*                                           PROGRAM OVERVIEW
* PROGRAM: process_inputfiles.sas  
* Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 11/30/2020
* PURPOSE: The macro reads in the CREATEREPORTFILE and other input files and merges in relevant
*          QRP input file parameter values
*  Program inputs:                                                                                   
*  Program outputs:                                                                                                                                       
*  PARAMETERS:                                                                       
*  Programming Notes:                                                                                
*  Sentinel Coordinating Center
*  info@sentinelsystem.org

%macro process_inputfiles();

    %put =====> MACRO CALLED: process_inputfiles ;

*   Read in CREATEREPORTFILE and assign each parameter to a macro variable                                                  

    %if %eval(&nobs<1) %then %do;
        %put ERROR: (Sentinel) CREATEREPORTFILE is missing.;
        %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Make sure file is specified correctly and placed in the inputfiles folder;
	* Check if createreportfile has horizontal structure;
	proc contents data=input.&createreportfile. noprint out=createreportfile_content;

	%let parameter_variable_exists=0;
	proc sql noprint;
	select count(*) into :parameter_variable_exists from createreportfile_content
	where lowcase(name)="parameter";

	%put &=parameter_variable_exists;

	/* createreportfile has vertical structure */
	%if &parameter_variable_exists. > 0 %then %do;	
		data &createreportfile.;
		set input.&createreportfile.;
	/* createreportfile has horizontal structure */
	%else %do;		
		proc sql noprint;
		select distinct name into :createreportfile_param_content separated by ' ' from createreportfile_content			

		%put &=createreportfile_param_content;

		data &createreportfile.;
		set input.&createreportfile.;

		proc transpose data=&createreportfile. 
		id value;
		var &createreportfile_param_content.;

    /* Identify if leave behind report is being created based on the existance of the report_parameters dataset.
       Create macro variable to identify if it is a leave behind report */
        proc sql noprint;
            select count(*) into: numparms
            from &createreportfile;

        /*Assign all parameters to macro variables*/
        %do createreportparameter = 1 %to %eval(&numparms.);		
            data _null_;
                set &createreportfile;
                if _n_ = &createreportparameter. then do;
                    call symputx("parameter", strip(parameter));
                    call symputx("value", strip(value));
                    if lowcase(parameter) in ('reporttype','stratifybydp','small_cellcounts','report_destination',
                                              'outputviewsdata', 'jirakey') then call symputx("value",upcase(value));
                    if lowcase(parameter) in ('customizecolumns', 'collapse_vars') then call symputx("value",lowcase(value));
                    /*default report_destination is both*/
                    if lowcase(parameter) = 'report_destination' and missing(value) then call symputx("value","BOTH");
                    /*default stratifybydp*/
                    if lowcase(parameter) = 'stratifybydp' and missing(value) then call symputx("value","N");
                    /*add parenthesis for datedistributed*/
                    if lowcase(parameter) in ('datedistributed') and missing(value)=0 then do;
                        tempvalue = input(value,ANYDTDTE32.); /*convert to SAS date*/
                        if missing(tempvalue) = 0 then do;
                            call symputx("value",cats('(', strip(put(tempvalue, worddate20.)), ')'));
                        else do;
                            call symputx("value",cats('(', strip(value), ')'));

            /* Mask special characters from studytitle parameter */
            %if %lowcase(&parameter.) = studytitle %then %let value = %bquote(&value);
            %let &parameter. = &value.;

            /*assign formats to input files that were initially CSV - need to redirect log due to read of CSV file exposing file paths*/
            proc printto log=log;

            %get_sas_format (%if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do; path=&infolder., lib=infolder, %end;
                             %if &leavebehindreport = N %then %do; path=&input., lib=input, %end;
                             inputfile = &value, parameter=&parameter);

            /* Resume writing to log */
            %if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do;
               proc printto log="&output.qrp_report_log&reportid..log";
            %else %do;
                proc printto log="&output.qrp_report_log.log";

        %end; /*createreport parameter loop*/

        /* If leave behind report is requested stratify by DP is set to N, report destination is PDF,
            dpfile is set to the work dpinfofile and reportdata is N. */
        %if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do;
            %let stratifybydp = N;
            %let report_destination = PDF;
            %let dpfile = dpinfofile;
        /* Set reportid suffix to missing when not a leave behind report */
        %else %do;
            %let reportid = ;
            %let dpfile = input.&DPInfoFile.;
            %global reportdata;
            %let reportdata = Y;

        /* Check if user specified COLLAPSE_VARS if report type is L2/Tree. Parameter only applicable for L1 reports */
        %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T2L2|T4L2|TREE2|TREE3|TREE4/i,&reporttype.)) >0 and %length(&collapse_vars) > 0 %then %do;
            %put WARNING: (Sentinel) COLLAPSE_VARS is not applicable for REPORTTYPE = &reporttype.. Rows will not be collapsed in the final report;
            %let collapse_vars = ;

*  	Check if only the appendixfile is requested                                                     
 	%let numfiles=0;
	%let numappendixfile=0;
	proc sql noprint;
		select count(*) into :numfiles from &createreportfile. 
		where strip(value) ne "" and lowcase(parameter) in ("baselinefile", "codedescriptionsfile", "groupsfile", "itsregressionfile", "l2comparisonfile", "treeaggfile");

		select count(*) into :numappendixfile from &createreportfile. 
		where strip(value) ne "" and lowcase(parameter) = "appendixfile";

	%if &numfiles. = 0 and &numappendixfile. > 0 %then %let produceappendixfileonly=Y;

 * Assign the maximum length to duplicate character variable names if a format values table exists 
    %if %sysfunc(exist(tmplib.format_values)) %then %do;
		/* Get character variables length to make sure the max function below works correctly */
		data tmplib.format_values;
		set tmplib.format_values;
		if substr(sas_format,1,1) eq "$" then char_var_length=input(compress(sas_format, "$"),best.);				

        %let inputvarlist=;
        proc sql noprint;
            select catx('@',full_inputfile_name,id,char_var_length)
            into :inputvarlist separated by ' '
            (select b.id, max(a.char_var_length) as char_var_length, a.full_inputfile_name 
                from tmplib.format_values a
                inner join 
                 (select id, count(*) as id_counts
                    from tmplib.format_values 
                    group by id) b
            on a.id = b.id 
            where b.id_counts > 1 and not missing(a.full_inputfile_name) and not missing(a.char_var_length)
            group by b.id

        %if %length(&inputvarlist) > 0 %then %do x = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&inputvarlist,%str( )));
            %let inputcombo = %scan(&inputvarlist,&x,%str( ));
            %let inputfile = %scan(&inputcombo,1,%str(@));
            %let inputvar = %scan(&inputcombo,2,%str(@));
            %let varformat = $%scan(&inputcombo,3,%str(@));
            %if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do;
                data infolder.&inputfile;
                    length &inputvar &varformat;
                    format &inputvar &varformat..;
                    informat &inputvar &varformat..;
                    set infolder.&inputfile;
            %else %do;
                data input.&inputfile;
                    length &inputvar &varformat;
                    format &inputvar &varformat..;
                    informat &inputvar &varformat..;
                    set input.&inputfile;
        %end; /*x*/
    %end;/* tmplib.format_values exists */

*   Check that REPORTTYPE is valid                                              

    /*Valid values:
        - T1: Type 1 report
        - T2L1: Level 1, type 2 report
        - T2L2: Level 2, type 2 report 
        - ITS: ITS report
        - T4L1: Level 1, type 4 report 
        - T4L2: Level 2, type 4 report 
        - T5: Type 5 report
        - T6: Type 6 report
        - TREE2: tree aggregation for Type 2
        - TREE3: tree aggregation for Type 3
        - TREE4: tree aggregation for Type 4 */
    %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T2L2|ITS|T4L1|T4L2|T5|T6|TREE2|TREE3|TREE4/i,&reporttype.)) <= 0 and &produceappendixfileonly. ne Y %then %do;
        %put ERROR: (SENTINEL) REPORTTYPE parameter is invalid. Reporting tool will abort.;

*   Read in DPINFOFILE and mask DPs                                                     

    /*Check if DPINFOFILE exists and contains at least 1 DP to include in report*/
    /* User specified dpinfofile */
    %if %eval(&nobs.=0) %then %do; 
		%if &produceappendixfileonly. eq N %then %do;
	        %put ERROR: (Sentinel) DPINFOFILE is missing.;
	        %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Make sure file is specified correctly and placed in the inputfiles folder;
    %else %do;
        /*Number of DPs to include in report and list of DPs*/
        data dpinfofile;
            length database $250;
            set &dpfile. (where=(upcase(includeDP)='Y'));
            call symputx('num_dp', _n_);
            if missing(database) then database = 'Sentinel Distributed Database';
        %if %eval(&num_dp.=0) %then %do;
            %put ERROR: (Sentinel) In DPINFOFILE, INCLUDEDP = N for all rows;
            %put ERROR: (Sentinel) At least 1 DP must be included in order for report to be produced;

        proc sql noprint;
            select dp into: dplist separated by ' '
            from dpinfofile;
        %put Number of DPs included in report: &num_dp.;
        %put List of DPs included in report: &dplist.;

        /*Create database macro variable to use in titles*/
        proc sql noprint;
            select count(distinct database)
            into: databasecount
            from dpinfofile;
            %let databasecount = &databasecount.;
            select distinct strip(database) into :database1 - :database&databasecount.
            from dpinfofile;
        %if %eval(&databasecount.=1) %then %do; %let database = &database1.; %end;
        %else %if %eval(&databasecount.=2) %then %do; %let database = &database1. and &database2.; %end;
        %else %do;
            %do db = 1 %to %eval(&databasecount.);
                %if %eval(&db. ne &databasecount.) %then %let database = &database. &&database&db.,;
                %else %let database = &database. and &&database&db.;

        /*Randomize and mask DPs*/
        data maskedDPIDkey;
            length dp $8.;
            %do z = 1 %to &num_dp.;
                dp = "%scan(&DPlist,&z)";

        proc sort data=maskedDPIDkey;
            by random;

        data output.dpinfo;
            length maskedID $4;
            set maskedDPIDkey;
            maskedID = "DP"||put(_N_, z02.);
            drop random;

        /*Put list of DPs into macro variable in order to maintain random order*/
        proc sql noprint;
            select dp into: random_dplist separated by ' '
            from output.dpinfo;
            select maskedID into: masked_dplist separated by ' '
            from output.dpinfo;

*   Read in APPENDIXFILE if specified                                               
    %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&appendixfile.)) ne 0 %then %do;
        data appendixfile;
            set input.&appendixfile.;
            appendixtype = lowcase(appendixtype);
            codestab = lowcase(codestab);
            /*all files will default to .xlsx*/
            if index(codesfile,'.') then codesfile=scan(codesfile,1,'.');
	%if &produceappendixfileonly. = Y %then %goto cleanup;
*   Read in the qrp parameters file and assign parameter to macro variables                                                 
	* Check if qrp_parameters has horizontal structure;
	proc contents data=infolder.qrp_parameters noprint out=qrp_param_content;

	%let parameter_var_exists=0;
	proc sql noprint;
	select count(*) into :parameter_var_exists from qrp_param_content
	where lowcase(name)="parameter";

	%put &=parameter_var_exists;

