3.10 Code Descriptions File Parameters

The Code Descriptions file is optional. If distribution of exposure and/or outcome codes is requested and the Code Descriptions file is not included, the raw code will be included in the code description column. This file maps codes to code descriptions for the Code Distribution table. Table 3.16 contains detailed specifications for this file.

Table 3.16: CODEDESCRIPTIONSFILE specification
Parameter Field Name Description
Code CODE Clinical code. This field should not include any decimals.
Note 1: if CODECAT=RX, use the assigned STOCKGROUP name, not the NDC.
Format: SAS character $30
Example: 10000
Code Category CODECAT Type of each code category value included in the CODETYPE field.
Valid values are:
  • DX
  • PX
  • RX
Format: SAS character $2
Example: DX
Code Type CODETYPE Type of each code included in the CODE field.
  • 09: ICD-9-CM
  • 10: ICD-10-CM
  • 11: ICD-11-CM
  • OT: Other
  • 09: ICD-9-CM
  • 10: ICD-10-PCS
  • 11: ICD-11-CM
  • C4: CPT-4 (i.e., HCPCS Level I)
  • HC: HCPCS (i.e., HCPCS Level II)
  • H3: HCPCS Level III
  • C2: CPT Category II
  • C3: CPT Category III
  • ND: 11-digit NDC
  • RE: Revenue
  • LO: Local homegrown
  • OT: Other
  • N/A: Not applicable
Note 1: if CODECAT = RX, CODETYPE must be set to N/A for descriptions to be populated.
Format: SAS character $3
Example: 09
Code Description DESCRIPTION Description to display for each code.
Format: SAS character $200
Example: Convulsions