4 Table File Parameters

The Table File specifies the tables used for output in the report. Lookup tables differ by report type. All lookup tables can be found in the Reporting Tool templatefiles folder. The user will download the Reporting Tool, select the appropriate Table lookup tables for their request type, and edit the relevant parameters directly in the lookup table.

The Table File is optional and is used to specify which tables and corresponding stratifications to produce for the report output. If no Table File is specified, only baseline tables are produced, if requested. Table 4.1 contains links to Table File lookup tables for each type of analysis. Table 4.2 contains detailed specifications for the Table File.

Table 4.1: Links to Table File lookup tables by type
Analysis Type Table File Lookup
Descriptive Type 1 Type 1 Table File Lookup Table
Descriptive Type 2 Type 2 Level 1 Table File Lookup Table
Inferential Type 2 N/A
Descriptive Type 4 Type 4 Level 1 Table File Lookup Table
Inferential Type 4 N/A
Descriptive Type 5 Type 5 Table File Lookup Table
Descriptive Type 6 Type 6 Table File Lookup Table
Interrupted Time Series (ITS) ITS Table File Lookup Table27
Table 4.2: Tablefile specification
Parameter Field Name Description
Table TABLE Table identifier. User should not edit.
Dataset DATASET QRP output dataset identifier. User should not edit.
Table Stratification TABLESUB Table stratification identifier. User can edit to specify the order of stratifications in the report.
Table Sub-Stratification TABLESUBSTRAT Table sub-stratification identifier. User should not edit.
Level LEVELNUM Specifies the number of level ID variables required in order to produce the table. For example, if LEVELNUM = 1, then the output defined in LEVELID1 is required to be included in the distributed results, but the output defined in LEVELID2 and LEVELID3 is optional and not necessary to output the table. User should not edit.
Level 1 ID LEVELID1 First level identifier. User should not edit.
Level 2 ID LEVELID2 Second level identifier. User should not edit.
Level 3 ID LEVELID3 Third level identifier. User should not edit.
Include in Report INCLUDEINREPORT User specifies whether to output the corresponding table and strata in the report.
Valid values are:
  • Y: Output the table
  • N: Do not output the table
Format: SAS character $1
Example: Y
Censoring Reasons CENSORREASON User specifies list of reason(s) for censoring to include in tables, separated by a space. Valid values are:
  • cens_elig
  • cens_dth
  • cens_dpend
  • cens_qryend
  • cens_episend
  • cens_spec
  • cens_event
  • cens_switch
Note 1: if left blank, all valid censoring reasons will be output.
Format: SAS character - length can vary
Example: cens_elig cens_dth cens_dpend cens_qryend
Stratification Categories CATEGORIES User specifies stratification categories for the corresponding table, when LEVELID1/LEVELID2/LEVELID3 are continuous metrics (stratification categories for categorical metrics are user-defined in the distributed QRP input files).
Note 1: only applicable to Type 5 Table File Lookup Table.
Format: SAS character $50
Example: <15 16-30 31-60 61+

  1. Not yet functional↩︎