	%if &parameter_var_exists. > 0 %then %do;
		/* Transpose qrp_parameters to determine run values associated with desired runids */
		proc transpose data=infolder.qrp_parameters(where=(lowcase(parameter)= 'runid')) out=_qrp_parameters_trans;
		var run:;

		data qrp_parameters;
		set infolder.qrp_parameters;
	%else %do;
		data _qrp_parameters_trans(keep=run runid rename=runid=col1 rename=run=_name_)
		set infolder.qrp_parameters;		
		run = "run" || strip(put(_N_, best.));	

		proc sql noprint;
		select distinct name into :qrp_param_content separated by ' ' from qrp_param_content			

		proc transpose data=qrp_parameters 
		id run;
		var &qrp_param_content.;
    /* Combine input files to identify all runids requested */
    data inputfiles;
         %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&groupsfile.)) %then %do;
           input.&groupsfile. (keep = runid group order)
         %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&l2comparisonfile.)) %then %do;
           input.&l2comparisonfile. (keep = runid analysisgrp order rename=analysisgrp=group)
         %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&baselinefile.)) %then %do;
           input.&baselinefile. (keep = runid group order in=b)
         %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&treeaggfile.)) %then %do;
           input.&treeaggfile. (keep = runid treeanalysisGrp rename=treeanalysisGrp=group)

        runid = lowcase(runid);
        group = lowcase(group);

         %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&baselinefile.)) %then %do;
           if b then baseline = 'Y';
           else baseline = 'N';

     proc sql noprint;
        select count(distinct runid) 
        into: numrunid
        from inputfiles;
        %let numrunid = &numrunid.;

        select distinct runid
        into: runidlist separated by ' '
        from inputfiles;

        select distinct b._name_
        into: run1 -:run&numrunid. 
             ,:id1 - :id&numrunid.
        from inputfiles as a
        left join _qrp_parameters_trans as b
           on a.runid = b.col1;

     /* Identify run specific parameters and values to store as macro variables*/
     %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
       /* Abort if run value is missing*/
        %if %str("&&run&n.") = %str("") %then %do;
           %put ERROR: (Sentinel) runid &&id&n. is not on the infolder.qrp_parameters file.;
           %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Review input files and confirm valid runids are requested for the QRP run designated at the infolder directory.;
        /* Initialize macro variables */
        %global &&id&n.._runid  &&id&n.._periodidstart &&id&n.._periodidend &&id&n.._analysis &&id&n.._freezedata &&id&n.._monitoringfile
            &&id&n.._cohortfile &&id&n.._type1file &&id&n.._type2file &&id&n.._type3file &&id&n.._type4file &&id&n.._type5file &&id&n.._type6file 
            &&id&n.._metadatafile &&id&n.._treelookup &&id&n.._icd10icd9map &&id&n.._treefile &&id&n.._psestimationfile &&id&n.._itsfile
            &&id&n.._psmatchfile &&id&n.._stratificationfile &&id&n.._iptwfile &&id&n.._covstratfile &&id&n.._diagnostics &&id&n.._indlevel
            &&id&n.._cohortcodes &&id&n.._inclusioncodes &&id&n.._covariatecodes &&id&n.._profile &&id&n.._mfufile &&id&n.._stockpilingfile
            &&id&n.._utilfile &&id&n.._combofile &&id&n.._drugclassfile &&id&n.._micohortfile
            &&id&n.._surveillancemode &&id&n.._labcodesmap &&id&n.._zipfile &&id&n.._run_envelope &&id&n.._distindex &&id&n.._treatmentpathways
            &&id&n.._userstrata &&id&n.._overlapfile &&id&n.._overlapfile_adhere &&id&n.._concfile &&id&n.._multeventfile &&id&n.._multeventfile_adhere
            &&id&n.._pscssubgroupfile &&id&n.._riskscorefile &&id&n.._pregnancycodes &&id&n.._pregnancymeta &&id&n.._pregnancyduration;
        %let &&id&n.._runid                = ;
        %let &&id&n.._periodidstart        = ;
        %let &&id&n.._periodidend          = ;
        %let &&id&n.._analysis             = ;
        %let &&id&n.._freezedata           = ;
        %let &&id&n.._monitoringfile       = ;
        %let &&id&n.._cohortfile           = ;
        %let &&id&n.._type1file            = ;
        %let &&id&n.._type2file            = ;
        %let &&id&n.._type3file            = ;
        %let &&id&n.._type4file            = ;
        %let &&id&n.._type5file            = ;
        %let &&id&n.._type6file            = ;
        %let &&id&n.._metadatafile         = ;
        %let &&id&n.._treelookup           = ;
        %let &&id&n.._icd10icd9map         = ;
        %let &&id&n.._treefile             = ;
        %let &&id&n.._psestimationfile     = ;
        %let &&id&n.._psmatchfile          = ;
        %let &&id&n.._stratificationfile   = ;
        %let &&id&n.._iptwfile             = ;
        %let &&id&n.._covstratfile         = ;
        %let &&id&n.._diagnostics          = ;
        %let &&id&n.._indlevel             = ;
        %let &&id&n.._cohortcodes          = ;
        %let &&id&n.._inclusioncodes       = ;
        %let &&id&n.._covariatecodes       = ;
        %let &&id&n.._profile              = ;
        %let &&id&n.._mfufile              = ;
        %let &&id&n.._stockpilingfile      = ;
        %let &&id&n.._utilfile             = ;
        %let &&id&n.._combofile            = ;
        %let &&id&n.._drugclassfile        = ;        
        %let &&id&n.._micohortfile         = ;
        %let &&id&n.._surveillancemode     = ;
        %let &&id&n.._labcodesmap          = ;
        %let &&id&n.._zipfile              = ;
        %let &&id&n.._run_envelope         = ;
        %let &&id&n.._distindex            = ;
        %let &&id&n.._treatmentpathways    = ;
        %let &&id&n.._userstrata           = ;
        %let &&id&n.._overlapfile          = ;
        %let &&id&n.._overlapfile_adhere   = ;
        %let &&id&n.._concfile             = ;
        %let &&id&n.._multeventfile        = ;
        %let &&id&n.._multeventfile_adhere = ;
        %let &&id&n.._itsfile              = ;
        %let &&id&n.._pscssubgroupfile     = ;
		%let &&id&n.._riskscorefile        = ;
		%let &&id&n.._pregnancycodes  	   = ;
		%let &&id&n.._pregnancymeta  	   = ;
		%let &&id&n.._pregnancyduration    = ;

        data _null_;
          set qrp_parameters (keep = parameter &&run&n.);
          new_parameter = catx("_","&&id&n.",parameter);
          call symputx(new_parameter,&&run&n.,'G');
          if parameter = "zipfile" and not missing(&&run&n.) then do;
            call symputx("zipfile",&&run&n.);

        /*if CSV files, assign SAS format. Need to reassign tmplib if not running leave behind report*/
		%if &leavebehindreport. ne Y %then %do;
		libname tmplib "&INFOLDER";

        %do p = 1 %to &nobs.;

            data _null_;
              set qrp_parameters (keep = parameter &&run&n.);
              if _n_ = &p. then do;
                call symputx("parameter", strip(parameter));
                call symputx("value", strip(&&run&n.));

            /*assign formats to input files that were initially CSV - need to redirect log due to read of CSV file exposing file paths*/
            proc printto log=log;

            %get_sas_format (path=&infolder., lib=infolder, inputfile = &value, parameter=&parameter);

            /* Resume writing to log */
            %if &leavebehindreport = Y %then %do;
               proc printto log="&output.qrp_report_log&reportid..log";
            %else %do;
                proc printto log="&output.qrp_report_log.log";


		/*restore tmplib to its original location*/
		%if &leavebehindreport. ne Y %then %do;
		libname tmplib "&REPORTROOT.inputfiles/";

         * Assign the maximum length to duplicate character variable names if a format values table exists 
        %if %sysfunc(exist(tmplib.format_values)) %then %do;
			/* Get character variables length to make sure the max function below works correctly */
			data tmplib.format_values;
			set tmplib.format_values;
			if substr(sas_format,1,1) eq "$" then char_var_length=input(compress(sas_format, "$"),best.);				

            %let inputvarlist=;
            proc sql noprint;
                select catx('@',full_inputfile_name,id,char_var_length)
                into :inputvarlist separated by ' '
                (select b.id, max(a.char_var_length) as char_var_length, a.full_inputfile_name 
                    from tmplib.format_values a
                    inner join 
                     (select id, count(*) as id_counts
                        from tmplib.format_values 
                        group by id) b
                on a.id = b.id 
                where b.id_counts > 1 and not missing(a.full_inputfile_name) and not missing(a.char_var_length)
                group by b.id

            %if %length(&inputvarlist) > 0 %then %do x = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&inputvarlist,%str( )));
                %let inputcombo = %scan(&inputvarlist,&x,%str( ));
                %let inputfile = %scan(&inputcombo,1,%str(@));
                %let inputvar = %scan(&inputcombo,2,%str(@));
                %let varformat = $%scan(&inputcombo,3,%str(@));
                    data infolder.&inputfile;
                        length &inputvar &varformat;
                        format &inputvar &varformat..;
                        informat &inputvar &varformat..;
                        set infolder.&inputfile;
            %end; /*x*/
        %end;/* tmplib.format_values exists */

*   Identify groups for each runID for reporttypes = T1, T2L1, T4L1, T5, T6, T2L2, T4L2, TREE2, TREE3, TREE4                                             

    %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&groupsfile.)) ne 0 | %sysfunc(exist(input.&l2comparisonfile.)) ne 0 | %sysfunc(exist(input.&treeaggfile.)) ne 0 %then %do;
         %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            %global grouplist_&n.;
            %let runid = %scan(&runidlist., &n.);
                proc sql noprint;
                /*RUNID specific list of groups*/
                select quote(strip(group), "'") into :grouplist_&n separated by ","
                from inputfiles
                where runid = "&runid." 
                    %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&baselinefile.)) %then %do;
                    and baseline = 'N';
                %put &&grouplist_&n..;

*   GROUPSFILE processing                                            

    %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&groupsfile.)) ne 0 %then %do;

        data groupsfile;
			length runid $5;
            set input.&groupsfile.;
            runid = lowcase(runid);
            group = lowcase(group);
            if missing(includeinfigure) then includeinfigure = 'N';
            includeinfigure = upcase(includeinfigure);
            %if &reporttype.=T6 %then %do;
            includenegativetime = upcase(includenegativetime);

		/*Verify code distribution module run, compare groupsfile.CODEDIST with qrp_parameters.DISTINDEX */
		%let modifycodedist=N;	
		data _distindex(drop=name rename=(value=distindex));
			length runid $5;
			set sashelp.vmacro(keep=name value where=(name like '%_DISTINDEX' ));
		proc sort data=_distindex; by runid; run;		
		proc sort data=groupsfile; by runid order; run;		
		data groupsfile(drop=distindex);
			merge groupsfile(in=in1) _distindex(in=in2);
			by runid;
			if in1 and in2;
			if upcase(distindex)^='Y' and codedist^='' then do;
				put "WARNING: (Sentinel) CODEDIST will be set to missing for " runid ": " group "because DISTINDEX not set to Y";		

        /*Set max(order) value into NUMGROUPS*/
        proc sql noprint;
            select max(order) into :numgroups 
            from groupsfile;

        /* Check if code distribution is required */
        %let codedistcount = 0;

        proc sql noprint;
            select count(*) into :codedistcount 
            from groupsfile 
            where strip(CodeDist) ne '';

