3.8 Selection Probabilities File Parameters

The Selection Probabilities file is optional. This file must be specified if requesting adjustment for selection bias when conducting propensity score analyses for exposed and unexposed/comparator pregnant cohorts. This file defines the selection probability for each comparison and subgroup.

Parameter Field Name Description
Group Name for Analysis ANALYSISGRP Name to differentiate exposure of interest/reference pairs.
Note 1: ANALYSISGRP must correspond to values of ANALYSISGRP included in the L2 Comparison File.
Format: SAS character $40; no special characters (e.g., commas, periods, hyphens, spaces, etc.) allowed, and underscores must be used to mark spaces.
Example: drug_a_and_drug_b
RunID Corresponding to ANALYSISGRP RUNID RunID assigned to the run that corresponds to the specified ANALYSISGRP.
Format: SAS character $5
Example: r01
Subgroup Identifier SUBGROUP Identifer for subgroup level of analysis. Only populated for subgroup analyses and will be blank for overall analysis.
Format: SAS character $11
Example: Sex
Subgroup Value SUBGROUPCAT Subgroup value. Only populated for subgroup analyses and will be blank for overall analysis.
Format: SAS character $11
Example: M
Selection Probability among Exposed S11 Probability of case selection among the exposed. Odds ratio and 95% CI will be adjusted for selection probability.
Note 1: S11 is required to be specified.
Format: Numeric
Example: 0.20
Selection Probability among Unexposed S01 Probability of case selection among unexposed. Odds ratio and 95% CI will be adjusted for selection probability.
Note 1: S01 is required to be specified.
Format: Numeric
Example: 0.20
Selection Probability among Exposed S10 Probability of non-case selection among exposed. Odds ratio and 95% CI will be adjusted for selection probability.
Note 1: S10 is required to be specified.
Format: Numeric
Example: 0.20
Selection Probability among Unexposed S00 Probability of non-case selection among unexposed. Odds ratio and 95% CI will be adjusted for selection probability.
Note 1: S00 is required to be specified.
Format: Numeric
Example: 0.20