Andrew Petrone | c53f04c6552 | DEV-22480: updated comments/header | | DEV-22480 |
Dave Martin | 80271f77142 | DEV-22480: Fixed parenthesis issue and updated label assignement | | DEV-22480 |
Dave Martin | 3b85151daff | DEV-22480: Renamed variables | | DEV-22480 |
Dave Martin | c86aa05dbbb | DEV-22480: Implemented CIF computation | | DEV-22480 |
Dave Martin | 82c4286cd3a | DEV-22480: renamed figure_cdf_km_createdata to figure_survivalcurves_createdata | | DEV-22480 |
Dave Martin | 830ce960660 | DEV-22480: Added F8 and F9 to figure_l1_driver | | DEV-22480 |
Dave Martin | bb21948997c | DEV-22480: Added warnings for incorrect competing risk specification | | DEV-22480 |
Dave Martin | 69d036d7277 | DEV-22480: Added F8 and F9 to template file | | DEV-22480 |
 Jolene Mosley | 4e448ccc093M | Pull request #207: DEV-15366 added log checker to qrp_report and code to macrosMerge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-15366 to staging
* commit 'b6901ebf8a889bebfff187401bf1182336e0376c':
DEV-15366: Added logdir_out parameter to ms_logchecker macro call
DEV-15366 added parameter logdir_out for output
DEV-15366 removed comment
DEV-15366 updated logdir and removed leavebehindreport = Y
DEV-15366 removed proc printto
DEV-15366 updated conditional directory
DEV-15366 ... | | DEV-15366 |
Dave Martin | b6901ebf8a8 | DEV-15366: Added logdir_out parameter to ms_logchecker macro call | | DEV-15366 |
 Valerie Carter | 9eeb6deac1cM | Pull request #213: DEV-23412: initialize super_title macro variableMerge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-23412 to staging
* commit 'aeb25c616754ecbbd1d58060c16e278bd0446e7d':
DEV-23412: correct typo in assign_superscript
DEV-23412: run assign_superscript macro when num_fn=0
DEV-23412: initialize super_title macro variable | | DEV-23412 |
Valérie Carter | aeb25c61675 | DEV-23412: correct typo in assign_superscript | | DEV-23412 |
Valérie Carter | ca399a26959 | DEV-23412: run assign_superscript macro when num_fn=0 | | DEV-23412 |
Jolene Mosley | 1d439eade56 | DEV-15366 added parameter logdir_out for output | | DEV-15366 |
 Ankit Patel | ae72382d374M | Pull request #209: DEV-22512: Fix stratification sortingMerge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-22512 to staging
* commit 'a662fa15208a01e682a84268eb53f2d7ca8d2deb':
DEV-22512: Clean up sort, add zip/state sort to sort order list
DEV-22512: Remove sort from createdata macro
DEV-22512: Apply labels to sortorder variables
DEV-22512: Replace multiple countw functions with 1 call
DEV-22512: Only execute sort for 3+ stratifications
DEV-22512: Fix st... | | DEV-22512 |
Valérie Carter | 7c5bc6d535d | DEV-23412: initialize super_title macro variable | | DEV-23412 |
Ankit Patel | a662fa15208 | DEV-22512: Clean up sort, add zip/state sort to sort order list | | DEV-22512 |
Ankit Patel | 002794626bc | DEV-22512: Remove sort from createdata macro | | DEV-22512 |
Andrew Petrone | 57b2ac5c7b3M | Pull request #212: KM Development branchMerge in AD/qrp_report from km_development to staging
* commit '7e80a0ac5c7f1c3f8242729078e46e3b6f1a1937': (24 commits)
DEV-22894: Fixed space issue
DEV-22894: Removed extra space in title
DEV-22895 Missing CI only for adjusted VRM plot
DEV-22895 Modif also for computeKMWeightedCI
DEV-22895 Fix following QC
DEV-22894: Readded datacontrastcolors for L1 report type
DEV-22894: Added... | | 6 Jira issues |
 Dave Martin | 7e80a0ac5c7M | Pull request #211: DEV-22894: Add 95% CI to KM plotsMerge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-22894 to km_development
* commit 'dca5b8f1ed2ad638f0d9136405cc790a63f28733':
DEV-22894: Fixed space issue
DEV-22894: Removed extra space in title
DEV-22894: Readded datacontrastcolors for L1 report type
DEV-22894: Added 95% CI as shaded area to KM plots
DEV-22894: Updated KM figure titles to include 95% CI | | DEV-22894 |
Dave Martin | dca5b8f1ed2 | DEV-22894: Fixed space issue | | DEV-22894 |
