# Sentinel Routine Querying Reporting Tool
## Tree Aggregation File Parameters
The Tree Aggregation file is optional. This file must be specified if TreeScan analysis is requested. This file defines parameters necessary to execute a TreeScan analysis. Table 1 contains detailed specifications for this file.
**Table 1. TREEAGGFILE specification**
| **Parameter** | **Field Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
|Report type|REPORTTYPE|Type of analysis being performed. <br><br> Valid values are: <ul><li>**TREE2** <li>**TREE3** <li>**TREE4** </ul></li> **Format:** SAS character $5 <br>**Example:** TREE2|
|TreeScan analytic dataset identifier|TREEANALYSISID|Corresponds to analytic dataset creation for individual TreeScan execution. <br><br> **Note 1:** one TREEANALYSISID is required for each unique combination of TREEANALYSISGRP and LEVELID for stratified analyses. <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $3 <br>**Example:** 001|
|Label for the analytic dataset|TREEANALYSISGRP|Standardized name used to differentiate analytic datasets for use by TreeScan. <br><br> **Note 1:** TREEANALYSISGRP values must remain consistent during the course of a sequential surveillance activity. <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $40 <br> **Example:** Insulin_4_365|
|Run identifier|RUNID|RunID assigned to the run that corresponds to the specified TREEANALYSISGRP. <br><br> Format: SAS character $5 <br> Example: r01|
|Stratification identifier|LEVELID|Stratification variable identifying each unique combination of strata. Receives a unique level value that remains consistent across requests. Strata level variables must be requested in the distributed [User-defined Strata Levels Look-up file]( <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $3 <br> **Example:** 000|
|Numeric identifier for stratification levels|LEVELNUM|Numeric identifier for the number of categories within a LEVELID. There needs to be 1 row for the number of categories within a LEVELID. For example, if LEVELID = 001 (age), and there are 2 age groups (0-65, 65+), then there should be 2 LEVELNUM assignments: LEVELNUM = 01 for LEVELNUMLBL = 0-65, and LEVELNUM = 02 for LEVELNUMLBL = 65+. <br><br> **Note 1:** if no stratification requested, (i.e., LEVELID = 000), then LEVELNUM should be left blank. <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $32 <br> **Example:** 01|
|Label for stratification levels|LEVELNUMLBL|Label for the number of categories within a LEVELID. Within a given strata, this is exactly the text for a particular level as seen in the CIDA output files. For example, if LEVELID = 001 (age), and there are 2 age groups (0-65, 65+), then there should be 2 LEVELNUM assignments: LEVELNUM = 01 for LEVELNUMLBL = 0-65, and LEVELNUM = 02 for LEVELNUMLBL = 65+. <br><br> **Note 1:** if no stratification requested, (i.e., LEVELID = 000), then LEVELNUM should be left blank. <br><br> **Note 2:** when there are multiple stratification variables at the specified LEVELID, then the desired values in LEVELNUMLBL must align exactly with the order of variables in the distributed [User-defined Strata Levels Look-up file]( <br><br> **Format:** SAS character $32 <br> **Example:** 0-65|
|Risk window start|RWSTART|Used to define the start of a user-defined fixed risk window when performing a Bernoulli TreeScan analysis with a self-controlled risk interval design (as opposed to a Tree-Temporal). <br><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 3 analyses and is optional based on whether a fixed window analysis is being performed (as opposed to a variable window analysis with a temporal scan). <br><br> **Note 2:** must be set to missing for Type 2 analyses. <br><br> **Note 3:** TREEANALYSISGRP can be used for multiple sets of risk and control windows but each unique analysis requires its own TREEANALYSISID. <br><br> **Note 4:** control windows may precede or follow risk windows and the two windows are not required to be contiguous. <br><br> **Note 5:** this should be specified as a “timeline” label as opposed to an algebraic quantity, assuming Day 0 = 0. <br><br> **Format:** Numeric <br> **Example:** 1|
|Risk window end|RWEND|Used to define the end of a user-defined fixed risk window when performing a Bernoulli TreeScan analysis with a self-controlled risk interval design (as opposed to a Tree-Temporal). <br><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 3 analyses and is optional based on whether a fixed window analysis is being performed (as opposed to a variable window analysis with a temporal scan). <br><br> **Note 2:** must be set to missing for Type 2 analyses. <br><br> **Note 3:** TREEANALYSISGRP can be used for multiple sets of risk and control windows but each unique analysis requires its own TREEANALYSISID. <br><br> **Note 4:** control windows may precede or follow risk windows and the two windows are not required to be contiguous. <br><br> **Note 5:** this should be specified as a “timeline” label as opposed to an algebraic quantity, assuming Day 0 = 0. <br><br> **Format:** Numeric <br> **Example:** 28|
|Control window start|CWSTART|Used to define the start of a user-defined fixed control window when performing a Bernoulli TreeScan analysis with a self-controlled risk interval design (as opposed to a Tree-Temporal). <br><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 3 analyses and is optional based on whether a fixed window analysis is being performed (as opposed to a variable window analysis with a temporal scan). <br><br> **Note 2:** must be set to missing for Type 2 analyses. <br><br> **Note 3:** TREEANALYSISGRP can be used for multiple sets of risk and control windows but each unique analysis requires its own TREEANALYSISID. <br><br> **Note 4:** control windows may precede or follow risk windows and the two windows are not required to be contiguous. <br><br> **Note 5:** this should be specified as a “timeline” label as opposed to an algebraic quantity, assuming Day 0 = 0. <br><br> **Format:** Numeric <br> **Example:** -56|
|Control window end|CWEND|Used to define the end of a user-defined fixed control window when performing a Bernoulli TreeScan analysis with a self-controlled risk interval design (as opposed to a Tree-Temporal). <br><br> **Note 1:** only relevant for Type 3 analyses and is optional based on whether a fixed window analysis is being performed (as opposed to a variable window analysis with a temporal scan). <br><br> **Note 2:** must be set to missing for Type 2 analyses. <br><br> **Note 3:** TREEANALYSISGRP can be used for multiple sets of risk and control windows but each unique analysis requires its own TREEANALYSISID. <br><br> **Note 4:** control windows may precede or follow risk windows and the two windows are not required to be contiguous. <br><br> **Note 5:** this should be specified as a “timeline” label as opposed to an algebraic quantity, assuming Day 0 = 0. <br><br> **Format:** Numeric <br> **Example:** -29|