Pull request #332: DEV-33334: L1 views dashboard
Merge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-33334 to staging * commit 'd003a51a87564f88b46b2a443b8647940207b283': (31 commits) DEV-33334: Reset headerorder within grouper DEV-33334: Fixed table1 issues DEV-33334: Modify ResultsColumns format and histogram values DEV-33334: Modify ResultsColumns format and histogram values DEV-33334: Simplified code by using t&typenum. DEV-33334: Removed figure check and updated program header DEV-33334: Add variable labels DEV-33334: Add patient and episode headerlabel DEV-33334: Modify ResultsColumns.columnkey value to reflect Results table column name DEV-33334: Modify CohortGroup labels. DEV-33334: Add conditional statements for when riskscores are not requested, add lab covariate label logic DEV-33334: Fix CohortGroup error when no labelfile. DEV-33334: Recoded unicode value in results table DEV-33334: Resultscolumns dataset is referencing wrong input, changed to tablecolumnsfile. DEV-33334: Output results table columns in correct order DEV-33334: Update CHA2DS2VASC headerlabels and remove unicode from variable labels DEV-33334: Update logic and comment DEV-33334: Implemented results tables DEV-33334 added cohortgroup views dataset DEV-33334: Remove comment for table1 ...
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