Pull request #311: DEV-31128: Updated footnotes and missing value indicators
Merge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-31128 to staging * commit '34bbec9e84f0738a683a86d9802f93d82e49c0bc': DEV-31128: Fixed issue with lab covariates DEV-31128: Added %upcase function DEV-31128: Fixed issue with cc covariates DEV-31128: Fixed issue when profilecovarstoinclude includes ranges DEV-31128: Fixed issue when profilecovarstoinclude=ALL DEV-31128: Updated lab footnote DEV-31128: Removed invalid covariates from the list to include in profile tables DEV-31128: Updated code restricting mi cohorts to T4L2 DEV-31128: Fixed issue with profile table titles for mi cohorts DEV-31128: Fixed issues with profile tables output DEV-31128: fixed typo DEV-31128: Added variables to _mil_shell DEV-31128: Assigned N/A for missing covariate values (N, %, AD, and SD) DEV-31128: Updated lab footnote selection based on type DEV-31128: Updated lookup_footnotes dataset DEV-31128: Updated lookup footnotes DEV-31128: Removed covariates anchored to INDEXDT_EXP from profile table
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