3.2 Create Report File

The Create Report file is required. It is used to define the parameters to customize the report and specify the relevant input files. The structure of this input file is such that each row contains a parameter name (in the parameter field) and the parameter values (in the values field). These are applied to all QRP output being included in the report.20 Table 3.3 contains the detailed specifications for the Create Report file.

Table 3.3: CREATEREPORTFILE specification
Parameter Field Name Description
Name of Parameter PARAMETER All applicable CREATEREPORTFILE parameters (listed below in Table 2).
Format: SAS character $32
Example: reporttype, stratifybydp, etc.
Value of Parameter VALUE All applicable CREATEREPORTFILE parameter values.
Format: SAS character $32

Table 3.4 contains detailed specifications for Create Report file parameter values. Only parameter values that are relevant to the analysis need to be included in the Create Report file.

Table 3.4: Create Report File parameter values
Description Name of PARAMETER Specification
Report Type Identifier REPORTTYPE Identifies which report to produce.
Valid values are:
  • T1: Type 1 report
  • T2L1: Type 2, Level 1 report
  • T2L2: Type 2, Level 2 report
  • ITS: ITS report (Not yet functional)
  • T3: Type 3 report
  • T4L1: Type 4, Level 1 report
  • T4L2: Type 4, Level 2 report
  • T5: Type 5 report
  • T6: Type 6 report
Note 1: REPORTTYPE cannot be left blank.
Note 2: When generating a report for an L2 analysis, L1 reports and tables (e.g. t2cida, t2followuptime, code distribution, etc.) will not be output. In order to generate the L1 components of the report, the analyst will need to run another qrp_report package with just the L1 components.
Note 3: When REPORTTYPE = T3, only Exposure Cohort results are output to the report. Results for the Analytic Cohort cannot be output in the report. Output is limited to the following results tables when REPORTTYPE = T3:
  • Baseline Table/Profile Table (request exposure cohort only by specifying Type 3 qrp.COHORTGRPS in Baseline File)
  • Attrition Table
  • Code Distribution Tables
  • Appendices
  • Aggregated Tree Output (only outputs when TREEAGGFILE is specified)
  • Example: T2L1
    Report Output File Type REPORT_DESTINATION Indicates which file type(s) are desired for outputting the report.
    Valid values are:
    • EXCEL: Output report as Excel file only
    • PDF: Output report as PDF only
    • BOTH: Output report as both an Excel file and a PDF
    Note 1: if REPORT_DESTINATION is left blank, report will be output as both an Excel file and a PDF.
    Note 2: REPORT_DESTINATION is ignored/not relevant when REPORTTYPE = TREE2, TREE3, or TREE4. Reporting tool output will be .sas7bdat files that can be uploaded to TreeScan.org.
    Example: EXCEL
    Stratify Tables by DP Indicator STRATIFYBYDP Y/N indicator to produce Data Partner-specific results. By default, output is always aggregated across all Data Partners.
    Valid values are:
    • Y: Stratify results by Data Partner
    • N: Do not stratify results by Data Partner
    Note 1: If set to Y, the following will be stratified by DP:
    • Characteristics tables
    • L2 Effect estimate tables
    • L2 Kaplan Meier figures (not L1)
    • L1 summary tables (Types 1, 2, 4, 5)
    • Censor tables (Types 1, 2, 5, 6)
    • L2 Propensity Score distribution figures
    • L2 Forest plots
    Example: Y
    Request Distribution Date DATEDISTRIBUTED Free text field to specify the date query request package was distributed to Data Partners. Value will appear in Appendix A title as “Dates of Available Data for Each Data Partner (DP) as of Request Distribution Date (MMMM DD, YYYY)”.
    Note 1: if DATEDISTRIBUTED is left blank, then title will read: “Dates of Available Data for Each Data Partner (DP) as of Request Distribution Date”.
    Example: December 31, 2020
    Randomization Seed Identifier SEED Numeric value to use as seed value when randomizing Data Partner IDs.
    Note 1: SEED cannot be left blank.
    Example: 5
    Highlight Small Cells Indicator SMALL_CELLCOUNTS Y/N indicator to highlight small cells in the report. Cell counts in the report with values between 1 and 10 will be highlighted yellow if “Y” is specified.
    Valid values are:
    • Y: Highlight small cells
    • N: Do not highlight small cells
    Note 1: SMALL_CELLCOUNTS cannot be left blank.
    Example: Y
    Collapse Categories COLLAPSE_VARS Collapse demographic categories containing 1-10 patients into one category that contains all patients from the collapsed categories. The row originally containing a count of 1-10 patients will be removed. This applies in the baseline and relevant stratified tables, in order to prevent small cell counts.
