
Ankit Patel authored and Andrew Petrone committed 363ca4b3475 Merge
Pull request #227: DEV-24109: Add missing value formatting conditions for lab covariates

Merge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-24109 to staging * commit '972ad49a1ce19f6a5dab8e57d0f23ee446ecde59': DEV-24109: Remove extra logic, update comments DEV-24109: Modify condition to correctly set NaN for categorical labs DEV-24109: Update comment, reinsert code, remove code from lab section, add additional condition for single value standard deviation DEV-24109: Move logic for std format, add additional logic for numeric/categorical labs DEV-24109: Fix std format issue for aggregate tables DEV-24109: Update 0 to NaN for categorical labs DEV-24109: Update logic for 1 episode rows and DP specific mean/std formats DEV-24109: Comment out N/A rule for DP specific tables, revert to original formatting DEV-24109: test commit DEV-24109: Format count rows for DP tables when 0 patient count DEV-24109: Apply denominator logic to aggregate and DP specific tables to apply missing values DEV-24109: Replace N/A values with NaN for numeric labs DEV-24109: Initialize label when 0 patients, reformat DP specific values with N/A, execute formatting conditionally around type 6 DEV-24109: Adjust formatting for aggregated continuous lab results when 0 patient count DEV-24109: Add missing value formatting conditions for lab covariates
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