3.6 Table Columns File

If producing a standard Type 1, Type 2, Type 4, or Concomitant Use report, the TABLECOLUMNS File is required to be specified.

The TABLECOLUMNS file gives the user the ability to:

  • Define which columns to include in report
  • Reorder columns
  • Define column headers
  • Define column format
  • Create custom columns

Table 3.9 contains detailed specifications for the Table Columns file. Three sample Table Columns files are available in the templatefiles folder for the user to download:

  1. t1t2_tablecolumns_default (see Table 3.10)
  2. t4_tablecolumns_default (see Table 3.11)
  3. t1t2_tablecolumns_all (see Table 3.12).

T1t2_tablecolumns_default contains all the default columns for Type 1, Type 2, and Concomitant Use reports; t4_tablecolumns_default contains all available columns for Type 4 reports. The user can specify these files without any changes or:

  • Change INCLUDEINREPORT to ā€œNā€ in order to only output select columns
  • Reorder the columns by changing the value of the ORDER parameter
  • Relabel columns using COLUMNLABEL parameter
  • Alter the format of column output using COLUMNFORMAT
  • Alter the width of the column in Excel using COLUMNWIDTH

T1t2_tablecolumns_all contains all available custom column options for Type 1, Type 2, and Concomitant Use reports. The user must change the value of X to define the desired multiplier and set INCLUDEINREPORT to Y for desired columns. User can leave ORDER as non-consecutive numbers.