    Valid values are:
    • Race: Collapse race categories into the “Unknown” category
    Note 1: COLLAPSE_VARS only applies to Level 1 analyses.
    Note 2: leave blank if you do not wish to collapse race categories. Race is currently the only available option.
    Note 3: if STRATIFYBYDP = Y, then Data Partner-specific baseline tables will be collapsed for patient counts 1-10 and the collapsed counts will carry forward to the aggregate tables. If STRATIFYBYDP = N, then the aggregate table will only be collapsed if the aggregate counts are 1-10.
    Note 4: for Type 6 baseline tables, if there are 1-10 patients in a category at any anchor date (index, first switch, second switch), then that category will be collapsed for all anchor dates.
    Note 5: if a baseline table contains a comparison cohort, then the row will be collapsed if either of the counts being compared is 1-10.
    Example: race
    Query Period Start Identifier LOOK_START Identifies at what period ID, as specified in the Monitoring file, the report should begin outputting results.
    Note 1: LOOK_START cannot be left blank.
    Example: 1
    Query Period End Identifier LOOK_END Identifies at what period ID, as specified in the Monitoring file, the report should end outputting results.
    Note 1: LOOK_END cannot be left blank.
    Example: 1
    Customize Columns CUSTOMIZECOLUMNS This parameter allows users to customize which columns are output in the results tables for ReportType = T2L2 or = T4L2. By default, the following columns are output:
    • Number of new users
    • Person-years at risk
    • Average person-days at risk
    • Average person-years at risk
    • Number of events
    • Incidence rate per 1,000 person-years
    • Risk per 1,000 users
    • Hazard ratios and confidence intervals
    • Number of pregnant patients
    • Number of events
    • Risk per 1,000 pregnant patients
    • Risk ratios and confidence intervals
    Valid values are:
    • REDACTEVENTS: Redact events columns. This will redact these columns:
      • Number of events
      • Incidence rate per 1,000 person-years (from T2L2)
      • Risk per 1,000 users (from T2L2)
      • Hazard ratios and confidence intervals (from T2L2)
      • Risk per 1,000 pregnant patients (from T4L2)
      • Risk ratios and confidence intervals (from T4L2)
    • REDACTPT: Redact person-time columns. This will redact these columns from T2L2:
      • Person-years at risk
      • Average person-days at risk
      • Average person-years at risk
    • SUMEVENTS: Display the number of events as summed across both comparator groups
    • INCLUDEIRD: Display Incidence Rate Difference column
    • INCLUDERD: Display Risk Difference column
    Note 1: any combination of valid values is allowed. Specify multiple values via a space-separated list.
    Note 2: if CUSTOMIZECOLUMNS is left blank, neither Events nor Person-Time columns will be redacted; and neither Incidence Rate Difference nor Risk Difference will be included.
    Note 3: Kaplan-Meier plots and forest plots cannot be produced if either REDACTEVENTS or SUMEVENTS is specified.
    Note 4: when SUMEVENTS is specified, incidence rate, risk, hazard ratios/risk ratios and confidence intervals will all be redacted.
    Note 5: REDACTPT is not relevant for T4L2 as the columns that it redacts do not appear in that report.
    Note 6: when REDACTEVENTS or SUMEVENTS is specified, the number of patients with an event will be redacted from the attrition table.
    Data Partner Information File DPINFOFILE Name of the SAS dataset listing Data Partners to include in report.
    Example: report_dp_info
    L2 Comparison File L2COMPARISONFILE Name of the SAS dataset containing list of comparisons and parameters related to each comparison for L2 reports.
    Note 1: if REPORTTYPE = T2L2 or T4L2, L2COMPARISONFILE must be specified. Otherwise L2COMPARISONFILE is not relevant.
    Example: report_l2comparison
    Groups File GROUPSFILE Name of the SAS dataset containing list of groups and parameters related to each group for L1 reports.
    Note 1: GROUPSFILE cannot be left blank when REPORTTYPE = T1, T2L1, T4L1, T5, and T6.
    Note 2: only relevant for REPORTTYPE = T1, T2L1, T4L1, T5, and T6.
    Note 3: GROUPSFILE cannot be left blank when OUTPUTVIEWSDATA=Y and REPORTTYPE=T1 or T2L1 in CREATEREPORT file.
    Example: report_groups_info
    Baseline Tables File BASELINEFILE Name of the SAS dataset containing options for baseline tables.
