
Kathleen Tang authored aae367f897d Merge
Pull request #121: 1.2.0 release

Merge in SENTINEL/sentinel-routine-querying-tool-report-documentation from staging to master * commit '5979df3b18e7e9f11d51b2faa26e251637d0d554': DEV-20461: update language for consistency DEV-20461: update modification table DEV-20153: roll back censor table func doc changes DEV-20482: added missing pipe line 154 DEV-20482: change order of t2multevent and t2overlap year quarter DEV-20482: add quarter to file1006 DEV-20482: add year quarter to file 0022a DEV-20482: add year quarter to file00221a DEV-20461: update readme for 1.2.0 DEV-20318 removed parenthetical from line 15 DEV-20530: Pulled file0021a, 22a,27a,28a, and 29a from commit ac929bb0f5aa14d21dfd4e047f1e5ae9f85fcbaa DEV-20318 removed "and adjusted" from line 15 DEV-20075 removed underscore from CREATEREPORTFILE update file0028a and func doc in file1022 DEV-20153: make t8-t10 of type 6 tables functional in doc
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