
Ankit Patel authored and Jolene Mosley committed 58316d83d33 Merge
Pull request #297: DEV-29681: Change COVNOTINPS to COVINPS

Merge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-29681 to staging * commit '329b5888a466a106c524eb882e82b0679a13468a': DEV-29681: Removed _onlycovinps dataset DEV-29681: Updated covinps condition check when selecting footnotes DEV-29681: Changed order number for covariates footnote DEV-29681: Removed restrictions to type4 or riskscores DEV-29681: Moved covariate footnote to top of lookup table DEV-29681: Removed covinpsorder and super_covar variables DEV-29681: Finalized COVINPS implementation DEV-29681: Add code to recode asterisk and superscript test commit again Initial commit DEV-29681: Update comment indentation DEV-29681: Update lookup table DEV-29681: Change COVNOTINPS to COVINPS
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