    Note 1: if BASELINEFILE is missing, no baseline tables will be produced.
    Example: report_baseline
    Table Parameters File TABLEFILE Name of the SAS dataset containing all tables to produce. User specifies the INCLUDEINREPORT parameter in the Table File to request the table. Specifications for the Table File vary depending on the study type and are described in the Lookup Tables section of the documentation.
    Note 1: if TABLEFILE is missing, then only baseline tables will be produced, if specified.
    Example: report_tables
    Figure Parameters File FIGUREFILE Name of the SAS dataset containing all figures to produce. User specifies the INCLUDEINREPORT parameter in the Figure File to request the figure. Specifications for Figure File vary depending on the study type and are described in the Lookup Tables section of the documentation.
    Note 1: if FIGUREFILE is missing, then no figures will be produced.
    Example: report_figures
    Label Parameters File LABELFILE Name of the SAS dataset containing all labels to be used in the report.
    Note 1: if LABELFILE is missing, then the parameter name in the distributed input files will be used.
    Example: report_labels
    ITS Regression File ITSREGRESSIONFILE (Not yet functional) Name of the SAS dataset containing the parameters for an Interrupted Time Series analysis.
    Note 1: ITSREGRESSIONFILE cannot be left blank when REPORTTYPE = ITS.
    Note 2: only relevant for REPORTTYPE = ITS.
    Example: report_itsregression
    Tree Aggregation File TREEAGGFILE Name of the SAS dataset containing tree aggregation parameters for Signal Identification analysis.
    Note 1: only relevant for REPORTTYPE = T2L2, T4L2, and T3 signal identification queries.
    Example: report_treeagg
    Appendix File APPENDIXFILE Name of the lookup table defining report appendices.
    Note 1: if APPENDIXFILE is missing, then code list appendices will not be output.
    Example: report_appendix
    Code Descriptions File CODEDESCRIPTIONSFILE Name of the lookup table to map code to code description for Code Distribution output table.
    Note 1: if CODEDESCRIPTIONSFILE is missing, then code descriptions will be missing.
    Note 2: only relevant for CODEDIST = EXP, HOI, and EXP HOI.
    Example: report_codedescriptions
    Table Columns File TABLECOLUMNSFILE Name of SAS dataset identifying all default columns, column names, column order, and custom columns to include in report tables.
    Note 1: only relevant for REPORTTYPE = T1, T2L1, or T4L1.
    Example: report_columns
    Output Data for Sentinel Views OUTPUTVIEWSDATA Y/N indicator to produce data that can be uploaded into the Sentinel Views platform. If “Y” is specified, a new folder named after the 5-token query request ID will be included in the output folder of qrp_report. By default, data are NOT produced for use in Sentinel Views.
    Valid values are:
    • Y: Produce data for use in Sentinel Views
    • N: Do not produce data for use in Sentinel Views
    Note 1: users should specify “N” unless they plan to use the Views platform for data exploration or visualization.
    Note 2: only relevant for REPORTTYPE = T1, T2L1, or T2L2.
    Example: N
    Jira Key Associated with the Query JIRAKEY Jira key identifier. Used to link a query on the Sentinel Views platform with Sentinel Jira.
    Note 1: Only relevant for REPORTTYPE = T1, T2L1, or T2L2 and OUTPUTVIEWSDATA = Y
    Note 2: If left blank will default to QF-0000 and can be updated in the Views platform after upload.
    Example: QF-0000
    Email Address of Lead Analyst USERID Email address. Used to notify user if query has been successfully uploaded to the Sentinel Views platform.
    Note 1: Only relevant for REPORTTYPE = T1, T2L1, or T2L2 and OUTPUTVIEWSDATA = Y
    Note 2: If left blank will default to .
    Note 3: Only one email address can be specified
    Title Displayed on the Sentinel Views Platform STUDYTITLE Query title. Used to identify the query on the Sentinel Views platform.
    Note 1: Only relevant for REPORTTYPE = T1, T2L1, or T2L2 and OUTPUTVIEWSDATA = Y
    Note 2: If left blank will default to ADD STUDY TITLE and can be updated in the Views platform after upload.
    Example: Thromboembolic Stroke following Direct Oral Anticoagulant Use: An Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting Analysis

    1. Please Note: A user can combine any number of QRP runs into a single QRP Report. However, unlike QRP where a user can execute multiple runs of QRP at once, QRP Report does not allow this. A user wishing to create multiple reports will need multiple createreportfiles.↩︎