        %if %eval(&codedistcount. > 0) %then %do;
            %let output_code_distribution = Y;
            proc sort data=groupsfile(keep=group runid order codedist topncodedist) out=GroupsDist;
            by order;
            where strip(codedist) ne "";
        %put &=output_code_distribution;

        /*Type 6 - assign to macro variable which groups to include negative time*/
        %if &reporttype. = T6 %then %do;
            proc sql noprint;
                select quote(strip(group), "'") into :discardnegativetimegroups separated by ","
                from groupsfile
                where includenegativetime = "N";

        /* obtain only groups that figures were requested for */
        proc sql noprint;
            select distinct order 
            into :requestedfigs separated by ' '
            from  groupsfile
            where includeinfigure = 'Y'
            order by order;

*   Create a combined pregnancymeta for all runs                                                
	%if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T4L1|T4L2/i,&reporttype.)) > 0	%then %do; 
	     data master_pregnancymeta;
	     set %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
	            %let runid=&&id&n..;
	     format runid $6.;
	        %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
	            if n&n. then do;
	            runid = "&&id&n.";

*   Create a combined cohortfile for all runs                                                

     data master_cohortfile;
     set %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            %let runid=&&id&n..;
     format runid $6.;
        %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            if n&n. then do;
            runid = "&&id&n.";

*   Create a combined cohortcodes for all runs                                                

     data master_cohortcodes;
     set %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            %let runid=&&id&n..;
     format runid $6.;
        %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            if n&n. then do;
            runid = "&&id&n.";

*   Create a pregnancy outcome label dataset                                            
    %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T4L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0  and %sysfunc(exist(input.&baselinefile)) %then %do; 
        proc sql noprint;
            select distinct upper(preg_outcome)
            into :live_preg_outcomes separated by '|'
            from master_pregnancymeta
            where upper(preg_outcomecat) = 'LIVE';

            select distinct upper(preg_outcome)
            into :nonlive_preg_outcomes separated by '|'
            from master_pregnancymeta
            where upper(preg_outcomecat) = 'NONLIVE';

        data _po_codes;
            set master_cohortcodes(where=(upcase(codecat) = 'PO'));
            do while(scan(code, i, " ") ne "");
                code2=upcase(scan(code, i, " "));           
            drop i code;
            rename code2=code;

        proc sql noprint;
            create table _pregnancy_outcome_labels as 
            select distinct a.runid, a.group, a.order, b.code  
            from input.&baselinefile as a 
            left join _po_codes as b
            on a.runid = b.runid and a.group = b.group
            order by a.runid, a.group, a.order;

        proc transpose data = _pregnancy_outcome_labels out=_temp_preg_labels;
            var code;
            by runid group order;

        data _temp_preg_labels;
            set _temp_preg_labels;
            code=catx(' ', of col:);

        %let single_nonlive_orders =;
        proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
            /* Add baselinegroupnum to dataset */
            create table _temp_preg_labels as 
            select a.*, b.baselinegroupnum
            from _temp_preg_labels a 
            left join input.&baselinefile b 
            on a.runid = b.runid and a.group = b.group and a.order = b.order;

            select distinct catx('@',order,baselinegroupnum) 
            into :single_nonlive_orders
            separated by ' '
            from _temp_preg_labels
            where countw(code) = 1 and prxmatch("/&nonlive_preg_outcomes/", code);

        proc sort data = input.&baselinefile out=baseline_preg_labels;
            by runid group order;

        data baseline_preg_labels;
            merge baseline_preg_labels
            by runid group order;
            length preg_outcome_label $60;
            if prxmatch("/&live_preg_outcomes/i",code) and ^prxmatch("/&nonlive_preg_outcomes/i",code) and ^prxmatch("/MIX/i",code) then do;
                if upcase(includenonpregnant) = 'Y' then preg_outcome_label='%str( )Live Birth Delivery Cohort and Non-Pregnant Cohort';
                else preg_outcome_label='%str( )Live Birth Delivery Cohort';
            else if prxmatch("/&nonlive_preg_outcomes/i",code) and ^prxmatch("/&live_preg_outcomes/i",code) and ^prxmatch("/MIX/i",code) then do;
                do i = 1 to countw(substring,"|");
                    count + count(upcase(code), strip(scan(substring,i,"|")),'i');
                if count > 1 then do;
                    if upcase(includenonpregnant) = 'Y' then preg_outcome_label='%str( )Non-live Birth Outcomes Cohort and Non-Pregnant Cohort';
                    else preg_outcome_label='%str( )Non-live Birth Outcomes Cohort';
                else if count = 1 then do;
                    %if %length(&single_nonlive_orders) > 0 %then %do b = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&single_nonlive_orders, %str( )));
                        %let c = %scan(&single_nonlive_orders,&b,%str( ));
                        %let ordernum=%scan(&c,1,%str(@));
                        %let baselinenum=%scan(&c,-1,%str(@));

                    rc = dosubl("proc sql noprint;
                                 select descr into :preg_outcome_descr trimmed 
                                 from master_pregnancymeta b    
                                 where upper(b.preg_outcome) = (select upper(code)
                                                                from _temp_preg_labels
                                                                where order = &ordernum and baselinegroupnum=&baselinenum);

                    if order = &ordernum and baselinegroupnum = &baselinenum then do;
                        if upcase(includenonpregnant) = 'Y' then preg_outcome_label= cat('%str( )', symget('preg_outcome_descr'),' Cohort and Non-Pregnant Cohort');
                        else preg_outcome_label=cat('%str( )', symget('preg_outcome_descr'),' Cohort');
            else if prxmatch('/MIX/i',code) and ^prxmatch("/&live_preg_outcomes/i",code) and ^prxmatch("/&nonlive_preg_outcomes/i",code) then do; 
                rc = dosubl('proc sql noprint;
                             select descr into :preg_outcome_descr trimmed
                             from master_pregnancymeta 
                             where upcase(preg_outcome) = "MIX"; 
                if upcase(includenonpregnant) = 'Y' then preg_outcome_label=cat('%str( )', symget('preg_outcome_descr'), ' Cohort and Non-Pregnant Cohort');
                else preg_outcome_label=cat('%str( )', symget('preg_outcome_descr'),' Cohort');
             else do;
                if upcase(includenonpregnant) = 'Y' then preg_outcome_label='%str( )Pregnant Cohort and Non-Pregnant Cohort';
                else preg_outcome_label='%str( )Pregnant Cohort';
             drop _name_ count substring i code col: rc;

*   Create a combined type file for all runs                                        

    %if ^%index(&reporttype,TREE) %then %do;
        %let typenum = %substr(&reporttype,2,1);

         data master_typefile;
         set %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
                %let runid=&&id&n..;
         format runid $5.;
            %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
                if n&n. then do;
                runid = "&&id&n.";
         %if &typenum. = 2 %then %do;
         /*assign macro variable if BASECOHORT is specified*/
         if missing(basecohort) = 0 then call symputx('basecohortused', 'Y');

*   Create a combined inclusion codes file for all runs                                        

        data inclusioncodes_shell;
            length runid $5 group $40 condlevel $30;
            call missing(runid, group, condlevel);

        data master_inclusioncodes;
            %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            %let runid =&&id&n..;
            %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._inclusioncodes)) %then %do;
            %else %do;
            format runid $5.;
            %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            %let runid =&&id&n..;
            %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._inclusioncodes)) %then %do;
            if n&n. then do;
            runid = "&&id&n.";

        /*Type 2 queries, when BASECOHORT is specified, need to assign inclusion codes from BASECOHORT*/
        %if &basecohortused. = Y %then %do;
            /*build set and group assignment statements*/
            %let inclusionsetstatement = ;
            %let inclusioninstatement = ;

            proc sql noprint;
                select count(*) into: numoutcomecohorts 
                from master_typefile(where=(missing(basecohort)=0));

            %do bc = 1 %to %eval(&numoutcomecohorts.);
                data _null_;
                    set master_typefile(where=(missing(basecohort)=0));
                    if _n_ = &bc. then do;
                        call symputx('runid', strip(runid));
                        call symputx('cohort', strip(group));
                        call symputx('basecohort', strip(basecohort));

                %let inclusionsetstatement = &inclusionsetstatement. master_inclusioncodes(in=a&bc. where=(runid="&runid." and group = "&basecohort."));
                %let inclusioninstatement = &inclusioninstatement. %str(if a&bc. then do; group ="&cohort"; end;) ;

            /*add inclusion codes for outcome cohorts*/
            data master_inclusioncodes;
                set master_inclusioncodes

        %end; /*Type 2 when basecohort specified*/

    %end; /*REPORTTYPE ne TREEX*/

*   Create a combined treatmentpathways file for all runs and identify analysisgrps/groups in GROUPSFILE                                     

    %if &reporttype. = T6 %then %do;
        data _treatmentpathways_shell;
            length runid $5 analysisgrp group $40;
            call missing(runid, analysisgrp, group);

        data master_treatmentpathways;
            %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
                %let runid =&&id&n..;
                %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._treatmentpathways)) %then %do;
                %else %do;
            format runid $5.;
            %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
                %let runid =&&id&n..;
                %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._treatmentpathways)) %then %do;
                if n&n. then do;
                runid = "&&id&n.";

        /*add variables to GROUPSFILE to indicate whether group is a COHORTGRP or ANALYSISGRP*/
        %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
            proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
                create table groupsfile as
                select distinct x.*,
                                case when missing(y.cohortgrp) then 'Y'
                                else 'N'
                                end as switchanalysis,
                                case when missing(z.analysisgrp) then 'Y'
                                else 'N'
                                end as utilizationanalysis,
                                case when a.switchevalstep = 2 then 'Y'
                                else 'N'
                                end as switch2indicator
                from groupsfile as x
                left join master_cohortfile as y
                on x.group = y.cohortgrp and x.runid = y.runid
                left join master_treatmentpathways as z
                on x.group = z.analysisgrp and x.runid = z.runid
                left join (select runid, analysisgrp, switchevalstep 
                           from master_treatmentpathways 
                           where switchevalstep=2) as a
                on x.group = a.analysisgrp and x.runid = a.runid
                order by x.order;

*   Create a stacked t2 add-on file for all runs                                        

    %if %index(&reporttype., T2L1) %then %do;
        data _t2_addonshell;
            length runid $5 group primary secondary $40;
            call missing(runid, group, primary, secondary);

        data master_t2addon(keep=runid group primary secondary);
        set %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
                %let runid=&&id&n..;
                %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._multeventfile)) %then %do;
                %else %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._overlapfile)) %then %do;
                %else %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._concfile)) %then %do;
                %else %do;
         format runid $5.;
            %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
                %let runid=&&id&n..;
                %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._multeventfile)) or 
                    %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._overlapfile)) or
                    %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._concfile)) %then %do; 
                if n&n. then do;
                runid = "&&id&n.";

*   Create a stacked type 4 MICOHORT files                                      

    %if %index(&reporttype.,T4) %then %do;
        data _mil_shell;
            length runid $5 group groupname $40;
            call missing(runid, group, groupname);

       data master_mil(keep=runid group groupname);
            set %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            %let runid=&&id&n..;
            %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._micohortfile)) %then %do;
            %else %do;
            format runid $5.;
            %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
                %let runid=&&id&n..;
                %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._micohortfile)) %then %do;
                if n&n. then do;
                runid = "&&id&n.";

