|Characteristics to display under "Health Characteristics" heading|HEALTHCHAR|Used to limit characteristics included in baseline tables and to specify which characteristics to include in a "Health Characteristics" section of the tables. Include a list of characteristics to include in this section, separated by a comma. <br><br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **COVAR#:** # corresponds to COVARNUM used for each covariate included in the distributed covariate input file. <li> **COMORBIDSCORE:** Charlson/Elixhauser Combined Comorbidity Score <li> **NUMAV:** Ambulatory encounters <li> **NUMED:** Emergency department encounters <li> **NUMOA:** Other ambulatory encounters <li> **NUMIP:** Inpatient hospital encounters <li> **NUMIS:** Non-acute institutional encounters <li> **NUMCLASS:** Unique drug classes dispensed <li> **NUMGENERIC:** Generics dispensed <li> **NUMRX:** Filled prescriptions </ul></li><br> **Note 1:** if blank, a "Health Characteristics" section will not be included in baseline tables. <br><br> **Note 2:** can use "dash" notation to include range of COVAR# values in numeric order (i.e., COVAR1-COVAR9). <br><br> **Format:** SAS character - length can vary <br> **Example:** COVAR1-COVAR5, COVAR7|
|Characteristics to display under "Medical Product Use" heading|MEDPRODUSE |Used to limit characteristics included in baseline tables and to specify which characteristics to include in a "Medical Product Use" section of the tables. Include a list of characteristics to include in this section, separated by a comma.<br><br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **COVAR#:** # corresponds to COVARNUM used for each covariate included in the distributed covariate input file. <li> **COMORBIDSCORE:** Charlson/Elixhauser Combined Comorbidity Score <li> **NUMAV:** Ambulatory encounters <li> **NUMED:** Emergency department encounters <li> **NUMOA:** Other ambulatory encounters <li> **NUMIP:** Inpatient hospital encounters <li> **NUMIS:** Non-acute institutional encounters <li> **NUMCLASS:** Unique drug classes dispensed <li> **NUMGENERIC:** Generics dispensed <li> **NUMRX:** Filled prescriptions </ul></li><br> **Note 1:** if blank, a "Medical Product Use" section will not be included in baseline tables. <br><br>**Note 2:** can use "dash" notation to include range of COVAR# values in numeric order (i.e., COVAR1-COVAR9). <br><br>**Format:** SAS character - length can vary <br> **Example:** COVAR1-COVAR5, COVAR7|
|Characteristics to display under "Health Service Utilization Intensity Metrics" heading|UTILIZATIONINTENSITY|Used to limit characteristics included in baseline tables and to specify which characteristics to include in a "Health Service Utilization Intensity Metrics" section of the tables. Include a list of characteristics to include in this section, separated by a comma. <br><br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **COVAR#:** # corresponds to COVARNUM used for each covariate included in the distributed covariate input file. <li> **COMORBIDSCORE:** Charlson/Elixhauser Combined Comorbidity Score <li> **NUMAV:** Ambulatory encounters <li> **NUMED:** Emergency department encounters <li> **NUMOA:** Other ambulatory encounters <li> **NUMIP:** Inpatient hospital encounters <li> **NUMIS:** Non-acute institutional encounters <li> **NUMCLASS:** Unique drug classes dispensed <li> **NUMGENERIC:** Generics dispensed <li> **NUMRX:** Filled prescriptions </ul></li><br> **Note 1:** if blank, a "Health Service Utilization Intensity Metrics" section will not be included in baseline tables. <br><br>**Note 2:** can use "dash" notation to include range of COVAR# values in numeric order (i.e., COVAR1-COVAR9).<br><br>**Format:** SAS character - length can vary <br> **Example:** NUMAV, NUMED, NUMOA, NUMIS, NUMCLASS, NUMGENERIC|
|Characteristics to display under "Pregnancy Characteristics" heading|PREGNANCYCHAR|Used to specify which pregnancy-related characteristics to include in a "Pregnancy Characteristics" section of the baseline table. Include a list of characteristics to include in this section, separated by a comma. <br><br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **PREPOSTIND_PRE:** Preterm <li> **PREPOSTIND_TERM:** Term <li> **PREPOSTIND_POST:** Postterm <li> **PREPOSTIND_NONE:** Unknown term <li> **GA_BIRTH:** Estimated gestational age at delivery </li></ul><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 4 analyses. <br><br> **Note 2:** if blank, a "Pregnancy Characteristics" section will not be included in baseline tables. <br><br> **Format:** SAS character - length can vary <br> **Example:** PREPOSTIND_PRE, PREPOSTIND_TERM, PREPOSTIND_POST, PREPOSTIND_NONE, GA_BIRTH|