Table 3.9: TABLECOLUMNS specification
Parameter Field Name Description
Table in which specified column is to be included TABLE Name of table to be included in report. Value of TABLE should match corresponding value of TABLE in the Look-up Table specifying the tables and stratifications to include in the report.
Format: SAS character $10
Example: t1cida
Column name or formula COLUMN Standardized name or formula for report column. COLUMN names are listed and described in Table 2 below.
Format: SAS character $50
Example: DaySupp/Npts
Column label COLUMNLABEL Display header for COLUMN.
Note 1: if requesting Type 4 Table T1 and requesting both a count and its corresponding percent column (e.g., usepre and usepre/episodes), COLUMNLABEL must be the same for both.
Format: SAS character $100
Example: Day Supply per Patient
Order of columns in report ORDER Order to display columns in report. All columns should receive a unique order value.
Format: Numeric
Example: 1
Confidence interval calculation CIRATE Indicator for Confidence interval (CI) calculation and output in report. If specified, a 95% CI will be calculated.
Valid values are:
  • N: do not calculate CI
  • P: calculate and output CI for proportion
  • R: calculate and output CI for rate
Note 1: only applicable for Type 1, Type 2, and Concomitant Use reports.
Format: SAS character $1
Example: P
Column format COLUMNFORMAT Define column format in the report (i.e., number of decimal places displayed). Any valid SAS numeric format can be entered.
Format: SAS character $10
Example: comma14.0
Column width COLUMNWIDTH Column width in the report, in inches.
Format: Numeric
Example: 0.82
Include column in report indicator INCLUDEINREPORT Indicator to output column in corresponding table in report.
Valid values are:
  • Y: output column in corresponding table
  • N: do not output column in corresponding table
Format: SAS character $1
Example: Y
Table 3.10: t1t2_tablecolumns_default File
Table Column ColumnLabel Order CIRate ColumnFormat ColumnWidth IncludeInReport
t1cida Npts Number of Patients 1 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
Episodes Number of Index Dates 2 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
AdjustedCodeCount Number of Index Date Defining-Dispensings (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 3 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
RawCodeCount Number of Index Date Defining-Dispensings (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 4 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
DaySupp Total Days Supply in Index Date Defining-Records 5 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
AmtSupp Total Amount Supplied in Index Date Defining-Records 6 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
DenNumPts Number of Eligible Members 7 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
DenNumMemDays Total Eligible Member-Days 8 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
DenNumMemDays/365.25 Total Eligible Member-Years 9 N comma13.1 0.82 Y
t2cida Npts Number of Patients 1 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
Episodes Number of Exposure Episodes 2 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
AdjustedCodeCount Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 3 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
RawCodeCount Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 4 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
DaySupp Total Days Supply During Exposure Episodes 5 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
AmtSupp Total Amount Supplied During Exposure Episodes 6 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
Eps_wEvents Number of Exposure Episodes with an Event 7 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
All_Events Total Number of Events 8 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
followuptime Total Days at Risk 9 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
followuptime/365.25 Total Years at Risk 10 N comma13.1 0.82 Y
DenNumPts Number of Eligible Members 11 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
DenNumMemDays Total Eligible Member-Days 12 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
DenNumMemDays/365.25 Total Eligible Member-Years 13 N comma13.1 0.82 Y
t2conc Npts Number of Patients with a Concomitant Episode 1 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
Episodes Number of Concomitant Episodes 2 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
AdjustedCodeCount Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 3 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
RawCodeCount Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 4 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
DaySupp Total Days Supply During Concomitant Episodes 5 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
AmtSupp Total Amount Supplied During Concomitant Episodes 6 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
Eps_wEvents Number of Concomitant Episodes with an Event 7 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
All_Events Total Number of Events 8 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
followuptime Total Days at Risk 9 N comma14.0 0.82 Y
followuptime/365.25 Total Years at Risk 10 N comma13.1 0.82 Y
Table 3.11: t4_tablecolumns_default File
Table Column ColumnLabel Order ColumnFormat ColumnWidth IncludeInReport
T1 usepre Use in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 1 comma14.0 0.9 Y
usepre/episodes Use in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 2 percent8.1 0.7 Y
anyt Use During Any Trimester 3 comma14.0 0.9 Y
anyt1 Use in First Trimester 4 comma14.0 0.9 Y
anyt/episodes Use During Any Trimester 5 percent8.1 0.7 Y
anyt1/episodes Use in First Trimester 6 percent8.1 0.7 Y
anyt2 Use in Second Trimester 7 comma14.0 0.9 Y
anyt2/episodes_2trim Use in Second Trimester 8 percent8.1 0.7 Y
anyt3 Use in Third Trimester 9 comma14.0 0.9 Y
anyt3/episodes_3trim Use in Third Trimester 10 percent8.1 0.7 Y
