GROUP/ANALYSISGRP/MILGRP to include in report
Name of each cohort or analysis to include in report.
Note 1: GROUP must correspond to values of COHORTGRP/ANALYSISGRP/MILGRP included in distributed input files.
Note 2: for Type 6 (Manufacturer-Level Product Utilization and Switching Pattern) reports, include COHORTGRP values if requesting medical product utilization tables and/or ANALYSISGRP values if requesting switching tables.
Note 3: if a GroupLabel is not assigned for a group, the GROUP name will be displayed.
Note 4: if LABELTYPE is report-level, leave GROUP blank.
Format: SAS character $40; no special characters (e.g., commas, periods, hyphens, spaces, etc.) allowed, and underscores must be used to mark spaces.
Example: insulin
RunID Corresponding to GROUP
RunID assigned to the run that corresponds to the group or analysis name listed in GROUP
Note 1: if LABELTYPE is report-level, leave RUNID blank.
Format: SAS character $5
Example: r01
Type of Label
Label to describe analyses in report titles.
Valid values are:
Report-Level LABELTYPEs:
ReportTitle: Label to describe analyses in report titles
CensorLabel: Label for censoring criteria
CFDDCatLabel: Label for category of current filled daily dose in Type 5 report
AFDDCatLabel: Label for category of average filled daily dose in Type 5 report
CumDoseCatLabel: Label for category of cumulative dose in Type 5 report
Group-Level LABELTYPEs:
BaselineLabel: Label for L1 baseline table
GroupLabel: Label for GROUP
OutcomeLabel: Label for outcome of interest
Intervention1Label (Not yet functional): Label for intervention 1 in ITS analysis
Intervention2Label (Not yet functional): Label for intervention 2 in ITS analysis
ITSComparisonLabel (Not yet functional): Label for ITS comparison
AdherenceLabel (Not yet functional): Label for adherence criteria
Header: Label to group multiple GROUPs under a single header
MOILabel: Label for medical product of interest in Type 4 report
MOIHeader: Label to group multiple medical products of interest under a single header in Type 4 report
Note 1: if >1 GROUP is included in 1 baseline table (using BASELINEGROUPNUM parameter in Baseline File), then the LABEL value for LABELTYPE = BaselineLabel should be the same for the two GROUPs appearing on the same table. Otherwise the program will default to LABEL value for the first GROUP listed.
Note 2: if LABELTYPE = AdherenceLabel, MOILabel, MOIHeader, CensorLabel, CFDDCatLabel, AFDDCatLabel, or CumDoseCatLabel, then LABELVAR must be specified.
Note 3: if no Header label is specified, all GROUPs will be displayed together with no header. If no MOIHeader label is specified, all medical products of interest will be displayed together with no header.
Note 4: if LABELTYPE is report-level, leave GROUP and RUNID blank.
Note 5: if ReportTitle is not defined, the default label “Exposures of Interest” will be used.
Format: SAS character $30
Example: ReportTitle
Variable to Relabel
Specifies the variable referred to by LABEL.
Valid values are:
If LABELTYPE = CensorLabel:
cens_elig: Disenrollment
cens_dth: Evidence of Death
cens_dpend: End of Data
cens_qryend: End of Study Period
cens_episend: End of Exposure Episode
cens_spec: Occurrence of User-Defined Censoring Criteria
cens_event: Occurrence of Outcome of Interest
cens_switch1: First Switch
cens_switch2: Second Switch
If LABELTYPE = CFDDCatLabel, AFDDCatLabel, or CumDoseCatLabel:
dosecat#: # corresponds to dose category number in Type 5 analysis
If LABELTYPE = MOILabel or MOIHeader:
MP#: # corresponds to medical product of interest number in Type 4 analysis
Format: SAS character $32
Example: cens_spec
Label to Apply
Label (display name) for report element specified in LABELTYPE.
Format: SAS character - length can vary
Example: Beta Blockers