*   Create a stacked monitoring file for Sentinel Views                                

    /* Create periodid2 variable when multiple runs are requested in query */
    /* Views platform does not have a way of distinguishing multiple runids
       so monitoring period variable is incremented as periodid2 to work around
       limitation */
    %if &outputviewsdata = Y and &reporttype = T2L2 %then %do;
        data monitoringfile_views;
            set %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            %let runid=&&id&n..;
         retain periodid2 0;
         format runid $6.;
            %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
                if n&n. then do;
                runid = "&&id&n.";

*   Read in LABELFILE if specified                                               
    /*reassign reporttitle default if Type 4 L1*/
    %if &reporttype. = T4L1 %then %let reporttitle = Exposure(s) of Interest;

    %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&labelfile.)) ne 0 %then %do;
        data labelfile;
            set input.&labelfile.;
            runid = lowcase(runid);
            group = lowcase(group);
            labeltype = lowcase(labeltype);
            labelvar = lowcase(labelvar);
            /*set reporttitle if specified*/
            if labeltype = 'reporttitle' then call symputx('reporttitle', label);
            if labeltype = 'header' then call symputx('includeheaderrow', 'Y');
            if labeltype = 'moiheader' then call symputx('includemoiheaderrow', 'Y');

        /* Determine length of label based off input file */
        proc contents data = labelfile out=_label_length(keep=name length) noprint;

        data _null_;
            set _label_length(where=(lowcase(name)= 'label'));
            call symputx('label_length',length);
        %let labelfileexists = Y;       

        /*Assign user censoring criteria labels*/
        data _null_;
            set labelfile(where=(labeltype='censorlabel'));
            call symputx(cats(labelvar,'_label'), label);
*   Userstrata, TableFile and FigureFile Processing                                         
/*Userstrata file - loop through each runID, stack userstrata files and dedup*/
    %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
        %let runid =&&id&n..;
        /*confirm userstrata file exists*/
        %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._userstrata)) %then %do;
            data _tempuserstrata(rename=levelvars_out=levelvars);
                format levelvars $100.;
                set infolder.&&&runid._userstrata;
                levelvars = lowcase(levelvars);
                tableid = lowcase(tableID);
                levelvars = tranwrd(levelvars, "*", " ");
                levelid = strip(levelid);

                /* Defensive coding for automatic strata */
                /*All report types*/
                if index(levelvars, 'month') > 0 & index(levelvars, 'year') = 0 then do;
                    levelvars = tranwrd(levelvars, "month", "year month");
                if index(levelvars, 'quarter') > 0 & index(levelvars, 'year') = 0 then do;
                   levelvars = tranwrd(levelvars, "quarter", "year quarter");

                /*ReportType = T2L1*/
                %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T2L1") %then %do;
                if tableID in ('t2epigap', 't2epigapprev') and index(levelvars, 'epi_gap') = 0 then do;
                    levelvars = catx(' ',levelvars, "epi_gap");

                /*ReportType = T6*/
                %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T6") %then %do;
                if tableID= "t6disp" and index(levelvars, 'daysupp') = 0 then do;
                    levelvars = catx(' ',levelvars, "daysupp");
                if tableID = "t6episdur" and index(levelvars, 'cumepisodelength') = 0 then do;
                    levelvars = catx(' ',levelvars, "cumepisodelength");
                if tableID = "t6censor" and index(levelvars, 'episodelength') = 0 then do;
                    levelvars = catx(' ',levelvars, "episodelength");
                if tableID = "t6uptake" and index(levelvars, 'uptakedays') = 0 then do;
                    levelvars = catx(' ',levelvars, "uptakedays");
                if tableID = "t6trend" and index(levelvars, 'year') = 0 then do;
                    levelvars = catx(' ',levelvars, "year");
                if tableID = "t6switchepisdur" and index(levelvars, 'episodelength') = 0 then do;
                    levelvars = catx(' ',levelvars, "episodelength");

                *alphabetize levelid vars;
                %alphabetizevarutil(array=d, in=levelvars, out=levelvars_out);

            proc append base=userstrata data=_tempuserstrata force; run;

    /*userstrata is optional if no rows in tablefile and figurefile are specified with DATASET populated*/
    %let userstrataspecified = N;
    %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
        %let userstrataspecified = Y;
        proc sort data=userstrata nodupkey;
            by _all_;

        *Abort if there are duplicate tableid/levelid values and tableid/levelvars values;
        proc sort data=userstrata nodupkey dupout=_userstratadups;
            by tableid levelid;
        %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
            %put ERROR: (SENTINEL) Multiple Userstrata files requested with different tableid-levelid combinations.;
            %put The reporting code will abort;

         proc sort data=userstrata nodupkey dupout=_userstratadups;
            by tableid levelvars;
        %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
            %put ERROR: (SENTINEL) Multiple Userstrata files requested with different tableid-levelvars combinations.;
            %put The reporting code will abort;

        /* Type 3 tree weekdays table is not requested through tablefile
            and will be stored and processed independently */
        %if &reporttype = TREE3 %then %do;
            data _null_;
                set userstrata(keep=tableid);
                if lowcase(tableid) = 't3treewkdays' then call symputx('t3treewkdaysdset','t3treewkdays');

    /*Read in TableFile, alphabetize variables, and assign title*/
    %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
        /*Type 6 tables - cross check that relevant analysisgrps requested in GROUPSFILE*/
        %let switchobs = 0;
        %let switch2obs = 0;
        %if &reporttype.=T6 & %eval(&numgroups.>0) %then %do;
            proc sql noprint;
                select count(*) into: switchobs
                from groupsfile(where=(switchanalysis='Y'));
                select count(*) into: switch2obs
                from groupsfile(where=(switchanalysis='Y' & switch2indicator='Y'));

        data tablefile(rename=levelid1_out=levelid1 rename=levelid2_out=levelid2 rename=levelid3_out=levelid3 rename=tablesubstrat_out=tablesubstrat);
            length censorreason $125;
            set input.&tablefile.(where=(upcase(includeinreport)='Y'));
            %if &typenum. = 4 | &typenum. = 3 %then %do;
              call missing(censorreason);
            %else %do;
              if missing(censorreason) then do;
                if dataset in ("t1censor" "t2censor") then censorreason = "cens_elig cens_dth cens_dpend cens_qryend";
                else if dataset = "t2followuptime" then censorreason = "cens_episend cens_event cens_spec cens_dth cens_elig cens_dpend cens_qryend";
                else if dataset = "t5censor" then censorreason = "cens_episend cens_spec cens_dth cens_elig cens_dpend cens_qryend";
                else if dataset = "t6censor" then censorreason = "endenrollmentcount deathcount endavaildatacount endquerycount endproductdiscontinuationcount";
                else if dataset in ("t6plota", "t6plotb") then censorreason = "endenrollmentcount deathcount endavaildatacount endquerycount productdiscontinuationcount switchedcount";
              else do;
                %if &reporttype. = T6 %then %do;
                    /*convert to type 6 variables*/
                   censorreason = tranwrd(censorreason,'cens_elig','endenrollmentcount');
                   censorreason = tranwrd(censorreason,'cens_dth','deathcount');
                   censorreason = tranwrd(censorreason,'cens_dpend','endavaildatacount');
                   censorreason = tranwrd(censorreason,'cens_qryend','endquerycount');
                   if dataset = "t6censor" then censorreason = tranwrd(censorreason,'cens_episend','endproductdiscontinuationcount');
                    else censorreason = tranwrd(censorreason,'cens_episend','productdiscontinuationcount');
                   censorreason = tranwrd(censorreason,'cens_switch','switchedcount');
                %else %do;
                censorreason = lowcase(censorreason);
            levelid1 = lowcase(levelid1);
            levelid2 = lowcase(levelid2);
            levelid3 = lowcase(levelid3);
            dataset = lowcase(dataset);
            n = _n_;

            /*defensive - abort if switchplots requested but no switch analysisgrps*/
            %if &reporttype.=T6 & %eval(&switchobs <1) %then %do;
                if dataset = 't6plota' then do;
                    put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) 1st switch requested in the TABLEFILE, however no 1st switch analyses were requested in the GROUPSFILE';
            %if &reporttype.=T6 & %eval(&switch2obs <1) %then %do;
                if dataset = 't6plotb' then do;
                    put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) 2nd switch requested in the TABLEFILE, however no 2nd switch analyses were requested in the GROUPSFILE';

            *defensive: replace overall with missing;
            if levelid1 = 'overall' then levelid1 = '';
            if levelid2 = 'overall' then levelid2 = '';
            if levelid3 = 'overall' then levelid3 = '';

            /*if reporttype = T4L1, replace dataset if tablesubstrat = t4nopreg*/
            %if %str("&reporttype") = %str("T4L1") %then %do;
                if tablesubstrat = 't4nopreg' then do;
                    if dataset = 't4preg' then dataset = 't4nopreg';
                else if tablesubstrat = 't4nopreggestwk' then do;
                    if dataset = 't4preggestwk' then dataset = 't4nopreggestwk';

            /*Add column to hold table title stratification value - prior to reorder of variables*/
            format tabletitle $100.;
            if tablesub='overall' then do;
                tabletitle = '';
            else do;
                numw = countw(tablesub);
                do i = 1 to numw;
                    if i = 1 then do;
                        tabletitle = ', by '||strip(propcase(scan(tablesub, i)));
                    else if i = 2 and numw = 2 then do;
                        tabletitle = cat(strip(tabletitle), ' and ',strip(propcase(scan(tablesub, i))));
                    else if i = numw and numw >2 then do;
                        tabletitle = cat(strip(tabletitle), ', and ',strip(propcase(scan(tablesub, i))));
                    else do;
                        tabletitle = cat(strip(tabletitle), ', ',strip(propcase(scan(tablesub, i))));
                drop i numw;

                /*change the following tablesub values:
                 - Agegroup => Age Group
                 - Hispanic => Hispanic Origin
                 - Zip3 => 3-Digit Zip/State
                 - Zip_uncertain => Zip Uncertain
                 - Hhs_reg => Health and Human Services (HHS) Region
                 - Cb_reg => Census Bureau Region
                 - Adherence => Overall Adherence Criteria
                if index(tabletitle, 'Agegroup')>0 then tabletitle =tranwrd(tabletitle, 'Agegroup', 'Age Group');
                if index(tabletitle, 'Hispanic')>0 then tabletitle =tranwrd(tabletitle, 'Hispanic', 'Hispanic Origin');
                if index(tabletitle, 'Zip3')>0 then tabletitle =tranwrd(tabletitle, 'Zip3', '3-Digit Zip/State');
                if index(tabletitle, 'Zip_uncertain')>0 then tabletitle =tranwrd(tabletitle, 'Zip_uncertain', 'Zip Uncertain');
                if index(tabletitle, 'Hhs_reg')>0 then tabletitle =tranwrd(tabletitle, 'Hhs_reg', 'Health and Human Services (HHS) Region');
                if index(tabletitle, 'Cb_reg')>0 then tabletitle =tranwrd(tabletitle, 'Cb_reg', 'Census Bureau Region');
                if index(tabletitle, 'Adherence')>0 and index(tabletitle, 'Adherence_')=0 then tabletitle =tranwrd(tabletitle, 'Adherence', 'Overall Adherence Criteria');

                /*Add ampersand to covariate. Will be resovled when title prints*/
                if index(tabletitle, 'Covar')>0 then tabletitle =tranwrd(tabletitle, 'Covar', '&StudyCovar');