allt Use in All Trimesters 11 comma14.0 0.9 Y
allt/episodes_3trim Use in All Trimesters 12 percent8.1 0.7 Y
usepost Use in the Post-Pregnancy Period 13 comma14.0 0.9 Y
usepost/episodes Use in the Post-Pregnancy Period 14 percent8.1 0.7 Y
onlypre Use Only in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 15 comma14.0 0.9 Y
onlypre/episodes Use Only in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 16 percent8.1 0.7 Y
onlyt1 Use Only During First Trimester 17 comma14.0 0.9 Y
onlyt1/episodes Use Only During First Trimester 18 percent8.1 0.7 Y
onlyt2 Use Only During Second Trimester 19 comma14.0 0.9 Y
onlyt2/episodes_2trim Use Only During Second Trimester 20 percent8.1 0.7 Y
onlyt3 Use Only During Third Trimester 21 comma14.0 0.9 Y
onlyt3/episodes_3trim Use Only During Third Trimester 22 percent8.1 0.7 Y
onlypost Use Only in the Post-Pregnancy Period 23 comma14.0 1 Y
onlypost/episodes Use Only in the Post-Pregnancy Period 24 percent8.1 0.8 Y
T2 sumusepre Exposure Episodes in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 25 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumanyt Exposure Episodes During Any Trimester 26 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumanyt1 Exposure Episodes in First Trimester 27 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumanyt2 Exposure Episodes in Second Trimester 28 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumanyt3 Exposure Episodes in Third Trimester 29 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumallt Exposure Episodes in All Trimesters 30 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumusepost Exposure Episodes in the Post-Pregnancy Period 31 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumonlypre Exposure Episodes Only in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 32 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumonlyt1 Exposure Episodes Only During First Trimester 33 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumonlyt2 Exposure Episodes Only During Second Trimester 34 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumonlyt3 Exposure Episodes Only During Third Trimester 35 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumonlypost Exposure Episodes Only in the Post-Pregnancy Period 36 comma14.0 0.9 Y
T3 sumrawcntpre Codes in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 37 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntanyt Codes During Any Trimester 38 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntanyt1 Codes in First Trimester 39 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntanyt2 Codes in Second Trimester 40 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntanyt3 Codes in Third Trimester 41 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntallt Codes in All Trimesters 42 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntpost Codes in the Post-Pregnancy Period 43 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntonlypre Codes only in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 44 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntonlyt1 Codes Only During First Trimester 45 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntonlyt2 Codes Only During Second Trimester 46 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntonlyt3 Codes Only During Third Trimester 47 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumrawcntonlypost Codes only in the Post-Pregnancy Period 48 comma14.0 0.9 Y
T4 sumadjcntpre Codes in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 49 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntanyt Codes During Any Trimester 50 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntanyt1 Codes in First Trimester 51 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntanyt2 Codes in Second Trimester 52 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntanyt3 Codes in Third Trimester 53 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntallt Codes in All Trimesters 54 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntpost Codes in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 55 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntonlypre Codes only in the Pre-Pregnancy Period 56 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntonlyt1 Codes Only During First Trimester 57 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntonlyt2 Codes Only During Second Trimester 58 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntonlyt3 Codes Only During Third Trimester 59 comma14.0 0.9 Y
sumadjcntonlypost Codes only in the Post-Pregnancy Period 60 comma14.0 0.9 Y
T5 moipregepisodes_overlap Gestational Week 1 comma14.0 0.9 Y
moipregepisodes_overlap/pregepisodes Gestational Week 2 percent8.1 0.7 Y
T6 moiepisodes_overlap Gestational Week 3 comma14.0 0.9 Y
T7 npts Number of Pregnant Patients 1 comma14.0 0.82 N
episodes Number of Pregnancy Episodes 2 comma14.0 0.82 N
eps_wevents Number of Pregnancy Episodes with an Event 3 comma14.0 0.82 N
eps_wevents/episodes Proportion of Pregnancy Episodes with an Event 4 comma13.2 0.72 N
eps_wevents/episodes Proportion of Pregnancy Episodes with an Event (95% Confidence Interval) 5 comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/episodes)X Number of Pregnancy Episodes with an Event per X Pregnacy Episodes (95% Confidence Interval) 6 comma13.2 1.5 N
followuptime/365.25 Total Years at Risk 7 comma13.1 0.82 N
followuptime/30.35 Total Months at Risk 8 comma13.1 0.82 N
followuptime/7 Total Weeks at Risk 9 comma13.1 0.82 N
followuptime Total Days at Risk 10 comma14.0 0.82 N
eps_wevents/(followuptime/365.25) Number of Pregnancy Episodes with an Event per Patient-Year at Risk 11 comma13.2 0.72 N
eps_wevents/(followuptime/365.25) Event Rate per Person-Year at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 12 comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime/365.25))X Event Rate per X Person-Years at Risk 13 comma13.2 0.72 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime/365.25))X Event Rate per X Patient-Years at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 14 comma13.2 1.5 N
