3.8 Appendix File

The Appendix file is optional. This file must be specified if code list appendices are requested. This file defines the code list appendices to include in the report and their order. Table 3.14 contains detailed specifications for this file.

Table 3.14: APPENDIXFILE specification
Parameter Field Name Description
Appendix order ORDER Order to display appendices in report. Requested appendices start after all default appendices.
Note 1: multiple rows can have the same ORDER value if there are multiple sections defined by the HEADER and HEADERORDER parameters.
Note 2: in order to output multiple appendices within the same appendix type (e.g., NDCs vs DX/PX codes for covariate appendices), the ORDER value must be unique. Appendices will be output based on the value of ORDER.
Format: Numeric
Example: 1
Appendix type APPENDIXTYPE Indicates which title to use for each appendix.
Valid values are:
  • Index: Index-defining codes (INDEXCRITERIA = DEF)
  • ExpInc: Exposure incidence-defining codes (Set as exclusion criteria)
  • Censor: Censor-defining codes (INDEXCRITERIA = FUT)
  • Outcome: Outcome-defining codes (FUPCRITERIA = DEF)
  • OutcomeInc: Outcome incidence-defining codes (FUPCRITERIA = IOC)
  • Inclusion: Inclusion-defining codes (From Inclusion/Exclusion Codes File)
  • Covariate: Covariate-defining codes (From Covariate Codes File)
Note 1: there can only be one APPENDIXTYPE specified for each ORDER value.
Format: SAS Character $30
Example: Index
Code file CODESFILE Name of the Excel file with the specified code list(s). Excel file must be included in the QRP Reporting Tool inputfiles folder.
Format: SAS character $30
Example: codes.xlsx
Code tab(s) CODESTAB Name of the Excel tab(s) with the specified code list(s). Multiple Excel tabs should be separated by a space.
Note 1: if the Excel tab contains procedure and/or diagnosis codes, the user must include the following columns in the file tab: Code1, CodeCat1, CodeType1, and Descrip.
Note 2: if the Excel tab is for National Drug Codes, the user must include NDC and GenericName columns in the file tab.
Note 3: if additional columns are included in the Excel tab, they will be output with the label given in the column header.
Format: SAS character – length can vary
Example: valsartan olmesartan
Section order HEADERORDER Order to display headers within one appendix type. For example, the specification of APPENDIXTYPE, HEADERORDER, and HEADER below would result in the Event A header and code list appearing first in the Outcome appendix with Event B following. Likewise, in the Covariate appendix, Condition A would appear first, followed by Condition B, and then Condition C.
Index 1 Drug A
Outcome 1 Event A
Outcome 2 Event B
Covariate 1 Condition A
Covariate 2 Condition B
Covariate 3 Condition C
Format: Numeric
Example: 1
Section label HEADER Label to group multiple code lists under a header.
Note 1: if left blank, all codes specified will be displayed together, without any headings.
Note 2: headers will automatically be created for each “StudyName” listed in Excel tab for covariates.
Format: SAS character $60
Example: Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)