            *alphabetize levelid, tablesub and tablesubstrat vars;
            %alphabetizevarutil(array=a, in=levelid1, out=levelid1_out);
            %alphabetizevarutil(array=b, in=levelid2, out=levelid2_out);
            %alphabetizevarutil(array=c, in=levelid3, out=levelid3_out);
            *%alphabetizevarutil(array=d, in=tablesub, out=tablesub_out);
            %alphabetizevarutil(array=e, in=tablesubstrat, out=tablesubstrat_out);

        %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
            /*TableFile requires USERSTRATA specified*/
            %if &userstrataspecified. = N %then %do;
                %put ERROR: (Sentinel) TableFile specified however no USERSTRATA file is specified in QRP.;
            %else %do;

                *Merge in levelids - need to do three times, 1 for each levelid;
                proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
                    create table tablefile as
                    select distinct table.table
                         , table.tablesub
                         , table.tablesubstrat
                         , table.dataset
                         , table.levelid1 as strat1
                         , table.levelid2 as strat2
                         , table.levelid3 as strat3
                         , table.levelnum
                         , table.tabletitle
                         , table.censorreason
                         , table.categories
                         , strata.levelid as levelid1
                         , strata1.levelid as levelid2
                         , strata2.levelid as levelid3
                         , table.n
                    from tablefile as table
                    left join userstrata as strata
                    on strata.tableid = table.dataset and strata.levelvars = table.levelid1
                    left join userstrata as strata1
                    on strata1.tableid = table.dataset and strata1.levelvars = table.levelid2
                    left join userstrata as strata2
                    on strata2.tableid = table.dataset and strata2.levelvars = table.levelid3
                    order by table.n;
                /*Assign stratificationorder to maintain default stratification order of tables*/
                /*Assign macro variable DATASETLIST for list of datasets*/
                proc sql noprint;
                    select distinct strip(lowcase(dataset)) into: tdatasetlist separated by ' '
                    from tablefile(where=(missing(dataset)=0))
                %let datasetlist = &tdatasetlist.;
                %let tdatasetlistnum = %sysfunc(countw(&tdatasetlist.));

                /*Loop through for all datasets*/
                %do ds = 1 %to %eval(&tdatasetlistnum.);

                  data tablefile_&ds.;
                    set tablefile (where=(dataset= "%scan(&tdatasetlist, &ds, ' ')"));
                    length n 3;
                    n =_n_;

                  /*Keep only the first one, order matters and is kept with n*/
                  proc sql noprint;
                    create table tablefile_sub_&ds. (drop = n) as 
                    select distinct table,  tablesub, n 
                    from tablefile_&ds.
                    group by table, tablesub
                    having min(n) = n
                    order by n;

                  proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
                    create table tablefile_post_&ds. (drop = so) as
                    select distinct a.*, count(b.so) as stratificationorder length=3
                    from (select  *, monotonic() as so from tablefile_sub_&ds.) a
                    left join
                    (select  *, monotonic() as so from tablefile_sub_&ds.) b
                    on a.table=b.table  and b.so <= a.so
                    group by  a.table, a.tablesub
                    order by  a.table, stratificationorder;

                  proc sql noprint;
                    create table tablefile_u_&ds. (drop = n) as 
                    select a.*, b.stratificationorder from tablefile_&ds. as a 
                    left join
                    tablefile_post_&ds. as b
                    on a.table = b.table  and a.tablesub = b.tablesub;

                /*Stack all datasets back up*/
                data tablefile;
                  set tablefile_u_:;

                proc sort data=tablefile sortseq=linguistic(numeric_collation=on);
                  by table dataset stratificationorder;

                proc datasets noprint nowarn lib = work;
                  delete tablefile_:;
                *Defensive check - if levels missing for required stratifications, write warning to the log and abort;
                data levelid_check;
                    set tablefile;
                    where levelid1 is missing | (levelnum = 2 and levelid2 is missing) | (levelnum = 3 and levelid3 is missing);

                %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
                    data output.levelid_check;
                        set levelid_check;
                   %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Unable to generate all requested report tables and stratifications.;
                   %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Check output data LEVELID_CHECK for more information.;
                %else %do;
                    /*Put list of requested figures into macro variable TABLELIST*/
                    proc sql noprint;
                        select distinct table into: tablelist separated by ' '
                        from tablefile;

                    /*Type 5:
                       - Tables T1-T10 require overall category
                       - Tables T1, T3, T5, T7 all require categories
                       - Must specify the same category for all stratifications within a table*/
                    %if &reporttype. = T5 %then %do;
                        %do t =1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&tablelist.));
                            %let overallrequested = N;
                            data _null_;    
                                set tablefile(where=(table="%scan(&tablelist, &t, ' ')"));
                                if _n_ = 1 then do;
                                    categoryfortable = categories;
                                retain categoryfortable;
                                if tablesub = 'overall' then call symputx('overallrequested', 'Y');
                                if table in ('T1', 'T3', 'T5', 'T7', 'T15', 'T17') and missing(categories) then do;
                                    put "ERROR: (Sentinel) CATEGORIES parameter must be populated for table %scan(&tablelist, &t, ' ')";
                                if categoryfortable ne categories then do;
                                    put "ERROR: (Sentinel) CATEGORIES parameter must be the same for all stratifications for table %scan(&tablelist, &t, ' ')";
                            %if &overallrequested. = N %then %do;
                               %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Overall table required for table %scan(&tablelist, &t, ' ');
                        /* If censor tables T15 and T17 are requested confirm categories are the same across both tables */ 
                        %if %index(&tablelist,T15) | %index(&tablelist,T17) %then %do;
                           data _null_;    
                                set tablefile(where=(table in ('T15' 'T17')));
                                retain categoryfortable;
                                if _n_ = 1 then do;
                                   categoryfortable = categories;
                                if categoryfortable ne categories then do;
                                    put "ERROR: (Sentinel) CATEGORIES parameter must be the same for tables T15 and T17.";
                                    put "Categories for table " table " are " categories ", expected categories are " categoryfortable ".";
                    /* Read in table columns file*/
                    %if %str("&tablecolumnsfile.") ne %str("") %then %do;
                      %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&tablecolumnsfile.))=0 %then %do;
                        %put ERROR: (Sentinel) tablecolumnsfile table is specified as input.&tablecolumnsfile. on &createreportfile., but the file does not exist.;
                      %else %do;
                         proc sort data = input.&tablecolumnsfile. (where = (includeinreport = "Y" and 
                           table in (%sysfunc(tranwrd("&tdatasetlist.",%str( )," ")) %sysfunc(tranwrd("&tablelist.",%str( )," ")))))
                                    out = tablecolumns;
                           by table order;
                         %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
                            %let checkt4l1_t1t5 = N;

                            data tablecolumns (keep = table column order columnlabel columnformat columnwidth columnname smallcellYN 
                                                  %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T4L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; columnheader numerator %end;
                                                  %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do; cirate %end;);
                              set tablecolumns (rename = (order = order_in column = column_in));
                              length columnname $32 smallcellYN $1;
                              by table order_in;
                              column = lowcase(compress(column_in));
                              order + 1;
                              if order_in = 1 then order = 1;
                              columnname = compress("column"||put(order,3.));
                              smallcellYN = "N";

                              /*Type 4:
                                1. assign column headers - table T1 assign Number or Percent. Other tables are assigned columnlabel
                                2. Set small cell highlighting to Y for all n variables */
                              %if %str("&reporttype.") = %str("T4L1") %then %do;
                                if index(column,'/') = 0 then smallcellYN = "Y";
                                  numerator = scan(compress(column,'()'),1,'/');
                                  if table in ('T1', 'T5') then do;
                                    if index(column, '/')>0 then columnheader = 'Percent';
                                    else columnheader = 'Number';
                                    call symputx('checkt4l1_t1t5', 'Y');

                            /*Type 4 - check to ensure N and % columns have the same label*/
                            %if &checkt4l1_t1t5 = Y %then %do;
                                %let count = 1;
                                proc sql noprint;
                                    select max(c) into: count
                                    from (select count(distinct columnlabel) as c from tablecolumns(where=(table='T1')) group by numerator);

                                %if %eval(&count>1) %then %do;
                                  %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Different labels specified for N and % columns in table T1.;
                            /* Add footnotes for T1 and T2L1 */
                            %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do;
                              data tablecolumns;
                                set tablecolumns;
                                length footnote 3;
                                by table order;
                                call missing(footnote);
                                if column in ("adjustedcodecount", "all_events", "dennumpts", "episodes", "eps_wevents", "npts", "rawcodecount") then smallcellYN = "Y";
                                if index(column,'dennumpts') > 0 and index(column,'dennummemdays') = 0 and index(column,'365.25') = 0 and index(column,'30.35') = 0 then footnote = 1;
                                else if (index(column,'dennummemdays') > 0 and index(column,'dennumpts') = 0 and index(column,'365.25') = 0 and index(column,'30.35') = 0) then footnote = 2;
                                else if index(column,'dennummemdays') > 0 and index(column,'dennumpts') = 0 and index(column,'365.25') > 0 then footnote = 3;
                         %else %do;
                            %put ERROR: (Sentinel) All rows on input.&tablecolumnsfile. are set to N.; 
                            %put Columns must be selected for tables:&tdatasetlist.;
                    %else %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T4L1/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 %then %do;
                        /* A table columns file must be specified for T4L1 */
                        %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Lookup table includes dataset &tdatasetlist., but tablecolumnsfile is not specified in &createreportfile. file.;
        %end; /*TableFile has rows with IncludeinReport=Y*/
        %else %do;
            %put WARNING: (Sentinel) TableFile specified, but all rows have INCLUDEINREPORT set to N.;
    %end; /*TableFile specified*/

    /*Read in FigureFile, alphabetize variables, and assign title*/
    %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;

        /*macro variable to cross checkout Type 6 treatmentpathways file to ensure an analysisgrp has been requested*/
        %let t6checktreatmentpathways = N;

        /*macro variable to determine if a warn should be written to the log for Type 5 figures*/
        %let t5figurewarn=N;

        /*read in figurefile*/
        data figurefile(rename=levelid1_out=levelid1 rename=levelid2_out=levelid2 rename=levelid3_out=levelid3 
                        rename=figuresub_out=figuresub rename=censordisplay1=censordisplay);
            set input.&figurefile.(where=(upcase(includeinreport)='Y'));

            levelid1 = lowcase(levelid1);
            levelid2 = lowcase(levelid2);
            levelid3 = lowcase(levelid3);
            dataset = lowcase(dataset);
            includeatrisktable = upcase(includeatrisktable);