eps_wevents/(followuptime/30.35) Event Rate per Patient-Month at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 15 comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime/30.35))X Event Rate per X Patient-Months at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 16 comma13.2 1.5 N
eps_wevents/(followuptime/7) Event Rate per Person-Week at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 17 comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime/7))X Event Rate per X Person-Weeks at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 18 comma13.2 1.5 N
eps_wevents/followuptime Event Rate per Patient-Day at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 19 comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime)X Event Rate per X Patient-Days at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 20 comma13.2 1.5 N
timetocensor/365.25 Total Observable Years 21 comma13.1 0.82 N
timetocensor Total Observable Days 22 comma14.0 0.82 N
Table 3.12: tt1t2_tablecolumns_all File
Table Column ColumnLabel Order CIRate ColumnFormat ColumnWidth IncludeInReport
t1cida Npts Number of Patients 1 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Episodes Number of Index Dates 2 N comma14.0 0.82 N
DenNumPts Number of Eligible Members 3 N comma14.0 0.82 N
DenNumMemDays Total Eligible Member-Days 4 N comma14.0 0.82 N
DenNumMemDays/365.25 Total Eligible Member-Years 5 N comma13.1 0.82 N
(Npts/DenNumPts)<i>X Number of Patients per X Eligible Members 6 N comma13.2 1.5 N
(npts/dennumpts)<i>X Number of Patients per X Eligible Members (95% Confidence Interval) 7 P comma13.2 1.5 N
npts/dennumpts Number of Patients per Eligible Member (95% Confidence Interval) 8 P comma13.2 1.5 N
npts/dennummemdays Number of Patients per Eligible Member-Day (95% Confidence Interval) 9 R comma13.2 1.5 N
npts/(dennummemdays/365.25) Number of Patients per Eligible Member-Year (95% Confidence Interval) 10 R comma13.2 1.5 N
(npts/dennummemdays)<i>X Number of Patients per X Eligible Member-Days (95% Confidence Interval) 11 R comma13.2 1.5 N
(npts/[dennummemdays/365.25])<i>X Number of Patients per X Eligible Member-Years (95% Confidence Interval) 12 R comma13.2 1.5 N
AdjustedCodeCount Number of Index Date Defining-Dispensings (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 13 N comma14.0 0.82 N
RawCodeCount Number of Index Date Defining-Dispensings (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 14 N comma14.0 0.82 N
AdjustedCodeCount/Npts Number of Index Date Defining-Dispensings per Patient (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 15 N comma13.2 0.72 N
RawCodeCount/Npts Number of Index Date Defining-Dispensings per Patient (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 16 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp Total Days Supply in Index Date Defining-Records 17 N comma14.0 0.82 N
DaySupp/Npts Mean Days Supply per Patient 18 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/Episodes Mean Days Supply per Index Date 19 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/AdjustedCodeCount Mean Days Supply per Index Date Defining-Record (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 20 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/RawCodeCount Mean Days Supply per Index Date Defining-Record (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 21 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp Total Amount Supplied in Index Date Defining-Records 22 N comma14.0 0.82 N
AmtSupp/Npts Mean Amount Supplied per Patient 23 N comma13.2 0.82 N
AmtSupp/Episodes Mean Amount Supplied per Index Date 24 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp/AdjustedCodeCount Mean Amount Supplied per Index Date Defining-Record (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 25 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp/RawCodeCount Mean Amount Supplied per Index Date Defining-Record (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 26 N comma13.2 0.72 N
timetocensor/365.25 Total Observable Years 27 N comma13.1 0.82 N
timetocensor Total Observable Days 28 N comma13.0 0.72 N
t2cida Npts Number of Patients 1 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Episodes Number of Exposure Episodes 2 N comma14.0 0.82 N
All_Events Total Number of Events 3 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Eps_wEvents Number of Exposure Episodes with an Event 4 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Eps_wEvents/Npts Proportion of Patients with an Event 5 N comma13.2 0.72 N
Eps_wEvents/Episodes Proportion of Exposure Episodes with an Event 6 N comma13.2 0.72 N
eps_wevents/episodes Proportion of Exposure Episodes with an Event (95% Confidence Interval) 7 P comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/episodes)<i>X Number of Exposure Episodes with an Event per X Exposure Episodes (95% Confidence Interval) 8 P comma13.2 1.5 N
followuptime/365.25 Total Years at Risk 9 N comma13.1 0.82 N
followuptime Total Days at Risk 10 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Eps_wEvents/(followuptime/365.25) Number of Exposure Episodes with an Event per Patient-Year at Risk 11 N comma13.2 0.72 N
eps_wevents/(followuptime/365.25) Event Rate per Patient-Year at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 12 R comma13.2 1.5 N
(Eps_wEvents/(followuptime/365.25))<i>X Event Rate per X Patient-Years at Risk 13 N comma13.2 0.72 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime/365.25))<i>X Event Rate per X Patient-Years at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 14 R comma13.2 1.5 N
eps_wevents/(followuptime/30.35) Event Rate per Patient-Month at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 15 R comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime/30.35))<i>X Event Rate per X Patient-Months at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 16 R comma13.2 1.5 N