|Characteristics to display under "Exposure Characteristics" heading|EXPOSURECHAR|Used to specify which pregnancy-related exposure characteristics to include in an "Exposure Characteristics" section of the baseline table. Include a list of characteristics to include in this section, separated by a comma. <br> <br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **GA_FIRST:** Gestational age of first exposure, weeks <li> **DISP_PRE:** Number of dispensings in pre-pregnancy period <li> **ADJUSTEDDISP_T1:** Number of dispensings in first trimester <li> **ADJUSTEDDISP_T2:** Number of dispensings in second trimester <li> **ADJUSTEDDISP_T3:** Number of dispensings in third trimester <li> **EXP_T1:** Exposed during first trimester <li> **EXP_T2:** Exposed during second trimester <li> **EXP_T3:** Exposed during third trimester <li> **EXP_PREGPRE:** Exposed during user-defined pre-pregnancy period </li></ul><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 4 analyses. <br><br> **Note 2:** if blank, an "Exposure Characteristics" section will not be included in baseline tables. <br><br> **Format:** SAS character - length can vary <br> **Example:** GA_FIRST, DISP_PRE, ADJUSTEDDISP_T1, ADJUSTEDDISP_T2, ADJUSTEDDISP_T3, EXP_T1, EXP_T2, EXP_T3, EXP_PREGPRE|
|Infant characteristics indicator|OUTPUTINFANTCHAR|Indicator for inclusion of an infant section of the baseline table. <br> <br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **Y:** Include an infant section in the baseline table </li><li> **N:** Do not include an infant section in the baseline table </li></ul><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 4 analyses. <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $1 <br> **Example:** Y|
|Indicator for inclusion of baseline table for non-pregnant cohort in L1 type 4 analyses|INCLUDENONPREGNANT|Indicator for inclusion of a non-pregnant cohort to the baseline table. <br> <br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **Y:** Include a non-pregnant cohort in the baseline table </li><li> **N:** Do not include a non-pregnant cohort in the baseline table </li></ul><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 4 analyses. <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $1 <br> **Example:** Y|
|Covariate sort order|COVARSORT| Character indicator specifying the sort order for covariates in output. <br><br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **A:** Sort by alphabetical order of covariate label </li><li> **C:** Sort by numeric assignment for covariate per contents of file represented by parameter COVARNUM </li><li> **O:** Sort by order that the covariates are specified in the parameters HEALTHCHAR, MEDPRODUSE, UTILIZATIONINTENSITY </ul></li> **Format:** SAS character $1 <br> **Example:** A |
|Compute absolute and standardized difference indicator|COMPUTEBALANCE|Compute absolute and standardized difference between cohorts. <br><br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **Y:** Compute absolute and standardized difference <li> **N:** Do not compute absolute and standardized difference </li></ul><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 4 analyses where INCLUDENONPREGNANT = Y or GROUP includes a MILGRP value. <br><br> **Note 2:** for L2 tables, absolute and standardized difference will always be output.<br><br> **Note 3:** COMPUTEBALANCE can be used with BASELINGROUPNUM <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $1 <br> **Example:** Y |
|Standardized difference threshold|SDTHRESHOLD|Threshold for Table 1 standardized difference. Any values above the amount represented by this parameter will be output with font color blue. <br><br> **Note 1:** SDTHRESHOLD value cannot differ for ANALYSISGRPs with the same PSESTIMATEGRP. <br><br> **Format:** SAS Numeric <br> **Example:** 0.1 |
|Covariates to italicize in Table 1|BASELINEROWITALICS| List of covariates to italicize in Table 1 output. Specifying this parameter invokes a footnote indicating that italicized covariates are not included in the propensity score logistic regression model. <br><br> **Note 1:** BASELINEROWITALICS value cannot differ for ANALYSISGRPs with the same PSESTIMATEGRP.<br><br> **Format:** SAS character - length can vary<br> **Example:** covar1 covar2 covar25 |
|Covariates to italicize in Table 1|BASELINEROWITALICS| List of covariates to italicize in Table 1 output for inferential analyses. Specifying this parameter invokes a footnote indicating that italicized covariates are not included in the propensity score logistic regression model. <br><br> **Note 1:** BASELINEROWITALICS value cannot differ for ANALYSISGRPs with the same PSESTIMATEGRP. <br><br> **Note 2:** Only relevant if REPORTTYPE = T2L2 or T4L2. <br><br> **Format:** SAS character - length can vary<br> **Example:** covar1 covar2 covar25 |
|Profile Table output|PROFILECOVARSTOINCLUDE|List of covariates to include in a covariate profile table. Produces a table profiling the number of patients and episodes that qualify for every possible combination of covariates requested within one run of the QRP package. <br><br> Valid values are: <ul><li> **ALL:** Include all covariates <li> **COVAR#:** # corresponds to COVARNUM used for each covariate included in the distributed covariate input file </ul></li> **Note 1:** only relevant if profile datasets are requested. <br><br> **Note 2:** if blank, a profile table will not be output. <br><br> **Note 3:** can use "dash" notation to include range of COVAR# values in numeric order (i.e., COVAR1-COVAR9). <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $100 <br> **Example:** COVAR1, COVAR2, COVAR8-COVAR20|