            *if censordisplay is missing, replace with default list of censoring reasons;
            length censordisplay1 $80 n 3;
            censordisplay1 = lowcase(censordisplay);
            %if &reporttype. = T1 | &reporttype. = T2L1 %then %do; 
            if index(dataset, 'censor') and missing(censordisplay) then censordisplay1 = 'cens_elig cens_dth cens_dpend cens_qryend';
            if index(dataset, 'followuptime') and figure = 'F2' and missing(censordisplay) then censordisplay1 = 'cens_elig cens_dth cens_dpend cens_qryend cens_episend cens_spec cens_event';
            else if index(dataset, 'followuptime') and figure = 'F1' and missing(censordisplay) then censordisplay1 = 'cens_event';
            /*Figure F1 is a KM curve for event of interest*/
            if index(dataset, 'followuptime') and figure = 'F1' and censordisplay1 ne 'cens_event' then do;
                put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) Figure F1 is a Kaplan-Meier Estimate of Event of Interest Not Occurring - censordisplay must be cens_event';
            %else %if &reporttype. = T5 %then %do;
            if index(dataset, 'censor') and missing(censordisplay) and figure = 'F4' then censordisplay1 = 'cens_elig cens_dth cens_dpend cens_qryend cens_episend cens_spec';
            /*for F5 - check to ensure a censoring criterion is specified and only 1 is specified*/
            else if index(dataset, 'censor') and figure = 'F5' then do;
                if missing(censordisplay) then do;
                    put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) Figure F5 requires the user to specify one censor reason to display in the plot';
                if countw(censordisplay) >1 then do;
                    put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) Only 1 censor reason can be displayed in Figure F5';
            else if figure in ("F1", "F2", "F3") then do;
                if not missing(xmin) or not missing(xmax) or not missing(xtick) then call symputx('t5figurewarn', 'Y');
            %else %if &reporttype. = T6 %then %do;
                /*Type 6 variable names in datasets t6plota/t6plotb do not match other censor variables. If specified, replace with cens_ variables*/
                /*Figure F4 and F5 are KM curves - censordisplay should be missing or set to cens_switch*/
                if figure in ('F4', 'F5') then do;
                    if missing(censordisplay)=0 and censordisplay not in ('switchedcount', 'cens_switch') then do;
                        put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) Figures F4 and F5 are Kaplan-Meier Estimate of Switch not occuring - censordisplay cannot be specified';
                    else do;
                        censordisplay1 = 'cens_switch';
                if figure in ('F6', 'F7') then do;
                    if missing(censordisplay) then do; censordisplay1 = 'cens_elig cens_dth cens_dpend cens_qryend cens_episend cens_switch'; end;
                    else do;
                        censordisplay1=tranwrd(censordisplay1, "endenrollmentcount", "cens_elig");
                        censordisplay1=tranwrd(censordisplay1, "deathcount", "cens_dth");
                        censordisplay1=tranwrd(censordisplay1, "endavaildatacount", "cens_dpend");
                        censordisplay1=tranwrd(censordisplay1, "endquerycount", "cens_qryend");
                        censordisplay1=tranwrd(censordisplay1, "productdiscontinuationcount", "cens_episend");
                        censordisplay1=tranwrd(censordisplay1, "switchedcount", "cens_switch");
                /*Figure F8 and F9 are Cumulative Incidence curves - censordisplay should be populated and set to a single value*/
                if figure in ('F8', 'F9') then do;
                    if missing(censordisplay) then do;
                        put 'WARNING: (Sentinel) Figures F8 and F9 are Cumulative Incidence of Switch - censordisplay must be specified as competing risk. Figure will not be produced.';
                    else do
                        numcensordisplay = countw(censordisplay);
                        censordisplay1=scan(censordisplay, 1);                      
                        if numcensordisplay > 1 then do;
                            put 'WARNING: (Sentinel) Figures F8 and F9 are Cumulative Incidence of Switch - censordisplay must contain one unique value. The first value specified will be used as competing risk.';                        
                        if censordisplay1 not in ('cens_elig', 'cens_dth', 'cens_dpend', 'cens_episend', 'cens_dth') then do;
                            put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) Figures F8 and F9 are Cumulative Incidence of Switch - censordisplay must be one of cens_elig, cens_dth, cens_dpend, cens_qryend, cens_episend';
                    drop numcensordisplay;
                /*if figure using t6plota/t6plotb dataset, need to request figures in at last 1 analysisgrp in the TREATMENTPATHWAYS file*/
                if index(dataset, 't6plot') then call symputx('t6checktreatmentpathways', 'Y');
            drop censordisplay;

            *defensive: replace overall with missing;
            if levelid1 = 'overall' then levelid1 = '';
            if levelid2 = 'overall' then levelid2 = '';
            if levelid3 = 'overall' then levelid3 = '';

            n = _n_;

            /*Add column to hold figure title stratification value - prior to reorder of variables*/
            format figuretitle $100.;
            if figuresub='overall' then do;
                figuretitle = '';
            else do;
                numw = countw(figuresub);
                do i = 1 to numw;
                    if i = 1 then do;
                        figuretitle = ', by '||strip(propcase(scan(figuresub, i)));
                    else if i = 2 and numw = 2 then do;
                        figuretitle = cat(strip(figuretitle), ' and ',strip(propcase(scan(figuresub, i))));
                    else if i = numw and numw >2 then do;
                        figuretitle = cat(strip(figuretitle), ', and ',strip(propcase(scan(figuresub, i))));
                    else do;
                        figuretitle = cat(strip(figuretitle), ', ',strip(propcase(scan(figuresub, i))));
                drop i numw;

                /*change the following tablesub values:
                 - Agegroup => Age Group
                 - Hispanic => Hispanic Origin
                if index(figuretitle, 'Agegroup')>0 then figuretitle =tranwrd(figuretitle, 'Agegroup', 'Age Group');
                if index(figuretitle, 'Hispanic')>0 then figuretitle =tranwrd(figuretitle, 'Hispanic', 'Hispanic Origin');

            *alphabetize levelid and figuresub vars;
            %alphabetizevarutil(array=a, in=levelid1, out=levelid1_out);
            %alphabetizevarutil(array=b, in=levelid2, out=levelid2_out);
            %alphabetizevarutil(array=c, in=levelid3, out=levelid3_out);
            %alphabetizevarutil(array=d, in=figuresub, out=figuresub_out);

        %if &t5figurewarn. eq Y %then %put WARNING: (Sentinel) XMIN, XMAX and XTICK parameters should be set to missing when type 5 figures F1, F2, F3 are requested. Values specified will be ignored.;

        %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do; 

            /*Type 6 figures - cross check that relevant groups requested in GROUPSFILE*/
            %if &t6checktreatmentpathways. = Y %then %do;
                proc sql noprint;
                    create table _tempt6check as
                    select group
                    from groupsfile(where=(includeinfigure='Y' and switchanalysis='Y'));
                %if %eval(&nobs.<1) %then %do;
                    %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Switch plots requested in the FIGUREFILE, however no switching analyses were requested in the GROUPSFILE;

            /*Put list of requested figures into macro variable FIGURELIST*/
            proc sql noprint;
                select distinct figure into: figurelist separated by ' '
                from figurefile;

        %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|ITS|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do;
            /*Figurefile requires USERSTRATA specified if reporttype=T1, T2L1, T5, T6, ITS*/
            /*USERSTRATA is optional for reporttype = T2L2, T4L2*/
            %if &userstrataspecified. = N %then %do;
                %put ERROR: (Sentinel) FigureFile specified however no USERSTRATA file is specified in QRP.;
            %else %do;
                /*Check USERSTRATA file against FigureFile to ensure correct levelIDs specified*/
                *Merge in levelids - need to do three times, 1 for each levelid;
                proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
                    create table figurefile as
                    select distinct figure.figure
                         , figure.figuresub
                         , figure.dataset
                         , figure.levelid1 as strat1
                         , figure.levelid2 as strat2
                         , figure.levelid3 as strat3
                         , figure.levelnum
                         , figure.figuretitle
                         , figure.xmin
                         , figure.xmax
                         , figure.xtick 
                         , figure.ymin
                         , figure.ymax 
                         , figure.ytick
                         , figure.includeatrisktable
                         , figure.censordisplay
                         , strata.levelid as levelid1
                         , strata1.levelid as levelid2
                         , strata2.levelid as levelid3
                         , figure.n
                    from figurefile as figure
                    left join userstrata as strata
                    on strata.tableid = figure.dataset and strata.levelvars = figure.levelid1
                    left join userstrata as strata1
                    on strata1.tableid = figure.dataset and strata1.levelvars = figure.levelid2
                    left join userstrata as strata2
                    on strata2.tableid = figure.dataset and strata2.levelvars = figure.levelid3
                    order by figure.n;

                *Defensive check - if levels missing for required stratifications, write warning to the log and abort;
                data levelid_check;
                    set figurefile;
                    where levelid1 is missing | (levelnum = 2 and levelid2 is missing) | (levelnum = 3 and levelid3 is missing);

                /*Add strata order*/
                %do figure_loop = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&figurelist));
                  %let flist_1 = %scan(&figurelist, &figure_loop, ' ');

                    data _figurefile_&flist_1.;
                      length stratificationorder 3;
                      set figurefile (where=(figure = "&flist_1"));
                      stratificationorder = _N_;
                data figurefile;
                  set _figurefile_:;
                /*For L1 figures, assign list of GROUPS to include in figures*/
                %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) %then %do;
                    %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
                        proc sql noprint;
                            select quote(strip(group), "'") into :includegroupinfigure separated by ' '
                            from groupsfile
                            where includeinfigure = 'Y'; 

                        %if %str("&includegroupinfigure") = %str("") %then %do;
                            %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Figures requested in FIGUREFILE, however INCLUDEINFIGURE is set to N for all groups;
                    %else %do;
                        %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Figures requested in FIGUREFILE, however GROUPSFILE is missing. Specify a GROUPSFILE in CREATEREPORTFILE;

                %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
                    data output.levelid_check;
                        set levelid_check;
                   %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Unable to generate all requested report figures and stratifications.;
                   %put ERROR: (Sentinel) Check output data LEVELID_CHECK for more information.;
                %else %do;
                    /*Assign macro variable DATASETLIST for list of datasets to aggregate*/
                    proc sql noprint;
                        select distinct strip(lowcase(dataset)) into: fdatasetlist separated by ' '
                        from figurefile(where=(missing(dataset)=0))
                    %let datasetlist = &datasetlist. &fdatasetlist.;
        %end; /*L1 figures*/
        %end; /*FigureFile has rows with IncludeinReport=Y and should be mapped to USERSTRATA file*/
        %else %if %eval(&nobs.<1) %then %do;
            %put WARNING: (Sentinel) FigureFile specified, but all rows have INCLUDEINREPORT set to N.;
    %end; /*FigureFile specified*/

    /*TableFile and FigureFile are optional, but if neither are specified for the following report types then write warning to the log:
       T1, T2L1, T4L1, T5, T6, ITS*/
    %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T1|T2L1|ITS|T4L1|T5|T6/i,&reporttype.)) & %sysfunc(exist(tablefile))<1 & %sysfunc(exist(figurefile))<1 %then %do;
        %put WARNING: (Sentinel) TableFile and FigureFile are not specified. No additional tables or figures will be produced.;

    %put datasetlist = &datasetlist;

*   BASELINEGROUPNUM parameter check - ensure valid parameter combinations are used    
*   LABCHARACTERISTICS parameter check - if lab covariates specified, process list                                       

    %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&baselinefile.)) %then %do;
        %let chk_baselinegroupnum = ;
        %let chk_covinps=;

        /* Check whether order values are the same across different run IDs */
        proc sql noprint;
            select count(distinct order)
            into :numorder 
            from input.&baselinefile;

            /* Check if lab covariates specified */
            select upper(labcharacteristics) into: labcovars separated by ' '
            from input.&baselinefile(where=(not missing(labcharacteristics)));

        %if %length(&labcovars) > 0 %then %do;
        /* Expand lab covariates */
        /* Remove quotes from the list */
        %let labcovars = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&labcovars,%str(%")/*"*/,%str( )));
        /* Remove duplicate covar values from list */
        %nonrep(invar=labcovars, outvar=labcharacteristics);