eps_wevents/followuptime Event Rate per Patient-Day at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 17 R comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/followuptime)<i>X Event Rate per X Patient-Days at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 18 R comma13.2 1.5 N
DenNumPts Number of Eligible Members 19 N comma14.0 0.82 N
DenNumMemDays/365.25 Total Eligible Member-Years 20 N comma13.1 0.82 N
DenNumMemDays Total Eligible Member-Days 21 N comma14.0 0.82 N
(Npts/DenNumPts)<i>X Number of Patients per X Eligible Members 22 N comma13.2 1.5 N
(Eps_wEvents/DenNumPts)<i>X Number of Exposure Episodes with an Event per X Eligible Member-Years 23 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AdjustedCodeCount Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 24 N comma14.0 0.82 N
AdjustedCodeCount/Npts Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings per Patient (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 25 N comma13.2 0.72 N
RawCodeCount Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 26 N comma14.0 0.82 N
RawCodeCount/Npts Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings per Patient (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 27 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp Total Days Supply During Exposure Episodes 28 N comma14.0 0.82 N
DaySupp/Npts Mean Days Supply per Patient 29 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/Episodes Mean Days Supply per Exposure Episode 30 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/AdjustedCodeCount Mean Days Supply per Exposure Episode (Adjusted for Same-Day Records) 31 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/RawCodeCount Mean Days Supply per Exposure Episode (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Records) 32 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp Total Amount Supplied During Exposure Episodes 33 N comma14.0 0.82 N
AmtSupp/Npts Mean Amount Supplied per Patient 34 N comma13.2 0.82 N
AmtSupp/Episodes Mean Amount Supplied per Exposure Episode 35 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp/AdjustedCodeCount Mean Amount Supplied per Exposure Episode (Adjusted for Same-Day Records) 36 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp/RawCodeCount Mean Amount Supplied per Exposure Episode (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Records) 37 N comma13.2 0.72 N
timetocensor/365.25 Total Observable Years 38 N comma13.1 0.82 N
timetocensor Total Observable Days 39 N comma13.0 0.72 N
t2conc Npts Number of Patients with a Concomitant Episode 1 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Episodes Number of Concomitant Episodes 2 N comma14.0 0.82 N
All_Events Total Number of Events 3 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Eps_wEvents Number of Concomitant Episodes with an Event 4 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Eps_wEvents/Npts Proportion of Patients with an Event 5 N comma13.2 0.72 N
Eps_wEvents/Episodes Proportion of Concomitant Episodes with an Event 6 N comma13.2 0.72 N
eps_wevents/episodes Proportion of Concomitant Episodes with an Event (95% Confidence Interval) 7 P comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/episodes)<i>X Number of Concomitant Episodes with an Event per X Concomitant Episodes (95% Confidence Interval) 8 P comma13.2 1.5 N
followuptime/365.25 Total Years at Risk 9 N comma13.1 0.82 N
followuptime Total Days at Risk 10 N comma14.0 0.82 N
Eps_wEvents/(followuptime/365.25) Event Rate per Patient-Year at Risk 11 N comma13.2 0.72 N
eps_wevents/(followuptime/365.25) Event Rate per Patient-Year at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 12 R comma13.2 1.5 N
(Eps_wEvents/(followuptime/365.25))<i>X Event Rate per X Patient-Years at Risk 13 N comma13.2 0.72 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime/365.25))<i>X Event Rate per X Patient-Years at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 14 R comma13.2 1.5 N
eps_wevents/(followuptime/30.35) Event Rate per Patient-Month at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 15 R comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/(followuptime/30.35))<i>X Event Rate per X Patient-Months at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 16 R comma13.2 1.5 N
eps_wevents/followuptime Event Rate per Patient-Day at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 17 R comma13.2 1.5 N
(eps_wevents/followuptime)<i>X Event Rate per X Patient-Days at Risk (95% Confidence Interval) 18 R comma13.2 1.5 N
AdjustedCodeCount Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 19 N comma14.0 0.82 N
AdjustedCodeCount/Npts Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings per Patient (Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 20 N comma13.2 0.72 N
RawCodeCount Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 21 N comma14.0 0.82 N
RawCodeCount/Npts Number of Exposure Episode Defining-Dispensings per Patient (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Dispensings) 22 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp Total Days Supply During Concomitant Episodes 23 N comma14.0 0.82 N
DaySupp/Npts Mean Days Supply per Patient 24 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/Episodes Mean Days Supply per Concomitant Episode 25 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/AdjustedCodeCount Mean Days Supply per Concomitant Episode (Adjusted for Same-Day Records) 26 N comma13.2 0.72 N
DaySupp/RawCodeCount Mean Days Supply per Concomitant Episode (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Records) 27 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp Total Amount Supplied During Concomitant Episodes 28 N comma14.0 0.82 N
AmtSupp/Npts Mean Amount Supplied per Patient 29 N comma13.2 0.82 N
AmtSupp/Episodes Mean Amount Supplied per Concomitant Episode 30 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp/AdjustedCodeCount Mean Amount Supplied per Concomitant Episode (Adjusted for Same-Day Records) 31 N comma13.2 0.72 N
AmtSupp/RawCodeCount Mean Amount Supplied per Concomitant Episode (Not Adjusted for Same-Day Records) 32 N comma13.2 0.72 N