**************************************************************************************************** * PROGRAM OVERVIEW **************************************************************************************************** * * PROGRAM: t4tables_output.sas * Created (mm/dd/yyyy): 12/27/2021 * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * PURPOSE: This macro drives the creation of T4 summary table proc report output * * Program inputs: * - final_t4moi / final_t4gestwk * - final_dps_t4moi / final_dps_t4gestwk * * Program outputs: * - repdata.table&tablenum.&tableletter * * PARAMETERS: * - table = table indicator from tablefile * - dataset = input dataset * - where = where clause to restrict &dataset * - tabnum = table number and letter * - title = table title * - nonpreg = Y/N indicator for inclusion of non-pregnant matched cohort * - varlist = List of column names * - varwidths = list of variable widths * - varsmallcells = List of small cell count highlighting indicators for each column * - varsuperscripts = Y/N indicator on whether columns will get superscript for footnote * - columnstatementlabels = List of column headers to include in COLUMNS statement * - definestatementlabels = List of column headers to include in DEFINE statement * - spanningheader = Header that spans the top of entire table * * Programming Notes: * Tables T1 and T5 includes both N and # columns under a single column. For this reason, the parameter * COLUMNLABELS contains a list of labels to include in the COLUMNS statement and COLUMNHEADERS * contains a list of labels to include in the DEFINE statement * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONTACT INFO: * Sentinel Coordinating Center * info@sentinelsystem.org * ***************************************************************************************************; %macro t4tables_output(table=, dataset=, where=, tabnum=, title=, nonpreg=, varlist=, varwidths=, varsmallcells=, varsuperscripts=, columnstatementlabels=, definestatementlabels=, spanningheader=); /*Assign footnotes*/ data _footnotes; length footnote_order 3; set lookup.lookup_footnotes(where=( (type = "t4l1moi" and order in ( 0 %if &table.=T1 %then %do; %if &nonpreg. = Y %then %do; 1 %end; %else %do; 2 %end; %end; %if &table.=T5 %then %do; %if &nonpreg. = Y %then %do; 3 %end; %else %do; 4 %end; %end; %if %index(&varsuperscripts,Y) %then %do; 5 %end;) or (type='type4' and order in (-2 %if &nonpreg. = Y %then %do; -1 %end;)) ))); by order; footnote_order = _n_; run; proc sql noprint; select count(order) into: num_fn trimmed from _footnotes; %if &num_fn > 0 %then %do; select description into: fn1 - :fn&num_fn. from _footnotes order by order; %end; quit; %assign_superscripts(type=title, order = -2 -1); %assign_superscripts(type=exposure, order = 1 2 3 4); %assign_superscripts(type=column, order = 5); /*Save dataset to repdata folder*/ %isdata(dataset=repdata.table&tabnum.); %if %eval(&nobs.<1) %then %do; /*list of numeric variables*/ %let varlistnochar = %sysfunc(tranwrd(&varlist., _char, %str())); data repdata.table&tabnum.; set &dataset(where=(&where.) keep=group moiname pregflg order grouplabel moilabel &varlist. &varlistnochar. %if %index(&dataset., t4moi) %then %do; den_episodes %end; %if %index(&dataset., _dps_) %then %do; dpidsiteid %end; %if &includeheaderrow. =Y %then %do; header %end; %if &includemoiheaderrow. =Y %then %do; moiheader %end;); run; %end; /*Create columns statement with varlist headers. Necessary because T1 and T5 contains both N and % under one header*/ %let columnstatement = ; %if &table. = T1 | &table. = T5 %then %do; %do v = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(%str(&columnstatementlabels.),|||)); %let label = %scan(%str(&columnstatementlabels.),&v., |||); %let skip = 0; /*skip if columnlabel is same as prior variable label*/ %if %eval(&v.>1) %then %do; %if "&label." = "%scan(%str(&columnstatementlabels.),%eval(&v.