        /* sort covariates in ascending order */
        data _tempcovars;
            length tempcovar $20;
            %do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&labcharacteristics));
                %let tempcovar = %scan(&labcharacteristics,&i);

        proc sort data = _tempcovars sortseq=linguistic(numeric_collation=on);
            by tempcovar;

        proc sql noprint;
            select tempcovar 
            into :labcharacteristics separated by ' '
            from _tempcovars;


        %do m = 1 %to &numorder;
        data _null_;
           set input.&baselinefile.(where=(order=&m));
           lag_runid = lag(runid);
           if _n_ > 1 then do;
            if lowcase(runid) ^= lowcase(lag_runid) then do;
                put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) ORDER values cannot be repeated across different RUNID values';
            if missing(baselinegroupnum) then do;
                put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) ORDER values can only be repeated when using the BASELINEGROUPNUM parameter';
           if _n_ > 2 then do;
             put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) Only a maximum of 2 rows per ORDER value can be specified for the BASELINEGROUPNUM parameter';
             put 'ERROR: (Sentinel) Please ensure your baseline input file has the appropriate values';
           if not missing(baselinegroupnum) then call symputx('chk_baselinegroupnum', baselinegroupnum);
           if not missing(covinps) then call symputx('chk_covinps', covinps);
        %end; /* m */
        /* Check for populated baselinegroupnum parameter within specific analysis types */
        %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T2L2|T4L2|T6/i,&reporttype.)) > 0 and %length(&chk_baselinegroupnum) > 0 %then %do;
         %put ERROR: (Sentinel) BASELINEGROUPNUM functionality is not available for REPORTTYPE = &reporttype. and must be set to missing.;

        /* Check if covinps has been specifed for L1 requests*/
        %if %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/T2L2|T4L2/i,&reporttype.)) = 0 and %length(&chk_covinps) > 0 %then %do;
         %put WARNING: (Sentinel) covinps is not relevant for REPORTTYPE = &reporttype.. No covariates will be identified in the Baseline Characteristics table.;

     %end; /* baselinefile */

*   For L2 reports:
     1: Read in L2ComparisonFile    
     2: create master PS/CS input file dataset    
     3. Add unique psestimategrp flag to the l2comparisonfile    

    %if &reporttype = T2L2 | &reporttype = T4L2 %then %do;

        %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do; 
            %let outputforestplot      = N;
            %let OutputPSDistribution  = N;
            data l2comparisonfile;
                set input.&l2comparisonfile.;
                if missing(outputconditional) then outputconditional = 'Y';
                if missing(outputunconditional) then outputunconditional = 'Y';

                if missing(outputforestplot) then outputforestplot = 'N';
                else outputforestplot=strip(upcase(outputforestplot));
                if outputforestplot = 'Y' then call symputx('outputforestplot', 'Y');

                if missing(OutputPSDistribution) then OutputPSDistribution = 'N';
                else OutputPSDistribution=strip(upcase(OutputPSDistribution));
                if OutputPSDistribution = 'Y' then call symputx('OutputPSDistribution', 'Y');

                if missing(kmrefpop) then kmrefpop = 'unweighted';
                else kmrefpop=strip(lowcase(kmrefpop));

            %let numl2comparisons = &nobs.;

            /*Defensive check - if any comparisons request forest plot, then F2 in FIGUREFILE must be requested*/
            %if %index(&figurelist.,F2)=0 & &outputforestplot=Y %then %do;
                %put WARNING: (Sentinel) Forest Plots not requested in FIGUREFILE, however OUTPUTFORESTPLOT set to Y in L2COMPARISONFILE.;
                %put WARNING: (Sentinel) Forest Plots will not be produced;
                data l2comparisonfile;
                    set l2comparisonfile;
                    outputforestplot = 'N'; 
            %if %index(&figurelist.,F2)>0 & &outputforestplot=N %then %do;
                %put WARNING: (Sentinel) Forest Plots requested in FIGUREFILE, however OUTPUTFORESTPLOT set to N for all rows in L2COMPARISONFILE;
                proc sql noprint;
                    select distinct figure into: figurelist separated by ' '
                    from figurefile
                    where figure ne 'F2';
            /*Defensive check - if any comparisons request histogram, then F1 in FIGUREFILE must be requested*/
            %if %index(&figurelist.,F1)=0 & &OutputPSDistribution=Y %then %do;
                %put WARNING: (Sentinel) PS Histograms not requested in FIGUREFILE, however OutputPSDistribution set to Y in L2COMPARISONFILE.;
                %put WARNING: (Sentinel) PS Histograms will not be produced;
                data l2comparisonfile;
                    set l2comparisonfile;
                    OutputPSDistribution = 'N'; 
            %if %index(&figurelist.,F1)>0 & &OutputPSDistribution=N %then %do;
                %put WARNING: (Sentinel) PS Histograms requested in FIGUREFILE, however OutputPSDistribution set to N for all rows in L2COMPARISONFILE;
                proc sql noprint;
                    select distinct figure into: figurelist separated by ' '
                    from figurefile
                    where figure ne 'F1';
            /*T2L2: if KM curves requested, ensure events are not being redacted*/
            %if &reporttype. = T2L2 & %sysfunc(prxmatch(m/F3|F4|F5/i,&figurelist.)) > 0 %then %do;
                %if %index(&customizecolumns.,events) > 0 %then %do;
                    %put WARNING: (Sentinel) KM curves are requested, however events are redacted so KM curves will not be produced;
                    data _null_;
                        call symputx('figurelist', prxchange('s/F3|F4|F5//', -1, "&figurelist.")); /*remove KM curves*/
            /*T2L2 and T4L2: if Forest Plots requested, ensure events are not being redacted*/
            %if %index(&reporttype,L2) and %index(&figurelist,F2) %then %do;
                %if %index(&customizecolumns.,events) > 0 %then %do;
                    %put WARNING: (Sentinel) Forest Plots are requested, however events are redacted so Forest Plots will not be produced;
                    data _null_;
                        call symputx('figurelist', prxchange('s/F2//', -1, "&figurelist.")); /*remove Forest Plots curves*/
        %else %do;
            %put WARNING: (Sentinel) L2ComparisonFile is required when ReportType = T2L2 or T4L2 in order to produce effect estimates and PS histograms. Effect estimates and PS histograms will not be computed;

        /* T2L2/T4L2: Check for obscure combinations of including columns and simultaneous redaction */
        %if (%index(&customizecolumns.,redactevents) > 0 and (%index(&customizecolumns.,include) > 0 or %index(&customizecolumns.,sumevents) > 0)) or 
             (%index(&customizecolumns.,sumevents) > 0 and %index(&customizecolumns.,include) > 0) %then %do;
            %put WARNING: (Sentinel) The following values for CUSTOMIZECOLUMNS have been specified: &customizecolumns..;
            %put WARNING: (Sentinel) Columns that have been included for display also may be redacted. Results may not appear as expected.;
        /*Master PS/CS input file datasets*/

        /*Create shell table*/
        data pscs_masterinputs;
            length runid $5 file $32 analysisgrp psestimategrp eoi ref $40 ratio $1 strataweight $3 ipweight $4
                   caliper ceiling percentiles truncweight pstrim 8 unconditional reestimateps $1 subgroup $15 subgroupcat $11 stratvars $18;
            call missing(runid, file, analysisgrp, psestimategrp, eoi, ref, subgroup, subgroupcat, reestimateps, truncweight, ceiling, caliper, ratio, strataweight,
                   ipweight, percentiles, unconditional, pstrim, stratvars);
        data psest_masterinputs;
            length runid $5 psestimategrp eoi ref $40 hdps $1;
            call missing(runid, psestimategrp, eoi, ref, hdps);

        /*Set each table by looping through runIDs*/
        %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
            %let runid = %scan(&runidlist., &n.);
            data pscs_masterinputs;
                set pscs_masterinputs(in=x)
                %if %str("&&&runid._psmatchfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                %if %str("&&&runid._stratificationfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                %if %str("&&&runid._covstratfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                %if %str("&&&runid._iptwfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                %end; ;

                %if %str("&&&runid._psmatchfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                if a then file = 'psmatchfile';
                %if %str("&&&runid._stratificationfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                if b then file = 'stratificationfile';
                %if %str("&&&runid._covstratfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                if c then file = 'covstratfile';
                %if %str("&&&runid._iptwfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                if d then file = 'iptwfile';

                if not x then do;
                runid = "&runid.";
                analysisgrp = lowcase(analysisgrp);
                psestimategrp = lowcase(psestimategrp);
                keep runid file analysisgrp psestimategrp subgroup subgroupcat ceiling caliper ratio strataweight truncweight
                     ipweight percentiles eoi ref unconditional pstrim reestimateps stratvars;

            data psest_masterinputs;
               set psest_masterinputs(in=x)
               %if %str("&&&runid._psestimationfile") ne %str("") %then %do;
                if not x then do;
                runid = "&runid.";
                psestimategrp = lowcase(psestimategrp);
                eoi = lowcase(eoi);
                ref = lowcase(ref);
            /* If subgroups file exists then add subgroups to pscs_masterinputs */
            %if %eval(&nobs. > 0) %then %do;
              proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
                create table _pscs_masterinputs_subgroups as
                select pscs.runid
                      ,lowcase(sub.subgroup) as subgroup
                      ,upcase(sub.subgroupcat) as subgroupcat
                      /*set in REESTIMATEPS - defensive set to Y / N if no applicable*/
                      ,case when (strip(pscs.file) = 'iptwfile' | strip(pscs.file) = 'stratificationfile' & missing(strataweight)=0) then 'Y'
                       when strip(pscs.file) = 'covstratfile' then 'N'
                       else sub.reestimateps 
                       end as reestimateps
                from pscs_masterinputs as pscs
                inner join infolder.&&&runid._pscssubgroupfile as sub
                on pscs.analysisgrp = sub.analysisgrp;
              data pscs_masterinputs;
                set pscs_masterinputs
              /* Clean up work space */
              proc datasets lib = work;
               delete _pscs_masterinputs_subgroups;

        /*Merge in psestimategrp parameters name*/
        proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
            create table pscs_masterinputs as 
            select pscs.runid
                  ,case when missing(pscs.eoi) then est.eoi
                  else pscs.eoi
                  end as eoi
                  ,case when missing(pscs.ref) then est.ref
                  else pscs.ref
                  end as ref
            from pscs_masterinputs as pscs
                 left join psest_masterinputs est
            on pscs.psestimategrp = est.psestimategrp; 

        /*Type 4 - add GROUPNAME (base cohort)*/
        %if &reporttype. = T4L2 %then %do;
          proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
            create table pscs_masterinputs as 
            select x.*,
            from pscs_masterinputs as x
            left join master_mil as y
            on substr(x.eoi,1,length(x.eoi)-4) = y.group and x.runid = y.runid;

        *Add unique psestimategrp flag to the l2comparisonfile;     
        %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
         proc sql noprint;
           create table _l2comparisonfile_ps as
             select base.*
             from l2comparisonfile as base
             left join pscs_masterinputs (where = (missing(subgroup))) as pscs
              on base.runid = pscs.runid
              and base.analysisgrp = pscs.analysisgrp
              order by runid, psestimategrp, order;
         data l2comparisonfile;
           set _l2comparisonfile_ps; 
           length unique_psestimate 3;
           retain unique_psestimate;
           by runid psestimategrp order;
           unique_psestimate +1;
           if missing(psestimategrp) or first.psestimategrp then unique_psestimate = 1;
        proc sort data=pscs_masterinputs nodupkey;
            by runid analysisgrp subgroup subgroupcat;

