloopcount', yloopcount);

    %if %str(&xtickmarks) ne %str() %then %do;
        %let xloop = &xmin.;
        %let axisloopcount = 1;
        %do %while(%sysevalf(&axisloopcount. <=&xloopcount.));
        %if %eval(&axisloopcount. ne &xloopcount.) %then %do;
        %let fxtickmarks = &fxtickmarks%str( )&xloop.;
        %else %do;
        %let fxtickmarks = &fxtickmarks%str( )%sysfunc(min(&xmax.,&xloop.));
            /*Add max value if gap between last tick mark and max value is >tick/2*/
            %if %scan(&fxtickmarks., -1) ne &xmax. %then %do;
                %let diff = %sysevalf(&xmax.-%scan(&fxtickmarks., -1));
                %let div2 = %sysfunc(divide(&xtick.,2)); /*jolene this was 2*/
                %if %sysevalf(&diff.>&div2.) %then %do;
                    %let fxtickmarks = &fxtickmarks%str( )&xmax.;
        %let xloop=%sysevalf(&xloop + &xtick);
        %let axisloopcount = %eval(&axisloopcount+1);

        %let &xtickmarks = &fxtickmarks;
    %if %str(&ytickmarks) ne %str() %then %do;
        %let yloop = &ymin.;
        %let axisloopcount = 1;
        %do %while(%sysevalf(&axisloopcount. <=&yloopcount.));
        %if %eval(&axisloopcount. ne &yloopcount.) %then %do;
        %let fytickmarks = &fytickmarks%str( )&yloop.;
        %else %do;
        %let fytickmarks = &fytickmarks%str( )%sysfunc(min(&ymax.,&yloop.));
            /*Add max value if gap between last tick mark and max value is >tick/2*/
            %if %scan(&fytickmarks., -1) ne &ymax. %then %do;
                %let diff = %sysevalf(&ymax.-%scan(&fytickmarks., -1));
                %let div2 = %sysfunc(divide(&ytick.,2));
                %if %sysevalf(&diff.>&div2.) %then %do;
                    %let fytickmarks = &fytickmarks%str( )&ymax.;
        %let yloop=%sysfunc(round(%sysevalf(&yloop + &ytick),.001));
        %let axisloopcount = %eval(&axisloopcount+1);

        %let &ytickmarks = &fytickmarks;
    %put =====> END MACRO: figure_axes;

%mend figure_axes;