Dave Martin | f53d079c955 | DEV-22894: Removed extra space in title | | DEV-22894 |
Andrew Petrone | d249c82dcd8M | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/km_development' into DEV-22894 | | DEV-22894 |
Andrew Petrone | abf65171132M | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/staging' into km_development | | |
Andrew Petrone | bc2a965ce31M | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/staging' into DEV-22894 | | DEV-22894 |
Andrew Petrone | 89b70ce4ea0M | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/km_development' into DEV-22894 | | DEV-22894 |
 Katherine Dea | 3b576259c6eM | Pull request #210: DEV-22895: unadjusted 95% CI KMMerge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-22895 to km_development
* commit 'dff422893673867577498d2fd7f1ef746a327c63':
DEV-22895 Missing CI only for adjusted VRM plot
DEV-22895 Modif also for computeKMWeightedCI
DEV-22895 Fix following QC
DEV-22895 Remove analysis in keep statement
DEV-22895 Compute 95%CI for VRM and FRM | | DEV-22895 |
Jolene Mosley | a1e5a3fefb9 | DEV-15366 removed comment | | DEV-15366 |
Katherine Dea | dff42289367 | DEV-22895 Missing CI only for adjusted VRM plot | | DEV-22895 |
Katherine Dea | 7c79a35dacc | DEV-22895 Modif also for computeKMWeightedCI | | DEV-22895 |
Katherine Dea | 01538a27e96 | DEV-22895 Fix following QC | | DEV-22895 |
Dave Martin | 8f5aeb7226d | DEV-22894: Readded datacontrastcolors for L1 report type | | DEV-22894 |
Ankit Patel | 7ad01d1379f | DEV-22512: Apply labels to sortorder variables | | DEV-22512 |
Ankit Patel | 638f8098158 | DEV-22512: Replace multiple countw functions with 1 call | | DEV-22512 |
Ankit Patel | 96fca92aca8 | DEV-22512: Only execute sort for 3+ stratifications | | DEV-22512 |
Jolene Mosley | bf64a7c0b8c | DEV-15366 updated logdir and removed leavebehindreport = Y | | DEV-15366 |
 Dave Martin | 4c6c2d0991eM | Pull request #208: DEV-23666: Updated l2_effect_estimate_runrobusthr to restrict observations to RisksetID > 0Merge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-23666 to km_development
* commit 'd2838aeda8d2601d5729b55c80dd8cbdc4f119e7':
DEV-23666: Updated l2_effect_estimate_runrobusthr to restrict observations to RisksetID > 0 | | DEV-23666 |
Jolene Mosley | 6cf070da27d | DEV-15366 removed proc printto | | DEV-15366 |
Dave Martin | 7c26a407c6e | DEV-22894: Added 95% CI as shaded area to KM plots | | DEV-22894 |
Dave Martin | ecf7b5a4bf6 | DEV-22894: Updated KM figure titles to include 95% CI | | DEV-22894 |
Katherine Dea | b64d91c4e39 | DEV-22895 Remove analysis in keep statement | | DEV-22895 |
Katherine Dea | 7eadbf0644d | DEV-22895 Compute 95%CI for VRM and FRM | | DEV-22895 |
Ankit Patel | 5ae01c3732d | DEV-22512: Fix stratification sorting | | DEV-22512 |
Jolene Mosley | 37ebdd2d889 | DEV-15366 updated conditional directory | | DEV-15366 |
Dave Martin | d2838aeda8d | DEV-23666: Updated l2_effect_estimate_runrobusthr to restrict observations to RisksetID > 0 | | DEV-23666 |
Jolene Mosley | 74457c0dc5b | DEV-15366 added log checker to qrp_report and code to macros | | DEV-15366 |
 Katherine Dea | e0075be242eM | Pull request #204: DEV-22144: Output KM curves - title change, IPTWMerge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-22144 to km_development
* commit 'e9da6b14c4ee98963e47f6ffca5564e754ad8b16':
DEV-22144 Fix tableletter
DEV-22144 Fix following QC
DEV-22144 Fix figure numbering
DEV-22144 Remove Weigthed pop in the F5 TOC section
DEV-22144 First commit | | DEV-22144 |
Katherine Dea | e9da6b14c4e | DEV-22144 Fix tableletter | | DEV-22144 |
Andrew Petrone | a6970d90cbbM | Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/km_development' into DEV-22144 | | DEV-22144 |
 Dave Martin | 1469282d34aM | Pull request #206: DEV-22807: Added 95% CI for IPTW and PS Strat Weighted KMMerge in AD/qrp_report from DEV-22807 to km_development
* commit '89e9f4fa479ed7c8f75f8f2017b33ded6e6533eb':
DEV-22807: Added 95% CI for IPTW and PS Strat Weighted KM | | DEV-22807 |