**************************************************************************************************** * PROGRAM OVERVIEW **************************************************************************************************** * * PROGRAM: report_template.sas * * Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 02/01/2021 * Last modified: 02/01/2021 * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PURPOSE: This program is used to create a template for qrp report outputs * * Program inputs: * * Program outputs: * -template named qrp_report_&outputtype. * * PARAMETERS: * - outputtype: The file type the template will be used for (ex: Excel) * - fontsize: The size of the font * - font: The font family * * Programming Notes: * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONTACT INFO: * Sentinel Coordinating Center * info@sentinelsystem.org * ***************************************************************************************************; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro to create template to use in reports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ %macro report_template(outputtype = ,fontsize = , font =); proc template; define style qrp_report_&outputtype.; notes "QRP Report Style"; %if %str("&outputtype.") = %str("excel") %then %do; parent = styles.Excel; %end; %else %do; parent = styles.Pearl; %end; style data/ backgroundcolor = white cellpadding =1.75pt color = black fontfamily = "&font." fontsize = &fontsize. borderstyle = hidden borderwidth = 1pt frame = void just = C ; style header / color = black foreground = black bordertopcolor = black borderbottomcolor = black borderleftcolor = white borderrightcolor = white borderstyle = solid borderwidth = 1pt fontfamily = "&font." fontweight = bold fontsize = &fontsize. cellpadding =1.75pt backgroundcolor = white just = C frame = hsides ; style linecontent/ backgroundcolor = white color = black fontfamily = "&font." fontsize = &fontsize. bordertopcolor = black borderbottomcolor = black borderleftcolor = white borderrightcolor = white borderstyle = solid borderwidth = 1pt cellpadding =1.75pt just = L frame = hsides ; style body/ backgroundcolor = white borderstyle = hidden borderwidth = 1pt fontfamily = "&font." fontsize = &fontsize. frame = void ; style title / color = black foreground = black borderbottomcolor = black borderstyle = solid borderwidth = 1pt fontfamily = "&font." fontweight = bold fontsize = &fontsize. cellpadding =1.75pt backgroundcolor = white just = L frame = void ; style footer / color = black fontfamily = "&font." fontweight = bold fontsize = &fontsize. cellpadding =1.75pt backgroundcolor = white bordertopcolor = black borderwidth = 2pt just = L frame = void ; style subheader/ color = black fontfamily = "&font." fontweight = bold fontsize = &fontsize. cellpadding =1.75pt backgroundcolor = libgr borderbottomcolor = black borderstyle = solid borderwidth = 1pt just = L frame = void ; style systemtitle/ backgroundcolor = white color = black fontfamily = "&font." fontsize = &fontsize. fontweight = bold cellpadding =1.75pt just = L frame = void ; style paragraph/ backgroundcolor = white color = black fontfamily = "&font." fontsize = &fontsize. cellpadding =1.75pt just = L frame = void ; style note/ backgroundcolor = white color = black fontfamily = "&font." fontsize = &fontsize. fontweight = bold cellpadding =1.75pt just = L frame = void ; class GraphAxisLines/ contrastcolor = black color = black; end; run; %mend report_template;