    Read in and Output TXT file for treelookup file per runid when it exists
    %if %sysfunc(exist(input.&treeaggfile.)) %then %do;
       /*Set each table by looping through runIDs*/
       %do n = 1 %to &numrunid.;
       %let runid = %scan(&runidlist., &n.);
       /* Determine if there is a comma in any row on the lookup file */
          %if %str("&&&runid._treelookup") ne %str("") %then %do;
             data _treelookup;
               length comma_in_parent comma_in_child 3.;
               set infolder.&&&runid._treelookup;
                if index(parent,',') > 0 then comma_in_parent = 1;
                else comma_in_parent = 0;
                if index(child,',') > 0 then comma_in_child = 1;
                else comma_in_child = 0;
             proc sql noprint;
               select sum(comma_in_parent) as parent_comma
                     ,sum(comma_in_child) as child_comma
               into :parent_comma
               from _treelookup;
             %let parent_comma = &parent_comma.;
             %let child_comma = &child_comma.;
             %if &parent_comma. > 0 or &child_comma. > 0 %then %do;
               %put WARNING: Commas exist in either the child or parent node. A tab-delimited file will be produced.;
               %put &parent_comma. parent, and &child_comma. child nodes have commas.;
                proc export data = infolder.&&&runid._treelookup
                      outfile   = "&output.&&&runid._treelookup..txt"
                     dbms      = tab replace;
                     putnames  = NO;
             %else %do;  
                proc export data = infolder.&&&runid._treelookup
                      outfile   = "&output.&&&runid._treelookup..txt"
                     dbms      = dlm replace;
                     delimiter = ',';
                     putnames  = NO;
             /* Clean up work space */
             proc datasets lib = work;
              delete _treelookup;
          %end; /* treelookup exists */
        %end; /* runid loop */
      %end; /* reporttypes are T2L2 T4L2 or TREE */ 

*  Create stacked dataset containing covariate labels for all runs          
*  Check stacked dataset for non-lab covariates that were specified as lab covariates                                    
    /*loop through each runID, create datasets covarname_&runid.*/
    %do r = 1 %to %eval(&numrunid.);
        %let runid = %scan(&runidlist., &r.);
        %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._covariatecodes.))=1 %then %do;

            /* Get studyname length per runid */
            proc contents data = infolder.&&&runid._covariatecodes. out=studylen(keep=name length) noprint;

            proc sql noprint;    
                create table covarname_&runid. as 
                select distinct covarnum, 
                                strip(studyname) as studyname, 
                                "&runid" as runid length=5, 
                                cats('covar',covarnum) as cov_varname length=8,
								%if %index(&reporttype,T4) > 0 %then %do;								
								/* codepop2 will be used to compute codepop for cc covariates*/
								codepop as codepop2 format $6. length=6,
                from infolder.&&&runid._covariatecodes.;

                select length
                into: MAXLEN_STUDYNAME
                from studylen
                where lower(name)='studyname';

			%if %index(&reporttype,T4) > 0 %then %do;
				/* Determine codepop value for cc covariates if any */
				data Covarname_cc;
				set Covarname_&runid.;
				where upcase(codecat)="CC";

				proc sql noprint;
				select distinct covarnum into :cc_covars separated by " " 
				from Covarname_cc;

				%if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
					%do cc_cov=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&cc_covars.));
						%let cc_covar=%scan(&cc_covars., &cc_cov.);

						proc sql noprint;
							select code into :cc_covarlist 
							from Covarname_cc
							where covarnum=&cc_covar.; 

							select distinct codepop into :cc_codepop separated by " " 
							from Covarname_&runid.
							where covarnum in (&cc_covarlist.); 

						data Covarname_&runid.;
						set Covarname_&runid.; 
						if covarnum=&cc_covar. then do;
							if index(codepop2, "M")>0 and index(codepop2, "I")>0 then codepop="MI";
							else if index(codepop2, "M")>0 then codepop="M";
							else if index(codepop2, "I")>0 then codepop="I";
					%end; /* loop through cc covariates */
				%end; /* Covarname_cc contains data */
			%end; /* T4 report type */

            /* Need to set maximum studyname length across all runs */
            %if &baselinelabellength < &MAXLEN_STUDYNAME. %then %let baselinelabellength = &MAXLEN_STUDYNAME.;           
            %if %eval(&baselinelabellength. <80) %then %let baselinelabellength = 80;

            %if %sysfunc(exist(covarname))=0 %then %do;
                data covarname;
                    length studyname $&baselinelabellength;
                    set covarname_&runid.;
            %else %do;
                data covarname;
                    length studyname $&baselinelabellength;
                    set covarname covarname_&runid.;


    /* Check whether labcharacteristics parameter contains non-lab codes and identify which lab covariates are categorical  */
    %if %length(&labcovars) > 0 and &nobs > 0 %then %do;

        /*list of categorical labs*/
        proc sql noprint; 
            select upper(quote(cov_varname))
            into: charlabslist separated by ' '
            from covarname
            where codecat = 'LB' and substr(strip(reverse(codetype)), 1, 1) = 'C';

        /*warn user if labcharacteristics parameter contains non-lab covariates*/
        data _null_;
            set covarname(where=(codecat^='LB' or codedays>1));
            %do labcovarnum = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&labcharacteristics));
                %let labcovar = %scan(&labcharacteristics,&labcovarnum);
                if upcase(cov_varname) = "&labcovar" then do;
                    put "WARNING: (Sentinel) The following covariate has been specified in LABCHARACTERISTICS but is not a lab covariate";
                    put cov_varname= codecat= codetype=;

    %if &nobs > 0 %then %do;
    proc sort data = covarname nodupkey out=covarname(keep=covarnum studyname runid cov_varname %if %index(&reporttype,T4) > 0 %then %do; codepop %end;);
        by runid covarnum;

    /*Delete temporary dataset*/
   proc datasets nowarn noprint nolist lib=work; 
        delete studylen covarname_:; 

     Create list of covariates specified in requested tables and figures
    %macro assigncovarlabels(dataset=, var=);

        %if %eval(&nobs.>0) %then %do;
            data _covars (keep = covarnum);
               length covarnum 8;
               set &dataset. (where = (index(&var.,'covar') > 0 and index(&var.,'#') = 0));
               call missing(covarnum);
               if index(&var.,'covar') > 0 then do;
                 numstrat = countw(&var.,' ');
                 do ns = 1 to numstrat;
                   if index(scan(&var.,ns,' '),'covar') > 0 then do;
                     covarstrat = scan(&var.,ns,' ');
                     covarnum = input(substr(covarstrat,6),8.); output;
               if missing(covarnum) then delete;
            %if &nobs > 0 %then %do;
                proc sort nodupkey data = _covars;
                    by covarnum;

               /* When covariates are requested in the &dataset., each of them must have the same studyname across selected runs */ 
               proc sort nodupkey data=covarname out=_covardup;
               by covarnum studyname;

               proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
                 create table _covardup as
                 select distinct a.studyname,
                 from _covardup a 
                      inner join _covars b
                 on a.covarnum=b.covarnum
                 group by a.covarnum
                 having freq(a.covarnum) > 1;

               %if &nobs > 0 %then %do;
                   %put ERROR: (SENTINEL) Multiple covariatecodes file exist with different covarnum studynames for requested stratification.;
                   %put ERROR: (SENTINEL) Remove covariate stratification or update QRP;
                   %put The reporting code will abort;

               proc sort nodupkey data = covarname(keep = covarnum studyname) out = _covarnames;
                 by covarnum;
               proc sql noprint undo_policy=none;
                 select count(covarnum) into: numsummarystratcovars trimmed
                 from _covars;

                 create table _covarnames as 
                 select a.covarnum,
                 from _covars a
                 left join _covarnames b
                 on a.covarnum = b.covarnum;

                 select covarnum into :tmpcovars separated by '|' from _covarnames;
                 select studyname into :tmpStudy separated by '|' from _covarnames;

                 %do cc = 1 %to &numsummarystratcovars;
                 /* Covariate names (i.e. covar1) and corresponding study names requested in &dataset. */
                 %global covar&cc studycovar%scan(&tmpcovars., &cc., %str(|));

                 %let covar&cc = covar%scan(&tmpcovars., &cc., %str(|));
                 %let studycovar%scan(&tmpcovars., &cc., %str(|)) = %scan(&tmpStudy., &cc., %str(|));
    %assigncovarlabels(dataset=tablefile, var=tablesub);
    %assigncovarlabels(dataset=pscs_masterinputs, var=subgroup);

*  Create stacked dataset containing riskscores data for all runs                                            
	%do r = 1 %to %eval(&numrunid.);
        %let runid = %scan(&runidlist., &r.);
        %if %sysfunc(exist(infolder.&&&runid._riskscorefile.))=1 %then %do;

            /* Get riskscorecat length per runid */
            proc contents data = infolder.&&&runid._riskscorefile. out=riskscorecatlen(keep=name length) noprint;

            proc sql noprint;    
                create table _riskscorefile_&runid. as 
                select distinct riskscore, 
                                strip(riskscorecat) as riskscorecat, 
                                "&runid" as runid length=5                                 							
                from infolder.&&&runid._riskscorefile.;

                select length
                into: MAXLEN_RISKSCORECAT trimmed
                from riskscorecatlen
                where lower(name)='riskscorecat';

			%if %eval(&MAXLEN_RISKSCORECAT. < 7) %then %let MAXLEN_RISKSCORECAT=7;

            /* Need to set maximum riskscorecat length across all runs */          
            %if %sysfunc(exist(riskscorefile))=0 %then %do;
                data riskscorefile;
                    length riskscorecat $&MAXLEN_RISKSCORECAT.;
                    set _riskscorefile_&runid.;
            %else %do;
                data riskscorefile;
                    length riskscorecat $&MAXLEN_RISKSCORECAT.;
                    set riskscorefile _riskscorefile_&runid.;
			/* Assign labels for standard risk scores */ 
			data riskscorefile;
			set riskscorefile;
			format label $70.;
			riskscore = upcase(riskscore);
			if riskscore = "ADCSI" then label="Adapted Diabetes Complications Severity Index (aDCSI)";
			else if riskscore = "CHA2DS2VASC" then label="CHA^{sub 2}DS^{sub 2}-VASc score";
			else if riskscore = "CCI" then label="Combined comorbidity score";
			else if riskscore = "FRAILTY" then label="Claims-Based frailty index";
			else if riskscore = "HASBLED" then label="HAS-BLED score";
			else if riskscore = "OBSCOMORB" then label="Obstetric comorbidity index";
			else if riskscore = "PEDCOMORB" then label="Pediatric comorbidity index";
			else label=riskscore;		
			if strip(riskscorecat) = "" then riskscorecat="missing";	

			/*Delete temporary dataset*/
		    proc datasets nowarn noprint nolist lib=work; 
		    	delete riskscorecatlen _riskscorefile_:; 

*   Clean up                                                

     proc datasets noprint nowarn lib = work;
      delete _: inclusioncodes_shell;
    %put =====> END MACRO: process_inputfiles;

%mend process_inputfiles;