-1),|||)" %then %let skip = 1; %end; %if &v. = 1 | &skip. = 0 %then %do; proc sql noprint; select cats(columnname,'_char') into :tmpcolumns separated by ' ' from tablecolumns where table="&table" and columnlabel = "&label." order by order; quit; %let columnsuperscript_flag = %scan(%str(&varsuperscripts.),&v., |||); %if &columnsuperscript_flag = Y %then %let label = %scan(%str(&columnstatementlabels.),&v., |||)&super_column.; %let columnstatement = &columnstatement. ("&label." &tmpcolumns.); %end; %end; %end; %else %do; %let columnstatement = &varlist; %end; /*Write to report*/ %if &destination = excel %then %do; ods excel options(sheet_name="Table &tabnum." tab_color='green' flow="1:400"); %end; ods proclabel = "Table &tabnum."; proc report data = repdata.table&tabnum. nofs nowd spanrows missing headskip split="*" style(header)=[rules=none vjust=b backgroundcolor=bgr borderbottomcolor=bgr borderrightcolor=bgr borderleftcolor=bgr] split='*' style(report)=[rules=none frame=void cellpadding =1.75pt]; columns (%if %length(&spanningheader)>0 %then %do; "&spanningheader." %end; %if &nonpreg. = Y %then %do; pregflg %end; %if &includeheaderrow. = Y %then %do; header %end; order grouplabel %if &includemoiheaderrow = Y %then %do; moiheader %end; moilabel &columnstatement.); %if &nonpreg. = Y %then %do; define pregflg / order order=data noprint; %end; %if &includeheaderrow. = Y %then %do; define header / order noprint order=data ' '; %end; define order / order order=data noprint; define grouplabel / order order=data noprint; %if &includemoiheaderrow. = Y %then %do; define moiheader / order noprint order=data ' '; %end; define moilabel / "Exposure(s) of Interest&super_exposure." style(column)= [just=l indent=%if &includemoiheaderrow = Y %then %do;.25in%end; %else %do;.15in%end;] style(header)=[just=l borderbottomcolor=black backgroundcolor=bgr borderrightcolor=bgr borderleftcolor=bgr]; /*columns*/ %do v = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&varlist.)); %let varname = %lowcase(%scan(&varlist., &v.,%str( ))); %let varlabel = %scan(&definestatementlabels., &v.,%str(|||)); %let varwidth = %lowcase(%scan(&varwidths., &v.,%str( ))); %let varsmallcell = %lowcase(%scan(&varsmallcells., &v.,%str( ))); define &varname. / display "&varlabel" style(column)=[width=&varwidth. just=c %if %str("&varsmallcell.") = %str("y") %then %do; background=$backgroundfmt. %end; tagattr='type:string'] style(header)=[just=C borderbottomcolor=black backgroundcolor=bgr borderrightcolor=bgr borderleftcolor=bgr]; %end; /* Add title */ compute before _page_ / style=[background=white font_weight=bold just=L foreground=black vjust=b bordertopcolor=black borderbottomcolor=black borderbottomwidth=&bordersize tagattr="wrap:yes" cellheight=.3in]; line "Table &tabnum.. &title.&super_title."; endcomp; /*add pregnant/non-pregnant header*/ %if &nonpreg. = Y %then %do; compute before pregflg / style=[backgroundcolor=libgr font_weight=bold just=L bordertopcolor=black borderbottomcolor=black]; length text $100; if pregflg = 'Y' then text = "Pregnancy Episodes Ending in Live-Birth Delivery"; else text = "All Matched Non-Pregnant Episodes"; num = 100; line text $varying. num; endcomp; %end; /*add header line*/ %if &includeheaderrow = Y %then %do; compute before header / style=[backgroundcolor=bwh font_weight=bold just=L bordertopcolor=black borderbottomcolor=black]; length text $100; text = header; num = 100; line text $varying. num; endcomp; %end; /*add group label*/ compute before grouplabel / %if &includeheaderrow. = Y %then %do; style=[backgroundcolor=white font_weight=bold just=L bordertopcolor=white borderbottomcolor=white]; %end; %else %do; style=[backgroundcolor=bwh font_weight=bold just=L bordertopcolor=black borderbottomcolor=black]; %end; length text $100; text = grouplabel; num = 100; line text $varying. num; endcomp; /*MOI header*/ %if &includemoiheaderrow. = Y %then %do; compute before moiheader / style=[fontstyle=italic indent=.15in backgroundcolor=white just=L bordertopcolor=white borderbottomcolor=white]; length text $100; text = moiheader; num = 100; line text $varying. num; endcomp; %end; /*add footnotes*/ %if &num_fn > 0 %then %do; compute after / style=[just=L borderbottomcolor=white bordertopcolor=black vjust=T fontsize=&footfontsize. bordertopwidth = &bordersize nobreakspace=off]; %do f = 1 %to &num_fn.; line "^{super &f}&&fn&f."; %end; endcomp; %end; %else %do; compute after / style=[bordertopwidth=&bordersize borderbottomcolor=white]; line ''; endcomp; %end; run; %mend t4tables_output;